Mumbai mirror 7 january 2019 horoscope

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Be warned, before taking a step, counsels Ganesha. In the morning you will be able to complete all tasks impulsively, but the later half of the day you will take a measured approach.

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Despondency may trouble you all through the day. At your workplace you will be in great demand as a problem solver. You may be able to put your money into something safe or into a business and will want to invest a good amount for future needs.

Today, you may not be in a mood to work as you may lose focus often. This may create problems in meeting deadlines in future. Your flexible, down-to-earth and optimistic attitude is likely to pay off well, personally and professionally.

Hard-work never goes unnoticed. Your superiors will appreciate your contribution to the progress of the company. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!

You will find your way through the storm, that too with a smile on your face. It is in your nature to love and care for others, and hence people will be extremely fond of you.

You will feel like helping others. Most Read How many of these old pictures of Salman Khan have you seen Salman Khan's birthday bash in Panvel: Family and B-Town fr Nana Chudasama's prayer meet: Failed to execute rules and externals at com.

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Could not invoke method: String index out of range: First, you will recognise the ways in which your attitudes and behaviour create unwanted consequences and then you will realise how you can change your destiny by altering your approach. At work, you will reinforce the all-round impression that you are a pleasant and considerate person even when Mars increases stress levels after May.

With a little support from employers you will conquer your fear of the future and, by August, you will be contemplating your next leap into the unknown with courage and confidence. Your financial prospects are very uncertain, and it could be October before all your efforts pay off and a thumping loss becomes a healthy profit.

Your horoscope for the first half of the year continues in a state which can only be described as perfect. True, there are many challenges, especially in your family affairs and in your ability to deal with people you live with, yet it is in coping with such questions that the path to true self-understanding lies. And, from self-awareness flows that feeling of contentment for which you yearn.

What makes your chart so utterly remarkable until July is the presence of the small and little-known celestial body, Chiron, in an alignment with your house of marriage.

Chiron is known as a teacher, a healer, a bringer of strange encounters. Any wish made in the right spirit must therefore soon be granted. Whatever happens, remember that Jupiter, a jovial and beneficial planet, is well-placed to support you all year, helping you to broaden your ambitions and achieve your aims.

April highlights the pressure for a fresh start compelling you to re-evaluate your current emotional aspirations. It is likely that opposition from someone else, who is very close to you, may be the catalyst for a new relationship in August, September and November.

November raises your expectations in a number of ways and the outcome could be expensive as well as socially enjoyable. However, if you do take on something new it should be in a spirit of total determination. You must be willing to face the consequences of your choice and not change course in mid-stream.

Travel stars predominate in June so you maybe on the road, checking out new business options or exploring fresh professional possibilities. You will ask yourself whether you can really afford to take a trip at this time. The other, easier option is that you stay put and the world comes to you.

Looking Ahead: What your stars foretell in 2018, based on your Zodiac sign

Even after then, relations and other people you live with, will seem curiously determined to misinterpret the most simple requests and proposals.

Well, by April you should be ready to rouse yourself, seize control of the situation and impose your will in your gentle but uncompromising manner. In the meantime, please tackle practical issues and leave emotional complications to look after themselves.


By September, even those of you in settled relationships will be having decidedly pleasant and refreshing encounters. Venus will bring brighter romantic prospects with a chance of dramatic change.

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You may live more than you have lived for twelve years! Macho Mars challenges you to stand up for yourself and make sure that from now on partners know that you mean business.

October could bring unexpected storms. During December you will be looking for emotional support, although you might have to put your interests second, allowing partners to take the lead. It is an excellent business year, even though you may not be aware of the full implications of what is happening and it is still possible that you might miss the boat.

After all, if you do not maximise your earnings and spot the right ways to save and spend, you cannot expect circumstances to do all the hard work for you. What you need to do is translate your hopes and desires into hard cash. At work, you will become all too aware that it is not a good idea to have all your eggs in one basket.

You are simply going to have to change the nature of your ambitions and be more versatile. The broader your skills the more you will be in control of your own destiny.

You will take life one day at a time, slowly in February, faster in March and positively in April. Questions which you thought would never be answered may finally be settled and people who seemed impossibly weird may turn out to be quite normal! The most positive way to deal with family affairs after September is to follow your hunches, act on the basis of intuition, allow free rein to your imagination and indulge your dreams.

And give far more prominence to pure romance than has often been the case. Emotional planets will be sending other people to challenge you on all fronts, but do not fight back blindly; listen to what they have to say about you and try to remedy any shortcomings which you think might be true.

Magnetic Mars puts you in top gear for joint business projects and you and a lover could be heading for a healthy profit. Developments will be especially lively after October. Your professional stars are well aspected early in the year. This is good news, but more important is the fact that it is a fine moment to discover your spiritual values and bring out your philanthropic side.

It would not be surprising if you contemplated a complete change of professional direction around the middle of the year, perhaps as a result of a domestic shift. More significantly though, it is a time when your creative imagination is set to bloom so, even if you are staying put, do everything you can to make your work more colourful and, most importantly, personally fulfilling.

The time for action is now but the best approach one day may not be the same as on the next.

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By June and July it will be clear that without extra funds there is no way that you can live the adventurous social life that is really so necessary. A younger relation could increasingly be a potent influence in your life, but one which needs to be watched with caution.

You will be sorting out the fine details of your relationships, weighing up your work and finances, domestic desires, romantic dreams and physical passions and working out a reasonable balance. Even when your plans do not work out early in the year, you can look forward to a period, in the middle of the year, when all your prayers will be answered.

From then, until the end of the year, friendly opportunities are going to be coming your way, and all that is required is that you handle them in such a way as to make them permanent, rather than simply passing strokes of pleasure and luck.

March and June are the most hopeful months for financial improvements, while February and July favour advances in your career. Even though your interests will not be directly affected by these alignments, your general environment will be.

Horoscopes for you

During the latter part of September and the whole of October you will be coming to the aid of colleagues whose careers are in a mess. You should become more aware of this strain, especially as far as your domestic duties are concerned. Your family situation shows every indication of becoming more complex, while you may be growing more indecisive in the face of competing demands.

Therefore, take a cautious line and put off important plans until preparations are complete, perhaps after April. And, by Autumn you will long for greater passion and deeper commitment from the people you live with. The more confident you are, the more romantic opportunities you will attract.

There is no doubt that optimism breeds success which, in turn, boosts your confidence. Every area of your life looks set to benefit from social invitations, including your relationships, business concerns and career. The new moon in May initiates a phase in which there will be an emphasis on your family relationships rather than romantic affairs.

There will be few feelings you will not be able to deal with and, if you do face opposition to your plans, the cause could be emotional rivalry or jealousy. August-September and November-December will restore your emotional confidence and goodwill.

Mars will spur you on to new heights of effort and achievement during its long and erratic passage through your chart. You can look forward to a period of unparalleled success when Mars links up with Jupiter in August. Yet it is absolutely essential that you consciously take care of all practical details.

While your general prosperity will improve, it looks very much as if it is your turnover rather than savings which will increase. September and October are your significant money months that will bring a major dilemma. If you handle this well, you will lay the foundations for future wealth.

However, it is more likely that family members and people you live with will be arousing your passions and stirring up your anger especially in April, May or June. The net result is that you might stuck in a typically emotional dilemma, on the one hand feeling that now is the time to break free, yet, on the other, all too aware of the difficulty of shifting some of your emotional ties.

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Venus, planet of love, sails through a sweet and sociable sector of your chart in February, giving you a second chance to get a relationship going, and a first chance to build a bright future.

By the beginning of May you will be at your most charming and ready for an intriguing romantic encounter. Generous Jupiter aids your social and romantic aspirations in July. Just be careful in August when the emotional temperature rises, bringing the risk of unfortunate consequences.