February 26 astrology eclipse

  2. 2018 Eclipse Charts

We ought to be angry at the world we have created.


It will stir us toward positive change. I have very emotional and at the end of my tether today, with a relationship that despite love is not working I feel lonely and unloved today I had to end it and am in emotional turmoil. Diane, know that you are doing what is right for your soul. The new beginning spurred by letting go of what no longer serves you will prove to be well worth the suffering you endure today.

A much brighter future awaits! Diane, heart goes out to you today. Keep an open heart, an open spirit, and most importantly guard your soul. And remember peace love and light is always around if you allow it in. This energy is over the top for me..

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What was it about Friday? A shocking course correction here too that seems too much to handle. How does one determine what house the eclipse deals with within their birth chart? I have some ideas of what this might mean for me but am interested in learning how to interpret what house the eclipse falls in, as Simone butler describes in her contribution to this article.

I thank goodness for the new coming of age in me that the new moon will bring. May I ask you to clarify this paragraph please.

Do you mean that we can no longer pretend that differencea between who we are and who another is do not exist?

2018 Eclipse Charts

My birthday was the 26th. Are the powers of the moon even stronger if it falls on ones birthday? So on point, shocked to find my feelings described here so accurately and the reason for the surge of anxiety … been dealing with a bug decision — what my heart wants but my head was holding me back. The indecision was haunting me the whole weekend.

Will you be posting astral insights for the upcoming full moon? If all is maya illusion , what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances?

Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone and everyone in their place…. The interpretations in this box are from the Day Watch software.

Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology.

The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use found here. Solar Eclipse in Aquarius: February 15, , Astrological Chart.

Outer Planets in Signs in Jupiter in Scorpio The phase now beginning for you emphasizes fixing what is broken or unhealthy, thereby giving it a new lease on life. Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone and everyone in their place… The interpretations in this box are from the Day Watch software.

Yearly Horoscope Sagittarius Overview: Horoscope Horoscopes Overview: Share this Article Like this article? The planets are always moving across the background of stars; each star has its own tale to tell.

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Fixed star maven Marina Macario notes that the swan is associated with Jupiter. Jupiter took the form of a swan to seduce Leda, Queen of Sparta. I wrote in my own forecast:. It means this eclipse phase is ideal for getting engaged and married. There will be debate about modern, unusual and controversial family structures such as same-sex parenting and other nontraditional relationships.

The sky has even more to say on the topic of committed relationship. Both Venus and Saturn are inconjunct Ceres, goddess of grain, motherhood and natural cycles. Themes are relationships with Venus being involved and Saturn for stability or commitment. It is pointing towards a traditional connection with Ceres.

ECLIPSES of February 2017 / Lunar Eclipse Feb. 10th, Solar Eclipse Feb. 26th

Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology. Expect the MeToo movement to continue to pick up momentum. Although this aspect might have its most obvious impact on people who have the Sun, Moon or other planets at 6, 7 or 8 degrees Leo, it may hold significance for all of us.

Ceres, you might remember, was conjunct the Moon during the Jan. The Finger of God may point to an issue from then that is getting stimulated again — and rebooted — now. Each astrological sign can be divided into degree three sections, known as decans. Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology , views this decan as tricky territory indeed.

This is Aquarius at its most scientific and skeptical, but at the same time is open to exploring other realms, it just needs to test them out first. It is a divine discontentment, the same that the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautauma felt before he left his comfortable home.


It no longer bothers them too much as they know how messed up the system is. Over the years, astrologers have devised systems to assign meaning to each degree of the Zodiac. The Sabian Symbol for the 28th degree of Aquarius is: In his commentary on the Symbol, astrologer Dane Rudhyar explains: Pursue romance or other social engagements.

The Aquarius New Moon solar eclipse promises to reboot our thinking and possibly our relationships and lives. Keep an open mind. Watch for an influx of messages and communications. March Full Moon in Virgo. This special guide will give you a step-by-step roadmap to learn how to read a chart for yourself and others….

Kathy Biehl has been explaining astrology to the mainstream since slipping a sun sign column into her high school newspaper in the Bible Belt. Her consultations, forecasts and commentaries blend humor, an encyclopedic knowledge of culture both high and pop and diverse life experience as an attorney, journalist, small business owner and performing artist.

Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. The Aquarius New Moon solar eclipse on Feb.