January 19 horoscope scorpio scorpio

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  1. January 19 Zodiac
  2. January 19 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality
  3. Lucky color
  4. January 19 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

You are a cusp sign. This makes you a hybrid as far as your personality and outlook are concerned.

January 19 Zodiac

On the one hand, you can be a very dependable, reserved and conservative person. You tend to stick to tradition and how things are done. On the other hand, you can have a flair for expressing things in idealistic or even emotional terms. You are never content to focus on just what exists, you also focus on how things can be improved. This is in keeping with the Aquarius side to your personality.

If you were to adopt a good hybrid strategy to the different currents flowing through your life, you can draw strength from both sides of your personality and can be quite an effective and successful person. Lovers born on January 19 can be very loyal.

The problem is, they are often very idealistic when they are young. You have very high expectations as far as romantic partners are concerned. Not surprisingly, you spend many years being on the fence as far as relationships are concerned.

January 19 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality

What it means, however, is that it takes you a long time to truly give your heart to someone. And if you do end up feeling betrayed, at the very least, it takes you a much longer time to commit to somebody else. You often stick with very unrealistic expectations of your relationships and this can put a tremendous amount of stress and pressure for people who want to get close to you.

This applies to both lovers and friends.

People born on the 19th of January tend to be loved by their bosses and superiors. This is not an understatement. They tend to mix two very important traits in any kind of work situation: Still, the best jobs for them are business, entrepreneurship and science.

They are not only able to work with what is, but they have the power, drive and energy to explore what could be. This is why, in scientific settings, they tend to become organic leaders.

Lucky color

People naturally gravitate towards them because they lead by example. They seem very eager to let their hair down. They seem very, very open minded. Deep down, they are very driven, focused, and results-oriented. Not surprisingly, they command a lot of natural loyalty.


Even if they are assigned a very boring job, they find the fun in it. They find a way to get excited. This is a good way for both of them to discover that they are not alone, and it can be healing for each partner for as long as emotional expectations are not involved.

If they see each other as adversaries, they will sting each other for victory, meaning they will do whatever it takes to win. If they distance themselves from a situation, they might realize that none of them actually endangers the other.

Love and Compatibility for January 19 Zodiac

To find mutual understanding, they need to lead separate lives and give each other enough room to do so. This makes representatives of this sign turned to the dark emotional issues and this is something they will both understand in each other. This could lead to numerous conflicts, but it could also be the base for incredible personal evolution of each partner, and an opportunity to be with someone who truly understands the depth of their hearts.

The best way for them to approach this relationship is through deepest emotional acceptance and the tolerance for incredible difference in character, even though they are, strangely, the same.

The problem with things they value is in the illusion of value they both share. They will value rationality and emotional maturity, but those are things none of them can actually deliver all the time.

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  • January 19 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile?

They do value similar things, but they are not entirely rational or realistic in their choices. This makes them susceptible to judging their own reflection in one another.

Again, this is about the balance they both seek, needing a partner of opposite character and choices. Even though they will feel sad and dried out most of the time, as two members of fixed quality, they could hold on to each other for a long time.

January 19 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

The more time they spend together, the less energy they might have, for there is a silent, inner battle in both of them that drains it out of their systems. Scorpio and Scorpio have this tendency to bring out the worst in each other. Even though they can share the deepest understanding known to the entire zodiac, they can also get too dark and depressed together, sinking into their pool of unresolved emotions.

Their emotional understanding is something worth cherishing, if they are both open for their own feelings and accept their own inner needs. Scorpio sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

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