Aquarius january 20 2019 weekly horoscope

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The best news of all, Aquarius? Two Venus-Jupiter conjunctions January 22 and November 24 bring ample opportunity to connect with other visionaries like you. Over the last two years, eclipses in your sign and the opposite sign of Leo have put you through some major relationship rites of passage.

The Leo lunar eclipse on January 20 brings this chapter of your love story to its logical conclusion. Mercury spends the summer going back and forth between Cancer and Leo.

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What has your partner done for you lately, Aquarius? Keeping it real can be a bit of a challenge this year, with Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces January 13, June 16, and September And in June, Venus in Gemini throws more fuel on the fire!

Her aspects to Jupiter and Neptune on the twenty-third and twenty-fourth have you feeling fun and flirty… but the attraction may be quick to fizzle out. Fortunately, Mercury will be spending two months in Pisces your second house of finance , giving you plenty of time to balance your checkbook.

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From February April 16, try keeping a money diary to track your expenses. Mercury goes retrograde three times this year—and for better or worse, Aquarius, all three happen in career and money houses. Progress may be slow, but with the North Node in Cancer your sixth house of work , trust that things are moving in the right direction.

Aquarius Horoscope 2019

Although it is quite possible that the Sun is already in the sign of Aquarius when a person is born, the energy of the entire date will shine through Capricorn as it finally embraces roles of Jupiter and the Moon at the end of the road. January 20th is most often the date when the Sun transits from the sign of Capricorn to freeing Aquarius.

The assignment of each Capricorn is to embrace their opposing sign of Cancer ruled by the Moon, just like every Aquarius has a task to embrace the Sun from Leo. Having these two lights in this numeral analysis on two sides of Pluto, we must recognize their importance for the bigger picture.

This is the date that always speaks of a deep change of perspective, inner light and emotional state. A shift from emotional to rational, from subconscious, through unconscious to conscious.

It is a place where something must resurface, be found, dug out, or discovered. From the masses of people only one king will rise, and it is up to these people to find the excellence and royalty within, while separating from family ties, patterns, and emotional ties, to become a leader.

This date is a place for gatherings of those who are important, and the Moon with the Sun adds to that image.

Your January Horoscope Is Here | StyleCaster

This symbol speaks about important people, men in the clearest masculine, leading principle, and their power, influence and ability to affect the world from the shadows, conspiring or arranging things for everyone else.

We can see that the numeral value of January 20th comes down to number 3 and the rule of Jupiter. It is easy to recognize an obvious need to reconcile differences and progress through love, family, and relationships towards self-discovery and fulfillment, but it is just as clear that this person is born to think, travel, learn, expand and teach.

As their convictions start to change for the better and they start to build reasonable optimism, they will know they are on the right path. Emotional life of people born on the 20th of January is quite a rollercoaster, for they are born with an intense set of feelings and trying to shove them under the rug for the most of their lifetime. It is typical for them to attract and choose partners who will hurt them in some way, just so they can rationalize and move on, closing their heart bit by bit, year after year.

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  6. If they stop nurturing the child within, they could become distant and closed, drawn apart from the rest of the world and lonely in their attempt to protect their sensitive insides. It is the system of beliefs and their pink goggles that define the direction in which their love life will move.


    People born on this date need to know instead of guessing, and feel with every fiber of their being that they have found the right person to be with, to be able to create the sense of belonging they wish for. Those born on January 20th often turn out to be excellent mediators, matchmakers, or peacemakers.


    Depending on their own state of the emotional world and their relationships within the family they were born into, they will have the potential needed to move in a meaningful direction. Either their sense of childish security will remain with them for a long time, or leave them too early for their life to develop to an impressive future.