February 7 super moon astrology

Planetary Row
  1. 2018 Eclipse Charts
  2. Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture
  3. Moon Sign Calculator - Astrocal

Absolutely beautiful, synchronistic and reflecting how I am feeling. This is such a perfect description of what I am going through right now my mouth was agape while reading it and I have tears in my eyes!

Thank you for the gentle reminder to stop pushing SO hard and being so hard on myself, and just let the unfolding and the synchronicities happen.

2018 Eclipse Charts

This resonated so much. Thank you for sharing. It will be a month-long reminder and inspiration when challenges arise. Thank you MM and thank you Lena. May you receive in return all the blessings you so richly shower on us — a thousandfold!

It was definitely a wake up call to take it easy, and yes! Do things for me! But there is no you without you! Thank you thank you!!!

I SO very needed to read this and am happy I did. This all Resonates quite deeply. Thank you for your support and congratulations on the partnership!

Namaste my lovely friends, I can feel just how passionate you are about your work, just as it says in the reading. Love the magic part, Thank you for sharing your awesome wisdom. Click here to cancel reply. It is deep and it is cultural.

We are still under its influence as we begin the month and we can use its wave of energy to launch this time for ourselves in a good way. It is best if you can include the intention of ease, clarity, right timing, and support for patience and perfect alignment for your actions to be effortless.

You cannot force a bud to bloom before its time, and you never know exactly how that full bloom is going to look. It creates a perfect structure of time for observation, review, and change. How the month shows up: The biggest challenge and one that will reap the most rewards in the end will be to examine and change your relationship with time.

It is up for review for everyone both personally and culturally. Ask and you shall receive. If doubt surfaces around your ability, push it aside and stay with the feeling of magic instead. If they test you, it will be in the form of not being on the same page.

Especially your work relationships may be operating on a different wavelength than you. This may make it challenging for you to stay with your intentions to allow things to simply unfold.

The Moon opposes Saturn and Pluto, and we may be frustrated by the little things that seem to go wrong or that pull us out of our shells or comfort zones.

We can feel some tension due to our drives to perform or the demands of our responsibilities.

Moon Sign Calculator

The Cancer Moon seeks familiarity, but events, people, and circumstances seem to demand otherwise. Even so, we can readily adapt and turn tensions into winning situations now as the Moon harmonizes with Neptune and Venus and a Pluto-Juno trine point to an excellent time for sharing power effectively in our relationships, as well as for enjoying increased commitment and intensity or passion.

A Mercury-Uranus aspect in force today can point to difficulties following a schedule. This is a scatterbrain aspect — we might have original ideas but difficulty conveying them or making them work just for now.

As well today, Mercury forms a square to Neptune, and we can find it challenging to follow or clearly communicate facts, directions, and instructions. Perceptions may be confused or too idealistic, influenced strongly by wishful thinking and imagination.

We may be dealing with deception or self-deception, and it can be difficult to be discriminating. Our minds open to many different possibilities and options, however. We can feel inspired, or we might be thinking in imaginative or possibly impractical ways.

The Moon is void from 9: The Moon spends the day in the sign of Leo. Warmth, generosity, pride, and a sense for the dramatic are hallmarks of a Leo Moon. Creativity blossoms and we take pride in our accomplishments.

Satisfaction comes from positive feedback from others. The Leo Moon is devoted, affectionate, and generous.

The Moon continues its transit of Leo until The Moon in Virgo harmonizes with the Capricorn Sun tonight, encouraging cooperation and focus. We can feel pleasantly motivated to take care of business, to get organized, or to attend to important details. We might watch for pushing an issue too far now. The Moon is void from We crave organization and want to get things accomplished.

This Moon transit encourages our desire to learn, acquire skills, excel at our work, pay particular attention to health, and help others. With Venus sextile Pluto, our feelings are intense, and we appreciate depth of emotion and authenticity in our dealings with others. This can be a good time for doing what we love, following our passions, or pursuing a pleasure more heartily than usual.

There is a drive to take decisive action, possibly to defend or help others or to better ourselves. Forgiveness can be very much a part of all of this as a way to heal and move forward. The Moon spends the day in the sign of compromising Libra.

The restlessness of the Gemini Moon gives way to an instinctive need for peace and quiet. A feeling of belonging and safety is what motivates us under this influence. The Moon feels right at home in the sign of Cancer, as it rules the sign. This Moon position has much healing potential. Although insular by nature, our feelings run deep, making it an ideal time to get in touch with what motivates us.

The Moon in Cancer generally favors the following activities: Domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers. The Moon in Leo speaks to our "inner child".

It's a warm, generous, whole-heartedly loving position. Pride keeps us from pettiness, but it can also prevent us from opening up and revealing how we are truly feeling. We are on stage, our feelings are grand, and we appreciate some drama in our lives.

Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture

We are easily threatened by anything that seems to be impersonal. This is a time when we seek attention--when we want to stand out for our special qualities. It's a strong time for romance and any creative activity as well. The Moon in Leo generally favors the following activities: Creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.

We instinctually gravitate towards practical activities under the influence of a Virgo Moon. In an urge to set things right, we might easily find ourselves re-organizing and rethinking plans. Emotional satisfaction comes from solving problems, making order out of confusion, and helping others.

Health matters might come into focus. We notice the smaller parts that make up the whole, and instead of letting nagging details bother us, we might work on ironing them out so that we can feel more confident moving ahead.

The Moon in Virgo generally favors the following activities: Mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details. Creating order is the focus, not necessarily through tidying or organizing as was the case while the Moon was in Virgo, but rather through pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in our environment.

We tend to solve problems through diplomacy, and we are more able to put aside our own emotions in order to achieve the peace we crave. The tendency now is to avoid direct confrontations. Decisions do not come easily.

Moon Sign Calculator - Astrocal

Seeing both sides to any given situation is the main reason for hesitation. Fear of losing others' approval is another. The Moon in Libra generally favors the following activities: Relationship and partnership issues, activities involving teamwork and cooperation, activities that involve self-examination, activities related to beauty.

This means cooperation and organization, authority and discipline, responsibility — and all these things are what it takes to get you where you know you must go.

Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse February 11, 2017 - Gregory Scott Astrology

If your vision is only for yourself, what you create cannot last: Ambition, practicality, and achievement are admirable, but they are means to an end — not ends in themselves.

Mercury in Sagittarius A time of expanding your mental horizons is at hand. Religion, philosophy, law, and education are some of the things that may have special importance for you now. Being in touch with faraway people and places satisfies an intellectual yearning — curiosity will take you anywhere and maybe everywhere. How can you or anyone save the world?

Defending the weak, undoing injustice, and tilting at windmills can be a big temptation. Jupiter in Sagittarius Faith, optimism, and a yearning to explore all kinds of new horizons: Travel, education, and other ways to stretch your horizons open new doors of opportunity.

Religious, philosophical, and cultural matters are likely to have special appeal for you now; transmitting ideas on a broader scale brings gain. Saturn in Capricorn Responsibility, hard work, ambition, and achievement: And yet, there is a tendency to be a little too hard, perhaps a bit cold, in your approach to these things.

Uranus in Aries A clean break with the past in some respects is signaled by the cycle you have just begun. Uniqueness and originality set you apart. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation.

If all is Maya illusion , what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances? Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone and everyone in their place….

The interpretations in this box are from the Day Watch software. The Astrology of — Overview. This Month in Astrology.

Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese.

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