Scorpio horoscope january 9 birthday

Mercury enters Capricorn
  1. Birthday Horoscope January 9th Capricorn, Persanal Horoscope for Birthdate January
  2. Hey there!
  3. January 9 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality
Lucky color

You should avoid borrowing and try to reorganize your income instead. You are more perceptive and sentimental than the majority of Capricorns and untypically you like the idea of love. The person born on the ninth day of January will instictively know when they have met their ideal partner. You are easily disappointed with your high expectations but you are a generous and unselfish soul mate.

You will usually expect your partner to be much more than a lover, you will need them to be your best friend too.

Birthday Horoscope January 9th Capricorn, Persanal Horoscope for Birthdate January

When you settle into a long term personal relationship it may take quite a while before you are ready to open up emotionally. You are good at reading the likely feelings of others but need to not neglect learning about yourself too.

By recognizing what makes you happiest and feeling the most secure you will find that one to one relationships in your life are a lot easier. Those born on January 9th are usually lucky enough to not suffer from any major health problems.

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Any medical issues they may experience are generally mild and short lived and often connected to their level of emotional happiness. People born on this day should learn a special method to deal with stress to stop it building up into anxiety. By doing this and also taking regular breaks any frequent headaches or muscle tension will be eased.

You are advised to consider mild forms of exercise and the consumption of an exciting and varied diet for optimum health and plenty of energy. Your main strengths of character are your purposefulness and resourcefulness that compliment your adaptable and tolerant nature.

SCORPIO january 2019 Tarot reading forecast

These allow you to think and act positively in most circumstances. Personality weaknesses for those born on Jan 9th are their tendency to be sometimes controlling and stubbornly inflexible. You are also the type of person that becomes stressed quite quickly especially when you have taken on too much. You would probably benefit from observing others and seeing how they pace themselves or contemplate practicing a natural relaxation technique.

Any dreams you have and goals you may set for yourself are sometimes shelved due to your self doubt and indecision. You are not exactly sure what you want to achieve but you are nevertheless highly ambitious.

Hey there!

The progress you make in your life and the various people you meet will help you determine your main wishes and aims. Being born on the 9th of January You could have to overcome your shyness and hesitancy if you want to make a big impression. Put uncertainty behind you and just go for it. The first step towards a wish may be the hardest but without it you will never know.

As you were born on the ninth day of the month your date of birth has a Root number of Nine. This number numerically associated with your birthday has the keyword 'Seeker'. This possibly refers to your thirst for knowledge regarding peoples thoughts and actions. The Tarot card linked to your birthday is the 9th card in the Major Arcana The Hermit and fits your bashfulness and occasional stubbornness.

Those with January the ninth birthdays should wear their luck attracting gemstone the Bloodstone. This is believed to bring its wearer good fortune, inner peace and financial rewards.

Being a Capricorn means that when you were born the planet Saturn had the most influence on your characteristics.

January 9 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality

Your actual day of birth, the ninth of January also has the astrology influence of Mars attached to it. These pair of celestial bodies combine their forces to give you your originality and sense of purpose in life.

Though there are many natural and drug-free ways to strengthen vulnerable organs, these charts show a valid way to proceed. The vulnerable organs for the year ahead are clearly marked in the charts. Try to pay special attention to the specific areas marked in the charts.

If this is done diligently, health problems can be avoided. I consider you — the reader — my personal client. By studying your Solar Horoscope I gain an awareness of what is going on in your life — what you are feeling and striving for and the challenges you face.

I then do my best to address these concerns. Consider this book the next best thing to having your own personal astrologer! It is my sincere hope that Your Personal Horoscope will enhance the quality of your life, make things easier, illuminate the way forward, banish obscurities and make you more aware of your personal connection to the universe.

Understood properly and used wisely, astrology is a great guide to knowing yourself, the people around you and the events in your life — but remember that what you do with these insights — the final result — is up to you. Your friends and family would be very surprised to know that there are still parts of yourself that you keep hidden from them.

Luckily, this only adds to your mystery, which others find interesting and alluring. Much like a strong river, you are determined and even stubborn to a degree. You feel deeply and from your feelings, you eventually gain understanding and compassion. Pluto, being the planet of transformation, drives your need for power and renewal in all you do.

Similarly, it is the power of Neptune that connects to your strong sensitivity and compassion. These two planets combine to make you more artistic and sensitive than other Scorpio Decnas.