February 19 pisces astrology

Lucky color
  1. Pisces Personality: February 19 - March 20
  2. Pisces Dates: The Leap Year Bump
  3. Pisces Dates of Birth
  4. Pisces: Pisces Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits

In ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter the original ruler of Pisces was the king of the gods, while Neptune was the ruler of the seas. When Neptune was discovered in recent times, it was attached to this sign. The pairing of these two heavenly bodies results in some unique energies being directed toward the sign of Pisces here on Earth.

Those born under this astrology sign are spiritually oriented and charitable.

Pisces Personality: February 19 - March 20

At times, however, Pisceans can have difficulty distinguishing fact from fantasy; they tend to get caught up in their dreams and views of how things should be. The element associated with Pisces is water. Those born under this zodiac sign easily relate to the emotional and unpredictable nature of this liquid gold.

Pisces feel a great deal, and they also feel misunderstood much of the time. Yes, they could cry you a river if the circumstances were right. Even so, the Pisces personality revels in its compassionate and imaginative nature and loves to cater to others.

At times like this, Pisces would be wise to take time for themselves, the better to find their center once again. Many Pisces also immerse themselves in the arts and other creative pursuits as a centering mechanism, and they are quite talented in these areas.

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Those of the Pisces horoscope sign alternate between reality and non-reality in keeping with their introspective natures; their voyage between consciousness and an unconscious dream state says much about their intuitive, almost psychic natures.

For this reason, Pisces can be hard to pin down, prompting some to call them the chameleons of the zodiac. Pisces traits are compassion and charitability, and this star sign will quickly put the needs of others ahead of their own. The flipside to their giving nature is that the oft-timid Fish are likely to be taken advantage of by less well-meaning souls.

Are you a Pisces man or a Pisces woman? They can also be quite romantic, dreaming up delicious treats for their lover.

Pisces Dates: The Leap Year Bump

Pisces are generally gentle, easy-going folk, who are on the shy and reticent side. They are modest to the point of impracticality, often stepping up only to show their talents in painting or music.

If his work or profession does not provide the self-expression he needs, he will look for it in hobbies. Relationships make up the primary focus of this man's life. The Pisces woman is mysterious but not aloof.

She possesses an ageless charm that is enthralling to those who know her.

Pisces Dates of Birth

Her capacity for sympathy and her understanding make her stand out. Pisces women find their greatest fulfillment through personal relationships. Even when talented, they may not respect their gifts. Many Pisces women are self-conscious and need a stronger individual to bring out their best qualities. Pisces children are dreamers.

Cusp of Aquarius Pisces! (February 19 - 25)

At times they may seem caught up in their illusions and unable to tell reality from fantasy. These little ones should be allowed to explore the limitless boundaries of imagination without fear of ridicule.

Playing games of imagination allows Pisces children to safely explore their creativity. Pisces men and women have an idealistic view of love and romance. Because of their sensitivity, they often prefer a fairy tale scenario to the real thing.

Pisces: Pisces Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits

Pisces know their vulnerabilities and are sometimes afraid the magic "bubble" will burst. The Piscean individual who is deeply in love may sacrifice themselves for their lover. Friendship comes naturally to Pisceans.

Their commitment to easing the pain of others often draws them to less fortunate individuals.