February 10 2019 birthday horoscope

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  1. February 10 Birthday Horoscope — Zodiac Sign Personality
  2. February 10 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019
  3. February 10 Birthday Astrology

You would be surprised to know how many people have struggled to discover the depths of your personality. Air is the elemental pair of your sign and of all 12 zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a fixed connection with the element.

February 10 Birthday Horoscope — Zodiac Sign Personality

Your special connection with air allows your personality to share in the determined qualities of forceful wind. As is the case with all air signs, the influence of air stimulates breezes of curiosity within your being.

Planetary Row

In times when your interest is peaked, your curiosity takes purpose and you work tirelessly to gain understanding. Uranus is the planetary ruler of the Aquarius, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive the planetary influence of Venus as well.

While it is Uranus, the planet of deviation, that links to your originality and free spirit, it is Venus that connects to your sociability and appreciation of beauty.

Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you more sensitive and emotional than the other Aquarius Decans.

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You have an unconditional love for your family and close friends, which you express with great affection. Uranus drives your impulsiveness, as you seem to quickly fall in and out of love.

February 10 Birthday Horoscope 2018-2019

They believe in their abilities but have nothing of the egocentric about them. They fight for the underdog. Their ability to see beyond their own concerns is a characteristic that makes them praiseworthy. When it comes to making friends, those born on February 10 are as good as it gets.

These people have a real concern and love for others. They are anything but conventional in love and romance. Their reputation for fickleness isn't deserved -- it's grounded in their inability to commit on a long-term basis.

February 10 Birthday Astrology

It's not uncommon for people born on February 10 to keep their growing-up years secret. This is often related to their inability to resolve painful childhood issues. Often, it's not until they have children that they are able to put the ghosts to rest. They are protective, nurturing parents who give their children what they feel they missed.

February 9 - Birthday Horoscope Personality

February 10 people lead an active life that frees them from weight gain.