Pisces moon female compatibility

  1. Moon Sign Compatibility Chart to Help You Find Your Best Match
  2. Mercury enters Capricorn
  3. Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility with Aries Moon Sign
  4. Love Compatibility in the Astrological Chart: The Moon

To not be rushed. You move at your own pace. Taurus, Capricorn Take a risk: Sagittarius moons are explorers at heart.

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  • Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility with Taurus Moon Sign.
  • Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility;
  • Moon Sign Compatibility Chart to Help You Find Your Best Match;

Your heart is fed by meeting new people, in learning from new cultures in non-appropriative ways! This is what you teach others how to do: Someone who helps you expand your mind. Who introduces you to new concepts. To be trusted by your person. Gemini, Aquarius Take a risk: You want to be in charge of how you present to the world.

And how you present which emotions to the world, and when. Scheduling emotional shit into your calendar? Sounds like something you do. What is your own personal awareness of your emotions like?

Moon Sign Compatibility Chart to Help You Find Your Best Match

Can you locate your feelings in your body at any given time? It might be time to break out that journal and start getting in touch with the connection between your body and your emotions.

Safety — which is to say, someone you feel safe with and seen by. Consistency — whatever that looks like to you. Cancer, Libra Take a risk: Aquarius moons are probably one of the most fearless moons of the zodiac, which is to say, you could legitimately give two fucks what anyone thinks.

A sense of purpose, or calling, or vocation. Aquarians are often called the humanitarians of the zodiac, and folks with Aquarius moons feel strongly about being emotionally connected to a community.

Many folks in astrology take the easy road and say that your independent streak makes you more open to polyamory and open relationships. Folks with strong Aquarian energy require the freedom to build their own kind of system, no matter their relationship orientation.

You need freedom within whatever relationship system you are building with your partner s , who themselves have to be thoughtful and considerate and open-minded people.

Aries, Sagittarius Take a risk: Pisces moons know this better than most; you feel more deeply and are more psychically in tune with this world than others are capable of grasping. Your capacity for empathy is inspirational to those around you, but you also pick up on everything in your environment like whoa.

Not feeling everything going around you, everything people put on you. It is not your responsibility, alone, to take on the cares of the world, or even the cares of those closest to you.

Learning to filter out, and feel through, the various layers is a difficult road, but one that leads to deep and fulfilling relationships that build you up. Everyone loves to be appreciated, but you, more than most, appreciate the grand gesture, the one that is specifically attuned to your interests, the one that is over the top.

Friends and lovers who are real with you and who understand you, and who, for this reason, can challenge you and push you while cherishing you. Who know how to be tough and tender at the same time.

Taurus, Virgo Take a risk: There are many places you can go, but to do your own chart, go to astro. To get the most accurate chart, you need your exact time of birth in addition to your date and place of birth; however, you can still do a chart without a time of birth.

Go forth and learn! You can read her horoscopes for writers at Electric Literature. She is currently working on a memoir. You need to login in order to like this post: I look forward to more! Sorry, rambled, just excited!!! JEANNA oh my god i was JUST talking about how i would love to find someone who likes me as much as i like them and takes care of me the way i take care of them and wow from the virgo moon: So very excited for this series!

For years I thought my moon sign meant that I was too drunk to GAF and started to moon people for laughs outa boredom. I do hate being corralled and I do love openly. Why keep it bottled up?

Mercury enters Capricorn

And I love how you as a writer laid it all out. I am looking foreword to more. I knew I was a Pisces moon Virgo sun, Gemini ascendent and I had a general idea of what that meant, but this gave me a lot more information! Also thanks for the Time Passages recommendation! I have never related all that much to my sun sign Taurus and then I started reading into astrology a bit more recently and found out I was a Scorpio moon and SO much made sense.

And this whole thing made me feel Extremely Seen so I loved it. People pushing your boundaries. I am a Capricorn Moon, Capricorn rising and have Capricorn all over my chart and yet I cannot relate to this sign at all! I am terrible at concealing my feelings!

Most likely, along with Gemini Moons, to remain friends with their exes. Deeply sensitive yet super practical, this Moon will not tolerate emotional fluff.

This Moon loves structure and a practical approach to solving relationship problems. This integrity can make evolved Scorpio Moons a winning match, and earth Moons are typically winners as well.

An independent Moon, this sign craves dialogue, discourse, and discovery. Aquarius Moons can handle polyamory well and anything that smacks of the avant garde.

Aries Moon

They need freedom and stimulation, though, like Sag, they can get locked into a one-sided view of what is right. Some kind of spiritual life and a calm environment will help her blossom.

She is service-oriented and must learn to set boundaries to avoid depleting her energy. This Moon makes a lovely companion to Virgo and Capricorn.

A settled Sag Moon or a self-reliant Scorpio might find companionship here as well. Pisces may like the nurturing of a Cancer moon but will struggle with fire moons and the remoteness of Aquarius.

She was big-hearted, warm, and loved the give and take of emotions. As with any astrological connection, you can make anything work, depending on how hard you are willing to try. I told Ally that Dave was never going to be the warm, adoring type, though he could learn to speak a love language that felt more natural for her.

Was she willing to give herself more of the love she was seeking from Dave? If not, no matter how good other components were, she would always feel emotionally shut out by him.

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Ally took a few weeks to consider. When she came for another session, she reported that she had decided to step back from the relationship. Your Moon sign is vital to co-creating a lasting, satisfying relationship with yourself and with another. Understanding needs and emotional patterns by knowing Moon signs will give you a head start in navigating both new and established relationships—and relationships with family and friends, too.

Curious about Moon signs? Both of you find music and nature very soothing and nurturing. If you try to control taking in all the troubles around you, then you both can make a very understanding couple.

Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility with Leo Moon Sign One of you may constantly feel that you are making a lot of compromises to make your partner happy, leading to an imbalance in relationship. Though you both may feel some strong attraction, managing routine chores will appear difficult for both of you.

While Leos are energetic, warm and friendly, Pisceans are moody and preoccupied most of the times. Leo natives are quite narcissistic and will often exaggerate their feelings in order to be the centre of attention.

Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility with Aries Moon Sign

This might make them appear as a tyrant in household. Pisceans are calm, gentle and definitely not fighters. It may appear as if Leo is running the entire show and Pisceans just act along obeying their orders.

Pisceans are easily influenced emotionally from their surroundings and hence when Leos are in good mood, they will tend to be more energetic and optimistic. On the other hand, when Leos are down, Pisceans will end up all the more upset. Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility with Virgo Moon Sign You both are quite opposite to each other, but can complement well if you compromise with each other and accept your differences.

Virgos are perfectionists, orderly and have great attention to detail whereas Pisceans are unorganized, disorderly and dreamy. Virgos tend to intellectualize the emotions but Pisceans value emotions a lot. Pisceans are sentimental and helping in nature but knows no limit, whereas Virgos are also helping and nurturing, but knows their limits and when to stop being sympathetic.

Virgos often set high standards to be maintained for self and others, whereas Pisceans are unattached, easygoing, non-judgmental and undisciplined. Virgos are actually attracted to this unconditional nature of the Pisceans. Virgos are quite criticizing which could hurt the delicate Pisceans.

In fact, both of you are a little moody and passive, but if they learn to accept each other, you can complement well.

Leo & Pisces: Love Compatibility

If you both work together, you can run your lives smoothly and create a loving and nurturing home. Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility with Libra Moon Sign Though both of you have different temperaments, you both love to build a peaceful and conflict-free home and can make a romantic and friendly couple.

Both of you try to avoid controversies, especially the Pisceans. However, there are few differences as well. While Libras are friendly, diplomatic and orderly, Pisceans are sensitive, instinctual and undisciplined.

Libras feel a sense of moderation is must in the relationship, whereas Pisceans often try to exaggerate everything.

Love Compatibility in the Astrological Chart: The Moon

Pisceans are comparatively more compassionate and sympathetic, while Libras want equality in relationships. They want to balance the scale and want to how much each has given and taken, unlike the more generous Pisceans.

Otherwise, the diplomatic Libras will gently dismiss things done by Pisceans and Pisceans will try to manipulate the situation emotionally. You both are extremely sensitive. Scorpios often tend to hold on to hurt feelings and may build up resentments for a long time, whereas Pisceans are more understanding, forgiving and tolerant.

Scorpios are emotionally very intense while Pisceans are gentle and tend to avoid any conflict. This might lead to hatred, if the issues are not discussed openly. Scorpio is a fighter and wants to hit back when hurt, whereas Pisceans are pacifists and would do anything to avoid conflicts.

Both of you are very manipulative and secretive and share an excellent emotional bonding. However, both of you are articulate enough in expressing your feelings.

Both of you adore music and living near a water body will benefit you two. Pisces Moon Sign Compatibility with Sagittarius Moon Sign Both of you is not very compatible pair and may have to make few compromises to make things work out. Sagittarians are more energetic and enthusiastic which can at times be overwhelming for the Pisceans. However, you both have a lot of things in common.

Both of you are generous and set no boundaries in relationships and will give promise that neither of you will fulfill. You both are intuitive and attract each other to some extent.

While Pisceans are dreamy, moody and sympathetic, Sagittarians are enthusiastic, frank and somewhat haughty, which can upset the delicate Pisceans. Sagittarians are very sociable and love to talk while Pisceans would like to stay at home instead of being at a crowded party.