Capricorn horoscope february 19 birthday

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  1. Sabian Symbol
  2. February 19 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality
  3. Planetary Row
  4. February 19 Zodiac is Pisces - Full Horoscope Personality

They are highly efficient and dedicated to becoming a success. Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Goat in your life. The Capricorn man will often conceal things about his life for little reason. Being defensive comes naturally; he is afraid that if he allows himself to be open, he will be exposed.

This is why he seems so serious. With those he trusts he shows his wicked sense of humor and good nature.

Sabian Symbol

He is principled, though he keeps his beliefs and philosophy to himself. Capricorn men are often devoted to their career, which can make them seem distant regarding family responsibilities. Capricorn women have a cool, standoffish charm.

February 19 Birthday Compatibility and Love

Elegant and glacial, they may seem unapproachable. Actually, this is a mask to hide their vulnerability. Capricorn individuals are afraid of "losing face.

This woman is competitive, though she is usually more interested in besting her own efforts than those of rivals. If she is not involved in an outside career, she will turn her home into a career. She is a good, if overly strict, mother and expects the best from her children.

February 19 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

Capricorn children usually seem to be miniature adults who are serious and a bit world-weary. Although smart, they may lag behind other children developmentally.

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They may have a fear of trying particular skills because they are afraid to fail. For them to succeed, parents must be gentle and supportive.

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Unfortunately, they behave in the same way toward love interests. Many people born on this day cling to their past as a way of trying to understand the present.

By nurturing their children, they nurture themselves.

Their sensitivity and imagination are excellent tools for dealing with their youngsters. February 19 natives often rely on food and drink and even drugs to escape feelings and fears.

Planetary Row

If they cannot break these habits, the dependencies become the problems. When food is strictly food, their problem disappears. People born on this date have an artistic sensibility that often makes itself known in their career choices. They are better at making money than at taking care of it.

February 19 Zodiac is Pisces - Full Horoscope Personality

These luxury-loving souls enjoy spending money and balk at keeping a strict budget. Credit spending should be avoided. Although not particularly goal-oriented, February 19 natives are devoted to their dreams.

Learning to move beyond potentially destructive role-playing can liberate them from insecurity.