Refinery29 horoscopes february 26

  1. February 26th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs
  2. Planetary Row
  3. What to Read Next
  4. Your Halloween Horoscope Is Here
  5. Your horoscope for the week—get ready for ALL the feels (thanks a lot Pisces)

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What your birthstone says about YOU. Your horoscope for the week—time to wrap up.

February 26th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs

Refinery29 Dec 27, 5: Monday, February 26, Try planning a few great games that let everyone have their moment in the sun. Let them have their moment and teach them your ways! Give your friends a lesson on posing, or ham it up for the camera with the group.

It will be more fun than "finding your light" in the bathroom mirror while snapping selfies.

Planetary Row

You need to get out of the house Virgo! Your career planet Venus is still in retrograde for a few weeks, so why not explore the lighter side of life? Costume yourself as someone who inspires joy.

The last quarter moon is in Leo on Halloween, making you feel like you need a little more appreciation from your peers. Your sign is known for being a natural nurturer, so let yourself pull back from giving if you need to.

Pamper yourself and recharge before going out into the night. Halloween night marks the last quarter moon in Leo, which will have everyone looking for a bit of attention.

Get your confidence back and have the time of your life! People will be drawn to you, so why not magnify your mysterious nature? Get out of the house this Halloween, while Uranus and Venus oppose each other. Your personal planet of home and love will be in an uncomfortable position, so spending the night on the town will be a breath of fresh air!

If you find yourself feeling a little jealous of others, shake it off. The moon will be in its last quarter in Leo, creating a real thirst for acknowledgment across the board.

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  • Let your friends know how much you love them by being aware of their needs. Make sure that your home is in order before you go anywhere tonight, Sag!

    Everyone will be blazing through their batteries during this last quarter Moon in Leo. Make time for real conversations and connect with your favorites! Venus, your career planet will be opposing Uranus, your cash planet. Recognizing that life has its ups and downs is all part of the game.

    What to Read Next

    Snap out of a less than stellar mood by letting loose on Halloween. Halloween is the time when you can express the side of yourself that no one else gets to see. Your love planet, the moon enters her last quarter in Leo, inciting a craving for adoration.

    Let yourself be open to love, and guard your heart.

    Your Halloween Horoscope Is Here

    What changes are in store for you Aquarius? This Halloween, your ruling planet Uranus will oppose Venus, your personal planet of home and family. You might want to stay in and hand out candy while you work out your thoughts.

    Your career planet, the moon enters her last quarter in Leo.

    Your horoscope for the week—get ready for ALL the feels (thanks a lot Pisces)

    Venus and Uranus will oppose each other on Halloween, putting you in the mood to sniff out any shady behavior. The last quarter moon in Leo will push you to get creative this evening - rather than looking for attention, let it come to you. Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here? Your Horoscope This Week.