Yogas in astrology by k. s. charak

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The approach to analysis is based on the standard astrological principles which are so often ignored while dealing with this all-important subject. The role of the houses where the various yogas form, the signs invo The 'Yogas in Astrology' deals primarily with the technique of analysis and interpretation of the various astrological yogas according to the Parashari system.

The role of the houses where the various yogas form, the signs involved, the other planetary influences on the yoga-forming planets, the strength and weakness of the constituent planets, their status in the vargas, and the operating dasha have all been elucidated with examples. One full chapter has been devoted to the famous, but ill-understood, Gaja-Kesari yoga as a model example of the technique of yoga interpretation, and the various factors which facilitate or obstruct the functioning of a yoga.

The Pancha-Mahapurusha yogas, the solar and the lunar yogas, and the important Dhana yogas, Raja yogas and Arishta yogas have all been treated exhaustively.

One chapter is devoted to the Snayasa yogas. The book is profusely illustrated with examples. A must for all students of Vedic astrology. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Yogas In Astrology , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.

Jayeta Roy rated it really liked it Oct 16, Dilpreet Singh rated it really liked it Sep 06, Rajeev Jhanji rated it it was amazing Aug 26, David Weiss marked it as to-read Jan 19, Sonam Sikka marked it as to-read Sep 11, Kaamini Kapoor marked it as to-read Feb 12, Shahidkamran marked it as to-read Apr 22, Jure Vranicar marked it as to-read Aug 24, Kamal Sharma marked it as to-read Sep 09, Andrey added it Oct 02, Carlos marked it as to-read Nov 02, Pavani Priya is currently reading it Nov 16, Mars as 2nd lord here is a maraka.

Wealthy; famous for his efficiency; blessed with several sons; capable of earning wealth; sickly. Accumulates wealth; destroys his enemies; earns wealth through his enemies. If associated with malefics: Sensuous and money earning wife.

If afflicted by malefics, he becomes a physician. He and his wife indulge in adultery. Income lands and property; diminished comforts from wife; bereft of comforts from elder brother; harmful to others; lives on alms and charities; suicidal tendancies. Wealthy; industrious; ill health in childhood; healthy and comfortable later, till his end; good speaker.

Sensuous; self-respecting; learned; blessed with several women; bereft of comforts from progeny; earns wealth through the ruler. Widely known; efficient; respectable; ever benefitting; wealthy, looks after the needs of the many.

Courageous; laborious; devoid of comforts from his elder child; likely to lose his wealth. If the second lord is benefic in nature, he is a renowned trader. Man of courage and self-effort, wealthy; valourous; wise but illiterate; inclined to adulteiy a forger. Healthy; valourous; comforts from brothers; blessed with sons, wealth and comforts; helpful family and friends; devoted to his preceptors and gods.

Enjoys comforts; wealthy, wise; opposed to his mother; has a cruel wife. Virtuous; blessed with sons; long-lived; ever engaged in helping others.

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If malefics conjoin or aspect it, the wife is cruel. Enmity with brothers; very rich; little comfort from maternal uncle; desires his maternal aunt; eye diseases; sickly. Troubled in childhood, comfortable later; follower of a king; good natured wife. Thief; servile; capital punishment from the ruler, adverse for the siblings.

Acquires fortune through women; no comfort from father; receives help from his children; learned. Earns wealth through his own efforts; varied comforts; looks after a wicked woman; honoured by the ruler. Foolish; weak; sickly, servile; courageous; earns wealth throughhis own efforts; indulges in physical pleasures.

Wastes money in wicked pursuits; father is cruel; becomes fortunate through women; opposed to his relatives.

Comforts from mother, blessed with education, lands, vehicles, virtues, etc. Owns property; courageous; proud; has a big family; an enchanter; given to physical pleasures. Generous; talented; courageous; gives alms; blessed with servants; earns wealth through his own efforts; a source of trouble to his parents. Owns vast property, clever, sober, ever in comfort; a minister, well informed; proud; attached to his wife; a source of wealth and status to his father; given to religious pursuits.

Enjoys physical comforts; loved by all; devoted to God; earns through his own efforts; long- lived; benefits from his father. Bereft of comforts from mother, short tempered; wicked; thoughfiil; an adulterer.

If 4th lord is a malefic, he brings bad name to father, if a benefic, accumulates wealth. Lacks home comforts; impotent; little help from father and mother; cruel; sickly; wicked; bom of a low woman.

Beloved of all; blessed with many comforts; proud; virtuous; no help from father; stays away from father; learned; worshipper of lord Vishnu.

Honoured by the ruler; very good health; many comforts; self-controlled; has knowledge of chemicals; father may have two wives. Generous; helpful to others; talented; given to charities; sickly; devoted to his father, performs virtuous deeds. Homeless; foolish; wicked; indolent; father resides in a foreign land.

Shrewd; learned; devoid of comforts of progeny; wastes the money of others; renowned. Many sons; much wealth; renowned; liked by women; versed in song and music.

Liked by his siblings; an enchanter, back-biter; thrifty, selfish; sweet tongued; his children look after his brothers. Comforts from mother, wealthy, wise; a minister or a preceptor; follows his ancestral vocation; devoted to his mother.

Fifth lord under benefic influence: Illness to child; opposed by his son; many enemies; sickly; poor; lacks respect. Religiously inclined; proud; helpful to others; blessed with sons; devoted to gods and preceptors; virtuous wife.

Short tempered; cruel; miserable; bad for progeny; disease of the respiratory system.

High status for the son; renowned among his family members; writer of books; versed in poetry and music; good looking; honoured by the king. Famous like a king; many physical pleasures; indulges in virtuous pursuits; good for mother.

Deprived of comforts from his children or childless! Sixth Lord in Different Houses Lord of the sixth house signifies struggle and hostility. Ill-health; proud; renowned; wealthy by his own efforts; virtuous; courageous; opposed to his own relatives and siblings; overcomes his enemies; reliable; good health if under benefic influences. Renowned in his family, courageous; an orator; lives in a foreign land; duty bound; ailing; earns and accumulates wealth.

Hostile to his brothers; easily angered; devoid of personal effort; suffers in battle; wicked servants. No comforts from mother; thoughtful; hostile to others, and fickle, still rich; mutual hostility towards father, ailing father.

Inconstant friends and wealth; hostile to his own progeny selfish; kind and happy, suffers at the hands of his children. Hostile to his own fellowmen; friendly to outsiders; ordinary wealth; good health.

Bereft of pleasures from wife; blessed with wealth and virtues; courageous; hostile and short-tempered wife; incapable of bearing his progeny.

Ailing; hostile to the virtuous; ever eager to possess the wealth and woman of others; unclean. Cause of death depending upon the nature of 6th lord in the 8th house: Saturn as 6L in 8H: Mars as 6L in 8H: Mercury as 6L in 8H: Sun as 6L in 8H: Jupiter as 6L in 8H: Distorted wisdom mental illness.

Venus as 6L in 8H: Well known in his family, orator, not devoted to his father, opposed to his mother; lives in comfort in a foreign land.

Courageous; proud; virtuous; gains from his opponents; dies at thehands of his enemies; suffers thefts; benefits from quadrupeds. Hostile to the learned; wastes money in wicked pursuits; killer of living beings; loses money through quadrupeds; a wanderer; a fatalist. Seventh Lord in Different Houses Lord of the seventh house signifies partnerships and relationships.

Adulteror, wicked; very clever; good in looks; given to physical pleasures; attached to his own wife; suffers from Vaata-related ailments. Associates with several women; abstains from women despite proximity; earns through women; slow in action.

Possesses spiritual strength; affectionate; wife suffers miscarriage. Truthful and religious; wife resorts to adultery; dental illness; associates with the enemies of his father.

Wealthy proud; virtuous; contented; his wife is looked after by his son. Ailing wife; mutual hostility toward wife; easily angered, and miserable; suffers at the hands of his wife. Good wife; learned; well known; suffers from Vaata-related diseases.

Ailing or wicked wife; bereft of wife; adulteror; miserable. Ever inclined to associate with women; famous; good natured. Religiously inclined; blessed with wealth and progeny, disobedient wife; given to physical pleasures.

Earns through his wife; more daughters; beautiful and virtuous wife. Poor; a dealer in clothes; expenditure through wife; deceived by his wife. Eighth Lord in Different Houses Eighth lord stands for obstacles and deprivations.

Bereft of physical comforts; speaks ill of gods and Brahmins; physical injuries; engaged in prohibited deeds. Weak-armed; small wealth; loses his earnings; short-lived; thievish; many enemies; punished by the ruler.

Indolent; bereft of comforts from brothers; weak; opposed to friends and brothers; fickle. Deceives his friends; bereft of comforts from mother, home, lands, etc.

Limited progeny; wealthy; long Jived; poor intelligence; suffers after birth of child. Ailing in childhood; overcomes his fo. Sun as 8L in 6H: Opposed to the ruler.

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Moon as 8L in 6H: Mars as 8L in 6H: Mercury as 8L in 6H: Jupiter as 8L in 6H: Venus as 8L in 6H: Saturn as 8L in 6H: Disease of the oral cavity. Two wives; abdominal disease; wicked. When the 8th lord is associated with a malefic, there is loss in business and suffering at the hands of wife.

Long life; good health; deceitful; famous. If the 8th lord is weak, he has medium life span. Atheist; a sinner; covets the wife and wealth of others; wicked wife; a killer of living beings; disease of the oral cavity.

Bereft of comforts from father; disinclined to put in effort; serves the ruler. Miserable in childhood; prosperous in late age; poor, if ill-associated; long-lived, if well- associated.

Spends on wicked pursuits; cruel; sickly body, thievish. Ninth Lord in Different Houses The ninth lord denotes fortune and virtue. Learned; good looking; honoured by the king; fortunate; small appetite; devoted to gods and preceptors. Sensuous; blessed with wife and sons; wealthy; learned; likeable; disease of oral cavity.

Very good looking;' wealthy; virtuous; blessed with siblings, relatives and a beautiful wife. Devoted to his mother; famous; possesses house, lands and vehicles.

Devoted to his preceptors; religiously inclined; learned; fortunate sons; virtuous. Tormented by enemies; no comfort from maternal uncle; engaged in religious pursuits; sickly. Blessed with a truthful, beautiful and devoted wife; virtuous.

Unfortunate; bereft of comforts from elder brother, killer of living beings; wicked; irreligious. Very fortunate; good looking; virtuous; blessed with brothers; religiously inclined.

Virtuous; renowned; of a high status with the king; engaged in religious pursuits; devoted to parents. Virtuous; pious; continuous inflow ofmoney; long- lived; engaged in religious pursuits; wealthy and famous.

Unfortunate; loses wealth in religious deeds and charities; honoured in foreign lands; scholarly; good in looks. Tenth Lord in Different Houses The tenth lord indicates functions of the native.

Learned; virtuous; sickly in childhood, healthy later; attains to progressively increasing wealth; devoted to father; hostile to mother.

Virtuous; wealthy, honoured by the ruler; given to charities; opposed to his mother, avaricious. Valorous; virtuous; good speaker, righteous; blessed with brothers, servants, etc. Prosperous; virtuous; blessed with lands, horses, vehicles and physical comforts; devoted to his mother and father.

Blessed with wealth, progeny and learning; healthful; engaged in pious deeds; favoured by the ruler; fond of song and music. Tormented by foes; poor despite being skilled; no comfort from father, quarrelsome; healthful.

Good wife; virtuous; thoughtful; engaged in pious deeds. Long-lived; talks ill of others; reluctant to undertake a venture; cruel; wickedly disposed. Blessed with wealth and sons; a king or his equal; good-natured; worthy friends. Truthful; valorous; very efficient, and blessed with comforts; benevolent towards his mother.

Blessed with riches, sons and virtues; truthful; ever contented; long-lived; cared for by the mother. Clever; worrisome; frightened by opponents; suffers expenditure through the king. If the 10th lord is a malefic, native wanders or works in a foreign land.

Eleventh Lord in Different Houses The eleventh lord is a multiplier. Wealthy; of Sattvika nature; writer of poetry, treats everyone equally regular inflow of money, strong and brave; short-lived according to some. Very wealthy, blessed with comforts and spirituality, given to religious pursuits and charities; sickly short-lived. Very efficient; many brothers; destroys his enemies; afflicted by abdominal pains.

Wealthy through the mother; blessed with lands and houses; goes on pilgrimages; long-lived; devoted to his father; inclined to do the appropriate thing at the appropriate time. Learned; engaged in religious pursuits; lives in comfort; virtuous sons; in mutual harmony with his father.

Sickly; cruel; tormented by foes; resides in a foreign land; powerful enemies. If the 11th lord is a malefic: Virtuous; sensuous; generous; subservient to his wife; earns through women-folk; long-lived; high status. A failure; long-lived; his wife dies before him; sickly.

Favoured by the ruler; wealthy; truthful; immersed in religious pursuits; very learned. Honoured by the king; self-controlled; truthful; virtuous; follows his own religion; long-lived; devoted to his mother; hostile to father. Gains from all pursuits; renowned through his learning and worldly possessions; long-lived; blessed with many sons and grandsons; good in looks.

Associates with mlechchhas non-believers of other lands ; sensuous; physical comforts from several women; spends on religious deeds; given to misdeeds; suffers chronic illness. Twelfth Lord in Different Houses The twelfth lord is a divider or a subtractor.

Yogas In Astrology By Dr. K. S. Charak

Inclined to be spend-thrift; weak bodied; poor; stupid; resident in a foreign country; good in looks; unmarried or impotent; suffers from Kapha-related illnesses.

Religiously inclined; sweet tongued; spends on good deeds; comfortable; fear from thieves, fire and the king. Bereft of brothers, or lives away from them; looking after himself alone; inimical to others; thrifty. Devoid of lands, home, vehicles or comforts from mother, sickly, opposed by his own sons; miserable.

Spends for the sake of his son; bereft of sons and learning; inclined to go oil pilgrimages. Short tempered; miserable; a sinner; hostile to his own people; addicted to women other than his own; eye disease.

Venus as the 12th lord in the 6th house leads to blindness. Expenditure on wife; bereft of comforts from wife; weak and stupid; wicked; suffers at the hands of his own wife. Sweet tongued; medium life span; blessed with good qualities; acquires wealth.

Selfish; hostile towards friends and preceptors; goes on pilgrimages. Rich; suffers losses even if there are combinations for wealth in the chart;long-lived; famous; truthful.

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Spend-thrift; easily angered; sickly, short-lived; looks after the cattle; well-known. Points to Remember The above mentioned results must be applied cautiously. The following points must be taken care of: Planets which own two houses represent both the houses and, therefore, give results pertaining to both the houses.

When, because of the dual lordship, mutually contradictory results are indicated, they get cancelled. When, because of the dual lordship, different results are indicated, they come to pass.

Strong planets produce full results. When the planets are weak, the results manifest weakly. Any results indicated tend to pass when an appropriate dasha operates. In the researches being published by our academic group in Delhi, we have been using the placements of different house lords in a very innovative way.

For example, the 11th lord in the 12th house can mean an elder brother or sister settling in a foreign country, and also import or export business, etc. The new meanings in the context of changed times must not be lost sight of lest we commit mistakes in interpreting a chart. Here we give a brief account of the placement of various planets, irrespective of their lordship, in different houses.

A proper understanding of this aspect is essential for correct predictions. The results of such planetary placements, as mentioned hereunder, have been taken from classical works on Vedic astrology.

The Sun The Sun is favourable in the houses 3, 6, 10 and Loses wealth through the king; disease in the face or teeth; defective speech; immensely rich. Valorous; wealthy; liberal and strong; bereft of brothers; learned; overcomes his opponents. Bereft of home comforts; devoid of friends, relatives, land and house; heart disease.

Childless; short-lived; poor; worrisome; wise; a wanderer. Opulent; powerful; very rich; famous; victorious; a king or a judge; good appetite and digestion. Poor; wicked; suffers humiliation; ill-looking; sickly, inimical to womenfolk; treads the forbidden path.

Devoid of wealth and comforts; few children; short-lived; deprived of near and dear ones; disease in the eye. Blessed with wealth, friends, sons and happiness; devoted to gods and Brahmins; adverse for father. The Sun is the significator for father. Ninth house indicates father. A significator in its relevant house generally damages the concerned signification.

Renowned, wise and powerful; very wealthy; blessed with sons and relatives; pursues his undertakings to completion; unconquerable; equal to a king. Wealthy, powerful and efficient; enjoys varied comforts. Physical ailment; eye disease; Men from his prescribed pursuits; a wanderer; inimical to father. The Moon The Moon is adverse in houses 6, 8 and 12 where it causes Balarishta or death in early childhood , unless under benefic influences.

Insane; deaf; wicked; mute; mentally disturbed; dark complexioned; ill-looking. These results do not apply to the signs Mesha, Vrisha or Karka identical with the lagna. Sweet tongued; wealthy; physical comforts; fond of women; large family; a man of few words. Virtuous; brave; blessed with brothers; educated.

Happy, detached; learned; sensuous; fond of water sports. Blessed with children, wealth and learning; a coward. Short-lived; soft skin; easily angered; troubled by opponents; abdominal disorders. Good-looking; given to sexual excess; possesses a beautiful wife; a wanderer.

Wise and learned; ficlde; diseased; short-lived. Devoted to his duties; blessed with comforts, wealth, learning and children; adored by women.

Wealthy; pious; efficient; powerful and liberal; completes his undertakings to perfection. Wealthy and famous; brave; thoughtful; blessed with sons; long-lived.

Indolent; humiliated; miserable; fallen; diseased in the eye; resides in a foreign country. Mars Mars is beneficial in houses 3, 6, 10 and In houses 1, 4, 7, 8 and 12, it produces what is called as Kuja-dosha which is adverse for conjugal life. Bereft of learning, wealth, good food and good company; disease in the oral cavity; a wanderer.

Valorous; powerful; unconquerable, virtuous and upright; adverse for younger brother. Bereft of house, lands, money, mother and friends; valiant. Lustful; powerful appetite and digestive capability, anni hil ation of his foes; a leader. Wicked; sickly, loses his wife; slim-bodied; poor and quarrelsome.

A traitor or a killer; irreligious; sinner, favoured by the ruler, adverse for parents. Cruel; liberal; valorous; equal to a king; famous; held in high esteem. Wealthy, lustful; brave; attains to desired pleasures. Cruel, repulsive and wicked; bereft of wife; suffers incarceration, misery and eye disease. Healthful; sweet-tongued; learned; a mathematician or a scholar, versed in scriptures; long-lived.

Good speech; learned; wealthy, enjoys good food. Of wavering disposition; given to hard physical labour; deceitful; a sorcerer; good brothers and sisters. Very learned and scholarly; blessed with wealth, vehicles, home, physical comforts and friends. Gains eminence through learning; proficient in mantras potent incantations ; many sons; brave and happy.

Easily angered and quarrelsome; argumentative; conqueror of his opponents; indolent; sickly, unhelpful to his near ones.

Knowledgeable; wise and renowned; wealthy wife. Famous; long-lived; equal to a king; a judge. Opulent and learned; good speaker; very clever; virtuous and righteous.

Learned; powerful; given to righteous pursuits; famous and efficient. Long-lived; truthful; an intellectual; wealthy, famous and indulgent in physical pleasures. Indolent, repulsive and miserable; also learned and sweet tongued. Learned, fearless and long-lived; good in looks; balanced in outlook; wealthy. Wealthy, eloquent speaker, good in looks; fond of good food; helpful to others; liberal in gifts.

Subdued by brother and wife; covetous; wicked and miserable; overcomes his foes; poor digestion; good for brothers and sisters. Possessed of comforts, wealth, vehicle, wisdom, and near and dear ones; tormentor of foes; good in looks; happy. Learned and famous; wealthy and virtuous; a minister, suffers because of sons.

Indolent; destroys his enemies; poor digestion; hen-pecked; very famous; physically weak and lustful. Learned and famous; excels his father, blessed with good wife and sons. Miserable; servile; earns from service; unclean; adulterous; long-lived. Devout and learned; wealthy and famous; blessed with sons; a leader or minister.

Completes his undertakings to perfection; possesed of wisdom, wealth and virtue. Wealthy, steadfast and long-lived; few sons. Indolent, irresolute and wicked; servile; without progeny.

Good-looking; amorous; learned; happy and long-lived. Wealthy graceful; good speaker; a poet. Covetous, rich, controlled by his wife; disinclined toward physical venture. Good house, ornaments, clothes and vehicles; good in looks; boastful; subdued by his wife. Bereft of enemies; poor and miserable; associates with many women; little pleasure from wife; infamous.

Quarrelsome; lustful; lovely in looks; associates with beautiful and low women. Long-lived; opulent; numerous physical comforts; equal to a king; ever contented.

Learned and wealthy; possesses wife, children, friends and other physical comforts; religiously inclined. High status; powerful; wealthy and famous; helped by women.

Wealthy, associates with women not his own; bereft of all pains and miseries. Indolent; fallen; skilled lover; debauched. Miserable; indolent, lustful, ugly and sickly; defective limbs and mal-odorous body. Very good results occur if Saturn is in the lagna identical with: Destitute; untruthful and indigent; suffers disease of oral cavity.

In later years, he quits his place of residence and earns wealth, possessions and comforts. Wickedly inclined; indolent; strong, liberal and full of wisdom; wealthy. Adverse for mother, bereft of near and dear ones; wise and rich; sickly in early age. Insane, fickle, unhappy; devoid of sons, comforts and wisdom; overcomes his opponents.

Ever ailing; indigent; sickly wife; unclean and repulsive. Heroic and aggressive in the beginning, he loses his strength and money later; perianal disease. Saturn in the 8th house is generally favourable for good health and longevity. Irreligious, unfortunate and penurious; adverse for father; hurtful to others.

Astrological prediction is an art of synthesis and should not be done on the basis of a single factor.

See the horoscope of Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Learned, wealthy and powerful; a judge or a leader, proud and heroic. Stable renown; good health; much wealth; voluptuous and long-lived. Defective vision; spendthrift; shameless and miserable; a leader. Rahu Rahu is beneficial in houses 3, 6, 10 and Cruel, wealthy and short-lived; courageous but wicked; without compassion; ugly hair, nails and looks; disease in upper part of the body.

Productive of all comforts and enjoyments. Quarrelsome; poor; thievish; earns money through favours from the king; unclear speech; disease in the oral cavity, speaks with hidden meanings; deals in animal skins or sale of fishes, etc.

Wealthy, valiant and proud; long-lived; opposed to his brothers; blessed with sons, wife, friends and physical enjoyments; if exalted it ensures vehicles and servants. Rahu gets exalted in Vrisha. Destitute; foolish; short-lived; bereft of wealth and physical comforts; opposed to his wife. Loses wealth through women; adulteror; bereft of wife; wicked; brave; ailing.

Short-lived; suffers from Vaata-related sickness; few children; wicked and miserable; fearless; perianal disease; indolent. Leader of a group, village or town; opposed to his father; cruel; ugly dress; tormented by his opponents. Fearless; helpful to others; famous; sensuous; engaged in unlawful pursuits; learned, wealthy and a minister, detached; a wanderer.

Wealthy; long-lived; few children; eager for combat; keeps his senses under control; good looking; a man of few words; versed in scriptures; lives in a foreign land; suffers ear disease.

Bereft of comfort, wealth and virtue; immoral; secretly sinful; fickle; sickly suffers from water- related disease; lives in a foreign land.

Ketu Like other malefics, Ketu too is good in houses 3, 6, 10 and Sickly avaricious; worrisome; displaced from residence and status; fear from wicked people; injured body suffers from Vaata-related disorders. Located in the sign of a natural benefic: Virtuous; wealthy; eager for combat; destroys his enemies; sensuous; long-lived; lacks friends and brothers; pain in the upper limb.

Abdominal disease; phobias; scared of water, lacking in learning and progeny. Annihilator of foes; good health; generous and erudite; humiliated by maternal uncle; gains through quadrupeds.

No comfort from wife; stupid; a wanderer, associates with wicked women; disease of the intestines and seminal fluid; loss of wealth; fear from water, suffers humiliation.

Ketu in the seventh house in Vrischika exaltation: Perianal ailments; separation from near and dear ones; accident or injury from weapons; avaricious; desirous of wealth and wives of others; sickly and immoral.

Short temper; eloquent; desirous of progeny; hostile to his father; bereft of brothers and sisters; arrogant; disease in the upper limb; becomes fortunate through the help of mlechchhas outsider non-believers. Powerful; renowned; cruel; destroys his opponents; knower of the Self; no comfort from father; not good in looks; ever a wanderer.

Ketu in the tenth house identical with Mesha, Vrisha, Kanya or Vrischika: Valiant; powerful; renowned; virtuous; learned; good in looks; scared; wicked sons. Immoral; commits sins secretively; disease of legs, feet, anal region and eye; conqueror in war; spends on good deeds; fickle.

Planets in Different houses from The Moon Manasagari, the classic on Vedic astrology, mentions specific results for placement of planets in relation to the Moon. This underscores the importance of the Moon in predictive astrology.

The Moon has been considered as almost equal to the lagna or the ascendant in matters of prediction. The following is a brief account of the results of planets when located in different houses, as considered from the Moon. Distant traveller, immersed in pleasures; inclined toward strife. Blessed with servants; commanding dignity, honoured by the ruler.

Desirous of riches gold! Troubles through daughters; many sons. Conqueror of foes; works for Kshatriyas. Association with beautiful wife; good character; honoured by kings; Tapasvi.

Creates strife; numerous ailments. Inclined toward religion; truthful; suffers at the hands of relatives. Excessively rich; praised by the wealthy. Royal dignity, versed in several branches of knowledge, famous, heads his family. Red-eyed, reddish complexion; suffers bleeding wounds. Owns land; son takes to agriculture. Has 4 brothers; good natured; ever comfortable.

Bereft of comfort and wealth; loss of wife. Prone to Adharma, illness and enmity toward others. Ill-natured and ill-tempered wife. Wealthy; begets a son in old age.

Hurts all, including his mother. Bereft of comforts and good appearance; harsh tongued; low thinking; ever on the move. Wealthy, having house, relatives and money. Dies of ailments arising from cold. Having wealth and property; benefits from association of great men and rulers. Miserly; coward; scared of conflicts; hairy body and big eyes.

Dominated by women; miserly, wealthy; long lived. Coldness of constitution, famous among rulers, feared by foes. If the Moon is in the tenth house, he is the leader in his family.

Gains at each step; marries at 11 years.

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Ever miserly, his son never wins always loses! Long lived; free from ailments; powerful; ever wealthy. Respected by rulers; lives a hundred years; quick in movements; valourous; endowed with virtue.

Loved by women; father gains wealth during the seventeenth year of the native. Good eyesight; valorous; blessed with sons; wealthy and dominating. Indifferent; bereft of home; long life, but living on alms or through low deeds. Long lived; sweet tongued; healthy impotent; jaundiced; leader in his family.

Physical ailments and discomforts in plenty. Wealthy, virtuous; service to guru and gods. Leaves wife and sons to become a Tapasvi. Blessed sons; vehicles; dignified as a king. Opposes his near and dear ones. If Jupiter aspects the sixth house from lagna, the native is comfortable. Death in water, paralysis; violent death.

Rahu 1st, 10th or Wealthy; scholar; valorous like a king. Religiously inclined; wise; earns from mlechchhas. Phlegmatic temperament; weak-bodied; bereft of money in old age. Many daughters; rich; no fame. Prodigal; loser in batde.

Famed; fighter; generous; wealthy; gets various comforts. Many brothers; many sisters; many friends. Gives comfort to mother and father; long life. Long life; bereft of illness and opponents. Adverse for health, friends and relatives. Bad for mother, lives on goat milk.

Several daughters who die soon after birth. Wife dark-complexioned and sweet-tongued. Alpayu short-lived ; many troubles. Religious; generous; marries many women. Loss of wealth in Saturn dasha. Equivalent to a king; miserly; wealthy.

Bad for health; irreligious. Poor; beggar; irreligious 9th House: King, by old age he only remains a wealthy man. King or minister, wealthy. Bad for parents; ever unhappy. No comfort despite wealth and fame. Death by drowning; no comforts. The following is a brief account of the indications given by planets when located in different signs, according to the classical works on astrology.

A literal application of the results mentioned here-under must, however, be avoided. The Sun in Different Signs Mesha: If the Sun is exalted, his adverse influences are less marked. Mesha is a sign of Mars which is an aggressive planet and also rules bone marrow. Tolerant, wise, skilful in dealing with others j earning through scents, clothes as well as from sinful acts; dislikes feminine association; skilled in instrumental music; suffers from diseases of the oral cavity and the eye.

Good to look at, learned, wealthy, sweet-tongued; well-versed in astrology; keen learner, famous, having two mothers. Poor, ignorant, servile; opposed to his father and other near ones; tormented by hard labour; good speaker, religiously inclined, conceited; suffering from ailments of Kapha and Pitta; having royal bearing if under benefic influence.

The Sun is a royal planet. Karka is owned by the Moon which is also a royal planet. Easily angered; destroyer of his enemies; frequents hills and jungles; full of strength and vigour; learned; versed in multiple arts; relishes animal food; rich; royal bearing; consistent, and suffering from ear trouble. Having a body like that of a woman; physically weak; skilled in writing, painting, poetry and mathematics; shy nature; linguist; respectful to elders; sweet tongued; capable of earning money.

Kanya literally means a virgin. The Sun in this sign gives a delicate body. Quarrelsome, easily angered, keen to pick up fights, skilled in the use of weapons; cruel and daring; opposed to his parents; prone to be hurt by poison, weapon or fire; wastes his earnings; follows the prescribed norms of religious discipline.

Rich; liked by the ruler, scholar; devoted to gods and Brahmins; skilled in the use of weapons; worthy of reverence; intelligent; having knowledge of medicine; and strong of body. Covetous; coward; wanderer; poor; bereft of comforts; indulgent in unworthy acts; adept; opposed to his dear ones and enjoying the wealth of others.

Bereft of comforts as well as children; strong of limb; indulgent in base and unworthy acts; short tempered; too fixed in his ideas; inconsistent in friendship; prone to heart disease.

The Sun is uncomfortable in the signs of Saturn who happens to be his bitter enemy although also his son. The Sun also signifies the heart. Blessed with friends and a loving wife; learned; destroyer of enemies; earning through the sale of articles procured from water, or through land and irrigation; respected by women; having many brothers; and suffering from some secret ailment.

Aspects on The Sun in Different Signs 1. In the signs of Mars Mesha and Vrischika a Moon: Charitable; delicate body; good looking; many servants; fond of women. Very strong; cruel; red-eyed; retains composure in war. Bereft of courage, comfort and wealth; servile; weak and ugly. Mercury cannot aspect the Sun in a Rashi chart.

Are these results to be applied to divisional charts? Wealthy; minister or judge; charitable; respected among his family members. Interested in women of ill-repute; opposed by many; poor, few friends; suffers from skin disease.

Venus too, like Mercury, cannot aspect the Sim in a Rashi chart. Devoid of courage; ailing; little intelligence; ugly. In the signs of Venus Vrisha and Tula a Moon: Many wives; attached to women of ill-repute; earns through professions related to.

Retains composure in war; strong and courageous; earns through his own efforts. Adept in music, poetry and book writing; good in looks. Many friends and foes; minister; wealthy and satisfied. Beautiful eyes; coward; minister to a king; wealthy.

In signs of Mercury Mithuna and Kanya a Moon: Tormented by friends and foes alike; always sad; troubled by foreign travel and residence. Afraid of enemies; quarrelsome; conquered in war, sad and humiliated.

Kingly qualities; famous; blessed with friends; devoid of foes; suffers from disease of the eye. Very learned, knows secret mantras; aggressive, prone to lose mental poise; frequent foreign travel or residence. Comforted by wife, children and wealth; good looking, healthy.

Easily excited; foolish; tricky, with many servants. Equivalent to a king; cruel; earns wealth through pursuits related to water. Suffers from inflammations, perianal ailments etc.

Famous for his learning and status; liked by the king; clever; without foes. Ambassador; high status; very famous and versatile. Earning through women; does good to others; brave; sweet tongued. In his own sign Simha a Mom: Tricky, wise, liked by the king; suffers from Kapha related ailments. Brave and courageous; very clever; lover of several women; feared by others.

Skilled in writing; fond of travel; lacks physical strength. Builder of temples, orchards, ponds, etc. Cruel; shameless; disliked by his relatives; skin ailment. In the signs of Jupiter Dhanu and Meena a Moon: Blessed with sons, learning and fame; good to look at; equal to a king; contented. Earns fame in war; aggressive; clear speech; wealthy and comfortable.

Poet; linguist; sweet tongued; liked by others; possesses knowledge of minerals, metals etc. Learned; wealthy; associates with the king. Blessed with a virtuous and beautiful wife; good clothes. In the signs of Saturn Makara and Kumbha a Moon: Trickster; unstable mind; loses money and comfort through association with women. Tprmented by illness and enemy; physical injury.

Brave; of the nature of eunuchs; unclean body, covets the wealth of others. Wise; famous; provides refuge to many. Earns his living by dealing in conch shells and the like; gains from women of ill-repute.

Annihilator of foes; earns the confidence of the king; happy. The Moon in Different Signs Mesha: Easily angered; wealthy without brothers and sisters ; blessed with sons; courageous; wanderer; inconsistent; lustful; pleasing to women; honoured by the ruler; scared of going into water; weak-kneed, having round and pretty eyes, disfigured nails and scarred head; scanty hair on the body.

Charitable; curly hair; sensuous; honoured; blessed with physical pleasures; very courageous; strong; father of many daughters; having prominent face, shoulders, thighs, knees and feet; deprived of money, family and progeny, forgiving in nature; stable in friendship.

Moon in the first half of Vrisha is adverse for mother, in the second half for father. Poet; blessed with physical pleasures, skillful in sexual act; good looking; highly intelligent; jovial; versed in scriptures, interprets hidden thoughts; pleasant eyes, sweet tongued.

Of fluctuating wealth; knower of astrology, fast in walking; blessed with houses, land, fortune and friends; indulgent in physical pleasures; liable to lose his cool; likes water sports, orchards and watery places. Frequents hills and jungles; broad face, neck and bones; energetic; scanty hair on the head; hater of women; tormented by hunger, thirst, and abdominal and dental ailments; likes animal food; charitable; aggressive; few sons; devoted to his parents; indulges in physical pleasures.

Fond of women and tormented by them; of pleasing looks; very learned; teacher; religiously inclined; sweet tongued, truthful, composed; does good to others; forgiving nature; many daughters and few sons; likes song, dance and music; enjoys the wealth of others; lives in a foreign land.

Of a Sattvik nature; wealthy, haughty, versed in several arts; inherits property, charitable; strong; eloquent speaker; poet; religiously inclined; opposed to his own relatives; very courageous; yields only to love and kindness.

Versed in music; learned; subdued by women; charitable and forgiving; pleasing to his wife; religiously inclined; wanderer; lazy, intolerant of cold or chill; beautiful eyes and skin; beautiful and tall body. Very talented; earning by dealing in produce of the ocean, like pearls, etc. Aspects on the Moon in Different Signs 1. In Mesha a Sun: Short temper; poor; beggar.

Suffers from dental and eye ailments; injury from weapons; high status; ailments of the urinary system. Learned; good speaker and poet; famous. Equal to a king in status; wealthy. Very amiable; virtuous; good speaker.

Devoted to agriculture; undergoes hard labour, servile. Excessively indulgent in sex; liked by women; associates with good people; bereft of property.

Learned; eloquent speaker; highly talented. Virtuous; famous; adorable; blessed with good wife and children. Blessed with numerous physical comforts; equivalent to a king. Wealthy, ill-natured; bad for mother. In Mithuna a Sun: Poor; clever; good looking; suffers miseries. Very brave; learned; dealer in weapons; defective in some limb.

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Equal to a king; confidant; overcomes his opponents. Sagacious; a teacher; learned. Bereft of fear; blessed with beautiful wife, conveyances and ornaments. Bereft of wealth, wife, vehicle and progeny, a weaver.

In Karka a Sun: Valiant; high status; weak body. Learned; poet; a minister.

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Learned; famous; valiant; a king. Blessed with precious gems and ornaments; good to look at; associates with women of ill-repute. Wanderer; hostile to mother; dealer in iron or weapons.

In Simha a Sun: Blessed with good qualities; brave; equal to a king; delay or denial of progeny. Equal to a king; commander of an army; easily angered. Devoted to wife; learned; astrologer. Learned; sickly; devoted to wife; equal to a king. Takes to agriculture; bereft of wealth and home comforts; sinner; a barber. In Kanya a Sun: Serves women; varied comforts.

Sculptor; famous; wealthy; eager for battle. A poet-or astrologer; winner in a debate; equal to a king. Liked by the king; leader of an army; keeps his word. Many wives; wealthy, learned; highly talented. In Tula a Sun: A wanderer, sickly, poor, humiliated; without any comforts. Possesses many talents; very wealthy, learned; good speaker.

Highly respected; dealer in gold and precious stones. Healthy, good looking; wealthy, learned; a trader. Cruel; wealthy, indulges in physical pleasures.

In Vrischika a Sun: Learned; wanderer; devoid of comforts and wealth; disliked by others. Famous; equal to a king; winner in a war; voracious eater.

Crude in speech; father of twins; capable. Adheres to norms; good looking. Sickly, defective of some limb; greedy. In Dhanu a Sun: Wealthy; famous; equivalent to a king. Leader of an army; wealthy, valorous; famous.

Sculptor; astrologer, defends his near and dear ones. Beautiful body, religiously inclined; a minister; high status; wealthy. Good looking; several comforts; blessed with good friends and wife; offers refuge to many.

Good speaker; possesses strength; inclined to philosophical learning; arrogant; addicted to courtesans. In Makara a Sun: Poor, wanderer, ugly; helps others.

Famous; equal to a king; wealthy and fortunate.