Sextile astrology february 15

  1. February 15 Birthday Horoscope
  2. Daily Astro Highlights for each Sign:
  3. February 2018 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits

The ruler of the Eclipse, Saturn, is sextile Venus. Venus with Saturn, as well as the asteroid Juno are connected to the principle of devotion. This is a South Node eclipse — South Node eclipses are about letting go.

Both Lunar Nodes are about adjustments, and alignments — if North Node eclipses have a dose of mystery and unknown, South Node eclipses are more literal — the adjustments they require are more obvious. The eclipse will expose the current reality of that ideal. You may realize that you are devoted to a lost cause, or at least, your cause and the relationship you have with it needs to go through some changes.

To find out how the Eclipse is going to impact you, check which house of your natal chart Aquarius is in. There are many people who stay in current jobs, relationships, friendships out of devotion, even if they are unhappy. The Solar Eclipse in Aquarius will challenge your relationship with the concept of devotion.

Mars enters Aries

Is it really worth it? Is your devotion unconditional or do you expect something in return? Venus sextile Saturn will give you the pragmatism to make the necessary changes. You may feel uncertain about what is the best course of action. Should you assert yourself or go with the flow?

Deep inside, you know what you need to do. The affairs of the house where you have Pisces will come into focus. This aspect signifies nothing more, nothing less but pure love. Venus is exalted in Pisces and Neptune is in domicile in Pisces.

February 15 Birthday Horoscope

A cheerful and hopeful outlook increases your chances of gaining cooperation from others. Your popularity increases and efforts to smooth over challenges in partnerships are more likely to succeed.

This is an excellent influence for negotiations, marriage, and business partnerships. Nevertheless, Venus in a hard angle to Neptune suggests some adjustments in your life are necessary due to overblown expectations. Do what you can to keep your feet on the ground and avoid expecting perfection from your relationships.

Mars conjuncts Jupiter and the North Node in your Solar Return chart, infusing the year with enterprising spirit. This is a strong influence for professional as well as personal opportunities. Your faith in your ability to produce and to win takes you places you perhaps never imagined.

The energies of this influence favor negotiations, deals, legal matters, reasonable speculation, and travel.

Weekly Horoscope February 15 - 21, 2015 Astrology Angel Metatron

This aspect also favors positive outcomes in competitive activities, including sports and business, for example. Fortunate connections are likely to be made this year—connections that benefit you now and down the road, and that enhance your chances of success at achieving your goals.

Daily Astro Highlights for each Sign:

A new relationship with someone that helps to broaden your horizons, expand your mind, and deepen your personal philosophy of life is very probable. You are likely to be actively involved with teamwork and collaboration with others this year. Jupiter transiting your Sun this year indicates a greater awareness of moral issues, and a stronger than usual desire to improve and learn during this period of your life.

This is a fortunate aspect that suggests optimism and confidence are with you, and you are able to attract fortunate circumstances into your life as a result. Problems are easier to resolve this year. Your social life will likely increase and bring you in contact with more influential, powerful, or simply happy and helpful people.

Travel opportunities are likely. It is not uncommon to marry, have children, graduate college, increase income, do freelance work, get a promotion, publish a book, or receive public recognition under this influence.

Matters related to universities, higher education, organized religion, publishing, legal affairs, and foreign interests proceed smoothly. Wow, I feel so blessed to celebrate my 50th anniversary on this New Moon Solar eclips… I guess this year will be one of a huge shift, where many dreams can be manifested.

I was involved in a car accident on February 15th, and my daughter mentioned the eclipse occurred that day. I drive a lot and have never been in an accident.

February 2018 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits

Nobody was seriously hurt except for my almost brand new car. If there is some kind of mystical message to this, I sure wish I knew what is. Click here to cancel reply. Real growth begets the full power of our presence. But to get there we must leave behind the imprints and patternings of the past.

This type of eclipse marks a clear division between the past and the future. I think this is going to happen while Uranus is in Taurus for the next 7 years. Our beliefs and values for the past years have been shaped by a patriarchal consciousness that wants to control all aspects of our lives.

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And since we need our souls to awaken and inform the most creative aspects of our lives, our spiritual nature must be the foundation of our new belief system. Once we release old mental structures and habits, a new operating system can be installed, one that is patterned on our awakened spiritual insights and understanding. Feb 15, Reply.

These words are a true comfort to my soul.

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Wonderfully useful and challenging insights…thank you! I agree with you. Much useable wisdom here!