January 21 horoscope sign pisces or pisces

Compatibility of Sun Signs
  1. Sabian Symbol
  2. January 21st Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs
  3. Lucky color
  4. Pisces Dates of Birth

As this young and special Aquarius representative walks through life, we will see that fixing the image of a fallen Sun becomes their primal objective. This is a planetary row that obviously speaks of the need to connect the opposites in a family tree, primarily the feminine and the masculine archetype in their parents.

In order to truly become the best possible version of themselves, they need to build unconditional respect for everyone else in the world, seeing others as equals.

While their humanitarian nature burns within, they are still prone to prejudice, as if their tail was left in the stiff sign of Capricorn, holding them back. The spirituality behind the symbol such as this one points to the Neptunian side to the sign of Aquarius, the sign of its exaltation, rather than the Sun in detriment that comes as a shock.

A lot of work needs to be put in to shake off parental and family patterns and break loose from the system that makes them feel small in any way. January 21st is a date of genetic encounters and oppositions, and all things that need to be mended and healed in one's family tree.

As they learn to divide, separate, and build their walls, it is important to hold on to the creative strength, children, youth, and their own child within. Although we might hypothesize that everyone does this in a certain way, in lives of these individuals it will be as obvious as the light of day. Their spouse will be the same as their parent, conflicts are inevitable, and the sense of mission will spark up, leaving a January 21st born in a state of shock once again, only to discover where their place is.

Emotional in their core, much more than some other Aquarius representatives, those born on this date must let go of stale and static emotions to find those liberating feelings of love, followed by laughter, joy, and time well spent. When unsatisfied, they tend to hold on too long to those they once fell in love with, treasuring them like an old ornament or a trophy, not really aware that the time has come to move on.

People born on January 21st excel in all matters that need someone to take responsibility. They will be good as functionaries in high positions, politicians and researchers, always standing at the edge of some sort of risk to prevent the catastrophe from coming their way.

Protective of those around them, they could serve their time in military, or enroll in some sort of a state institution with a strong structure.

They make excellent plans, and as open for higher spheres as they are, they absorb higher knowledge with ease, finding faith and feeling protected by the higher force. Snowflake obsidian helps those born on January 21st lead their emotions to the surface and examine harmful thought patterns. It is a stone of purity and helps one stay centered and focused when a chaotic situation presents itself in their life.

Lovers born on January 21 are extremely attractive and charming. They always have their words, but imagine when this eloquence is combined with passion.

Sabian Symbol

They are attracted to people who can accept their eccentricities and keep up with them. You can conquer the heart of Aquarius if you master the art of revealing who you are step by step so they never get bored. When they are single they act just about the same as when they are in a relationship, they seem to have no restrictions and just live their life at its fullest.

Relationships in Astrology

They are likely to surprise everyone around them with the passionate love they are capable of, only if they come across someone that will truly awake their interest. Otherwise they are aware of their attractiveness and this leads them to a tumultuous love life, falling in and out of love. A creative, freedom lover, once decided to settle will invest all their attention in their family and they will probably have brilliant children.

Some struggle, trial and error will govern parts of their love life but in the end everything will be worth it. They are most compatible with those born on the 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 24th and 27th.

January 21st Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

January 21 Zodiac people are most attracted to the other air signs: Gemini and Libra as they tend to share the same vision of life.

In love, Aquarius is permanently seeking for someone capable of understanding their adventurous nature and the best to offer them this is actually another Aquarius.

The lover in Aquarius is said to be least compatible with Scorpio. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Aquarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose. Blue-green suggests security and maturity and in some cultures is associated to friendship. This zodiac color is advised to be used in accessories and items of clothing.

People who have blue-green as sign color are balanced, confident and attractive at most times.

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Blue-green or aqua is favored by cool, composed and of conservative practicality personalities that prefer rather to conform for their peace of mind than start an argument. The magnetic Amethyst is the birthstone said to be representative for Aquarians born with January Amethyst is a precious material that denotes balance and inner strength.

This zodiac birthstone should be used in pendants, bracelets and other accessories. Amethyst is said to boost general healing and sooth headaches and arthritis. This stone can be found in Brazil and comes in all kinds of purples and mauves. Another gemstone considered lucky for Aquarius natives is Amber. It is the symbol of courage and reaction.

Orchid is one of those plants that denote grace and sensibility. This zodiac flower is advised to be used for gifts and decorations. In ancient Greek, this flower was thought to determine the gender of an unborn child. This flower can be found during spring time. Platinum is a metal that suggests power and wealth.

This zodiac metal should be used in bracelets and other accessories. This is one of the rarest metals on Earth and so it associated with an exclusive and prestigious status.

Being resistant to tarnish and wear platinum is frequently used in electronic equipments.

Lucky color

Those born on January 21 are great at analyzing and observing various things. They also have a visionary nature and want to be useful for the society they live in.

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Stability and a sense of welcoming is essential for these natives at home and this is what they try to instill to their partners and children as well. They honor the efforts of those around proudly and this makes them great coworkers and even more empathic leaders.

Their health is quite good but since Aquarius rules the lower limbs and blood circulation, they are susceptible to suffering from affections concerning the above mentioned areas. At which of the four do you believe people belonging to January 21 are most successful?

pisces january 2019 horoscope from astrology forecast

Answer the following poll and see what other's think:. This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Uranus. This is representative for people who are altruistic and resourceful just like Aquarius and inquisitive just like Uranus.

This decan is said to be magnifying all characteristics of the Aquarius zodiac sign, both positive and negative. Being born on the 21st day of the month means creativity coupled with intuition and a practical, detail oriented approach to life matters.

The numerology for January 21 is 3.

Pisces Dates of Birth

This number reveals great human interactions and all kinds of communication. People ruled by number three sure know their way around words. The association between Aquarius and this number will surface eloquence and great people skills in the first. January is the second winter month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing the novelty of a New Year beginning.

Those born in January are witty and organized.