Aries daily horoscope for january 6 2019

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Career, Reputation, Status, Responsibilities
  1. Aries Daily Horoscope
  2. Aries Horoscope 2019
  3. Aries Love Horoscope

Notice the cross in the middle. The cross of matter. Matter is that which is physical substance, which is different from the mind and spirit.

Matter is being confined from both sides pressing on it, almost like it is being squeezed, as if two walls were coming closer together and closing in on 'matter' thereby confining the space of matter. It's almost as if 'the matter' is being squeezed out or erased.

Often times Uranus will give you the feeling of being squeezed out or erased from something only to squirt you into a different direction.

Sometimes being squeezed out is exactly what you need. As the squeeze continues, our spirit from the bottom circle will reveal what we are made of and we begin pushing up on 'matter'.

It's just like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube. The spirit our spirit engages, pushes on matter and shows us just what we are made of and what we can do with our lives. Let's trek back for a brief moment and contemplate what occurred over the past eight 8 years in our Life where we felt this squeeze on ourselves.

Uranus was in the sign of Aries, which is the sign of the self, me, myself and I. Where is Aries in your natal chart and over the past year eight 8 while Uranus was in Aries, did you get the feeling that you were being squeezed out and into another direction?

Was there a feeling of being erased only to come out at the other end different or new or complete or emptied or changed? When you are feeling the squeeze of Uranus, it is trying to get your spirit to get a move on and to take some physical action. Are you not moving your ASS?

No wonder Ur-anus has a little ass in it! Some of us work better under pressure, with the feeling of two confining walls pressing in on us, to squeeze something really wonderful out of us.

This is what Uranus does and will do, only now it is doing it under the sign of Taurus. It should be 'for you' and not 'to you'. Uranus in Aries brought a me, me, me, look at yourself type of energy to your world. You had to get squeezed out to get a clue about your own Life.

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That initial pop of dry toothpaste can make a mess, but after that, the toothpaste begins to flow freely. That is what Uranus does to us. Now Uranus moves into Taurus and your self-worth, value system and how you define 'worth and 'self-worth' in your Life is getting squeezed. This is not like Saturn putting the squeeze on you to limit, restrict or withhold because you need discipline or need to learn responsibility and maturity.

This is about your Goodness get squeezed out. So we will all experience this squeezing up and out of ourselves as the walls push in on us and the cream of us rises to the top. Uranus is in Aries from March 11, until March 6, , which is an 8-year stretch plopped right in the middle of Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn.

Neptune is in Pisces is in its 'Home' placement from February 3, until March 30, Remember Pluto another generational planet is in Capricorn from until , which is very close to the same amount of time as Neptune in Pisces. Folks, these are generational shifts because these are generational planets, which tells us that patterns are being broken on a generation of people.

What will make you a Good astrologer is being able to see the patterns. These patterns that 'have to be' broken are recurring themes, ideas, habits and behaviors that have been handed down from generation to generation through the family. Breaking these patterns is going to hurt and it is going to hurt bad.

Patterns are hard to break, but they must be broken for us to move forward as a population of people. Neptune, Pluto and Uranus the planets on this page are affecting us all. These are not personal planets, they are generational planets that affect 'a generation'.

Quite frankly, there is a lot to write about concerning this Uranus in Aries transit, while at the same time trying to keep it separate from. First, make certain you have read Pluto in Capricorn above. Uranus moved into Aries for it's 8 year transit on Friday, March 11, until March 6, If you remember last summer Uranus in Aries took a brief ride into Aries on May 27, then it turned retrograde in Aries on July 5, It retrograded far enough back that it re-entered Pisces on August 13, while still in retrograde status.

All the same, we experienced a brief taste of Uranus in Aries last summer. The situation in the summer of was a bit different because it was conjunct Jupiter in Aries making both square to Pluto in Capricorn.

Now remember folks, a square is a hard challenge. The best way to remember Uranus is that it is the planet of sudden change. A fast and furious jolt. Folks, I'll tell you right now.

I'm hearing a lot of people saying things about Uranus making changes and then things get back to normal. There will be a new normal whether you are ready for it or not. I have listed some main Uranus rulerships in the next huge paragraph, after which I am still adding more information below this paragraph as to how this will show up in our lives over the next several years.

If you are an investor or thinking about a career in one of these areas, make a mental note of the rulerships below because there will be so much change that these careers are certain to get an incredible amount of attention due to the issues surrounding them.

What we will most certainly see out of this transit is innovation and invention blazing new trails. The earthquake in Sendai, Japan occurred on March 11, at precisely Uranus is the natural planetary ruler of Aquarius the sign of the future and is the ruler of.

I find this to be very interesting because Uranus went into Aries on March 11, , then here in the St.

Aries Daily Horoscope

Louis area on Monday, March 14, there was a class action lawsuit filed and papers served summons against the St. Louis Metropolitan Taxicab Commission. Now folks, throw in some Pluto in Capricorn here because Capricorn rules public officials and Pluto is transformation. Uranus rules taxicabs, summons and public transportation.

Aries is the warrior and it is doubtful that this Aries energy will let up and it is even more doubtful that the Taxicab Commission will be able to wiggle their way out of this one. The first thing Uranus in Aries makes me think of is the phrase, "indiscrimate of the past" and at the same time, "blazing new trails.

Sudden changes, new beginnings Uranus in Aries. This is a sudden break from the past like you've never seen! It's a lot of freedom We are seeing this play out in many ways consider the rulerships above with the most recent devastation in Japan, to the teacher protests Folks, things will change whether you like it or not.

There will be reform and change but nothing like it was. Not to mention some freakin' grandiose behavior for a lot of people. Like we need more grandiose reality TV shows to show how fanatical someone is.

Look for where Aries is in your chart at 00 degrees and that is where Uranus in Aries starts and impact you individually and will ride through until March 6, Uranus the tilted planet is the higher octave of Mercury, and both have their place in the weather.

While Mercury rules the wind, Uranus rules strong winds. Uranus essentially brings Life to the wind.

Aries Horoscope 2019

In fact, in Greek mythology Uranus personifies the sky and gives it a human nature Mother Nature. When we hear the rumblings of thunder that's one thing, but hearing and seeing lightning strike, then we suddenly get the idea that it just got real. Uranus personifies the sky! Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests.

Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence will be with you throughout and then most of It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Aries. This year, those most directly affected by this transit are those born from approximately April 1 to 11 and those with an Ascendant of 11 to 21 degrees Aries.

During this cycle, your career requires critical decisions and choices. Your career might involve more altruistic goals or helping others could figure strongly.

You may need to employ some caution with regards to elements from your past, as these might come before the public eye in some way during this cycle.

You may acquire a higher position now, and you are likely to feel the weight of increased responsibilities that come with it. While this period can be a tad difficult at times, particularly when Saturn forms a square to your Sun or Ascendant, there are some dazzling spots, making it a rewarding period overall, particularly if you focus more on long-term benefits and less on short-term frustrations.

Saturn is in a sign that it rules, Capricorn, during this period, and performs very well here as a result.

The last time Saturn moved through Capricorn was from Many of you will enjoy a career peak of sorts — this is a time of achievement, accomplishment, harvest, recognition, and the taking on of new responsibilities. Your Aries Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.

In March , you entered a lengthy cycle in which the image you present to the world and your personality are changing quite rapidly. So, until March 6th , you continue to embrace change, push yourself beyond your normal limits, express your independent streak, and take a few personal risks. While personal changes are necessary and perhaps inevitable, foolish risk-taking and pointless rebellion are not!

Tame your urges to rebel just for the sake of it. As well, avoid making changes just for the sake of making changes. In an attempt to release yourself from the past, quick or bold moves may be necessary. This influence can be a very liberating one.

Some level of detachment allows you to make progress in areas in which you previously held yourself back through fear, excessive emotionality, or lack of confidence. After seven years, this influence comes to a conclusion March From March 6th , Uranus transits your resources sector for many years ahead. There is a need to be free from certain attachments during this long-term cycle.

Financial ups and downs are possible, especially from April to May , when some of you could be cleaning up a problem from the past that affects your current financial status. The sooner you adjust to the idea of living with some uncertainty in this area, the better. When it comes to income, you are challenged to think outside the box to come up with viable plans to improve your finances.

You may be seeking out alternative sources of income now. This can be a time of freelance work or various sources of income. This can be a time when friends or networking impact your income or when a major source of income comes from internet businesses and what happens online can have a major impact on your financial status.

Opportunities are especially likely in December. Your Aries Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place. Career, professional matters, and public life continue to transform this year, requiring deep and lasting fundamental changes.

This is a very long-term influence that is once again active all year, and in fact, enhanced and reinforced with other influences active in this will increase even further in There can be tests to your level of expertise, and possibly even exposure of your areas of weakness.

Treat these as challenges to improve. However, your ambition is increasing and as progresses, you have even more support for reaching your goals.

Aries Love Horoscope

With the North Node moving through your solar fourth house all year, it would behoove you to pay more attention to home and family life — this is where you find your greatest joy and challenge.

There is a real need to get your domestic life into order, as this can bring fantastic benefits and much joy to your life. Many Aries and Aries rising people will be moving or preparing to move in While public and personal lives seem to compete, you have every opportunity to come to the right balance.

Your Planetary Ruler in Mars is your planetary ruler. Mars does not retrograde in and is moving at its normal speed. In a general sense, this means forward movement and a natural pace for you in This comes after the building up of resources and energy that happened in Mars gets extra support in the last week of January and then the last week of July.

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Areas of Expansion in for Aries: Education, Beliefs, Publishing, Career, Reputation, Responsibilities Your Aries Horoscope points to areas of life that are destined to expand and grow. Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Areas of Excitement, Innovation, Independence, and Speed: Personality, Personal Image, Finances, Self-Worth, Personal Possessions Your Aries Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.

Career, Reputation, Romance, Creativity, Friendships, Home Your Aries Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place.