Gemini love horoscope january 23 2019

Yearly Love Horoscope: 2019 Love Guide for Gemini
  1. Gemini 2019 Horoscope Month by Month
  2. 2019 Yearly Love Horoscopes
  3. Yearly Love Horoscopes
  4. 2019 Gemini Love Horoscope

According to the Gemini love horoscope , those in love relationships will experience great connection due to the awesome communication skills that they share with their spouses or partners. Passion will be flowing in your veins this year more than ever before. Romance may be a challenge to other Gemini people this year, but you should get ahead of the situation and do that which is expected by showing much love to your spouse or partner.

Gemini 2019 Horoscope Month by Month

Based on the love astrology , marriage compatibility will be excellent for you this year. You and your spouse will enjoy peace and harmony for the most of this year. There is a likelihood that this year Gemini pregnancy will come into the picture since your love for children is beyond fabulous.

If arguments do arise between you and your spouse, it is advisable that you act like the mature adult and calm the situation. Your actions will attract your spouse sexually and emotionally. As per the Gemini horoscope , there is a high chance that this year you will enter into relationships that will last and those relationships may materialize to marriages that will, in turn, have high chances of existing for a long time.

You will love more this year than you have done in the past. Your partners will experience a new definition of love and romance from you.

There is no time to waste when it comes to love to ensure that you grasp every opportunity that comes your way. The Gemini love horoscope predicts that love will be your primary focus this year.

Love for friends, family, spouses, and partners. Singles will get immensely hooked and committed this year.

They will get partners who will appreciate them for who they are. Your email address will not be published. It moves from the 4th House to the fun loving 5th House. The trials and tribulations of love are leading to new and happier experiences. Marriages that survive the testing become renewed almost honeymoon like.

Divorcees find new and happy love. The whole tenor and tone of your love life changes and for the better.

Singles those who have never married have the best of both worlds this year. They have many opportunities for either committed or uncommitted love. The choice is theirs.

Even if they choose commitment, it will all be very honeymoonish. Romantic opportunities come close to home, perhaps from or through family members, perhaps with some old flame from the past. When your Love Planet is in the 4th House of the Past, it often brings romance with an old unrequited flame, or with someone who is just like this person in both appearance and attitude.

After September 25th, love opportunities will come from the usual places, parties, entertainments, resorts, weddings, or while you pursue leisure activities. Those working towards a second marriage also have good opportunity in the coming year. Someone of high status perhaps a boss or supervisor is coming into the picture.

Romantic opportunity comes as you pursue career goals. Your lover is helping your career.

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Marriage is a powerful career move. Those working towards a third marriage have a status quo year. Children and grandchildren of marriageable age have a status-quo year. Singles will tend to stay single and marrieds will tend to stay married.

As mentioned, your love and social life have been undergoing deep and transformative changes for many years now. As mentioned earlier, you are going to have to get your financial life in order.

Impose some discipline on spending and expenses before you can reap the rewards of the prosperity coming after September 25th, The Cosmos is very efficient. This is the story for the first nine months of the year ahead.

So the seeming unpleasantness of belt-tightening, budgeting, getting control over spending, financial reorganisation and the like has a positive outcome, which you will see later on. Debt seems like a problem this year. This will be especially burdensome to those who have borrowed frivolously or for trivial reasons. Paying off debt will also build character.

2019 Yearly Love Horoscopes

The burden you feel will remind you not to repeat past behaviour and yet, for others who have borrowed purposefully and wisely, debt will not be problem, in fact it could actually enhance earnings.

Professional investors should look at blue chip companies and property for profit opportunities. Bonds and the bond market should also be explored. Those with good ideas and a solid business plan, and I mean solid, realistic, should have no problem attracting outside investors.

Business plans will be subjected to very thorough scrutiny. Money can come from inheritances and estates, though no one need actually die for this to come about.

Sometimes if one is named in a will. Sometimes a trust fund is set up. Sometimes one is named an executor of a will and earns in that way. There are many possible scenarios. Older Geminis are planning their estates these days. Estate planning and taxes are playing a major role in the financial decision-making.

In general, this is a year for taking a long-term, realistic perspective on wealth.

Yearly Love Horoscopes

You have to ask yourself where you want to be financially speaking 30 years from now and act accordingly. It is a time for more systematic savings and investment, even if it is with token amounts monthly.

The idea is to develop the habit and the discipline of saving.

After September 25th, money comes in happy ways. Earnings and earnings opportunities will increase. Creative projects can boost your bank balance and best of all, by this time you will know how to handle and manage your new wealth.

Career is becoming very exciting these days as well. There will be serial career changes. No sooner do you find a dream job, and then another even dreamier offer comes. Many of you are opting for a freelance lifestyle. You work harder but you make your own hours and have more overall freedom.

Teaching offers are coming perhaps in foreign lands. Media opportunities are also happening. You are forsaking the security of a one-company career or even a one-occupation career for the unknown.

You launch out into the deep waters of faith. You can have a successful career without being tied down. Personal freedom is perhaps the most important career factor now, perhaps even more important than money or prestige.

Health is more delicate this year, Gemini, as three long-term planets Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter are making stressful aspects for you. Your empty 6th House shows that you tend to ignore health and not give it the attention it deserves. This would be a mistake especially for those of you born early in the Sign May 23rd to June 2nd.

Basically, you need to watch your overall energy. To rest more when you feel tired. To use your energy to greatest effect and not waste it on trivia or frivolities. It is nice to have many interests. It makes life exciting but you should choose the most important ones and focus on those.

Your career is unusually active this year and overwork is a health danger. Delegate responsibility where possible and organise your time more effectively.

Remember, if you are below par physically or mentally tired, work is likely to be below par as well.

2019 Gemini Love Horoscope

Rest, stretch and yawn. Then come back and do your work. With Pluto as your health ruler you benefit from detox regimes in general. Good health for you is more about ridding the body of excess or impurities rather than adding things to the body.

For many years now there has been a strong connection between love and health. For you, health is much more than the absence of disease. It means having a healthy love life and healthy relationships as well.

One area can impact on the others. If love is stressful, health tends to suffer. If health suffers, your love life tends to suffer. If there are health problems, chances are that it is coming from disharmonies in love or from friends.

Yearly Gemini Love Horoscope 2019