Star sign compatibility leo and leo

  1. Leo and Leo Nature and Nuances:
  2. Cancer and Leo - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

Then they will become vigilant, and when they catch someone red-handed, the dormant fury of the Lion blows up like a volcano, and will make it known to all that nobody can mess around with them.

The Leo-Leo love compatibility is huge. The Lions like pomp and ceremony, so there will be a lot of public display of emotion, open declarations of undying love, a showering of gifts and what not. The compatibility of Leo-Leo love match is obvious, and since Leo is a sign ruled by the Sun, they bring a glow to the lives of people around them.

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However, sometimes there can be a struggle for supremacy, and they will have to learn how to sort out this issue, because otherwise it can lead to major problems in the future. The Leo-Leo sexual compatibility can be a complicated matter. Though they can enjoy sex even without being emotionally intimate, they definitely prefer to have emotional intimacy also, which can be difficult given their massive egos.

The raw passion that the Lions bring to the bed can keep the Leo-Leo relationship going for a long time, but if they can combine it with trust and total confidence, the relationship will last much longer. This is the reason why, when it comes to sex, the Lions look for partners who can confide in them their innermost feelings.

The positive aspect of a Leo-Leo love relationship is that there is a clear understanding in their lives.

Leo and Leo Nature and Nuances:

Being two members of the same zodiac sign, Leo man and woman generally value similar things, such as courage, purity and the inner strength that someone possesses.

It is for this very reason that they will value each other, and this greatly contributes to the Leo-Leo love compatibility.

The thing that they respect more than anything is the understanding of the clear division of time for work and time for play. However, not everything in the Leo and Leo compatibility is goody-goody.

The Lions, as already pointed out above, have huge egos, and the division of duties and responsibilities in this relationship is not going to be a cakewalk. One solution that is bandied around is that they will have to understand that instead of trying to establish their supremacy, the better thing to do would be to share the crown.

Considering their individual talents and strengths, they should decide who is going to be the leader in which area of life. By far the best aspect of a Leo and Leo relationship compatibility is that they do not latch on to a grudge for too long. Though they have strong egos and fights between the two of the same kind are inevitable, they soon make up and move on.

The next morning will be hunky dory again as if nothing had happened.

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  8. This is a rare and great trait to have. Besides, though both can be arrogant and selfish, it is the warmth in their hearts and honesty in the relationship which helps them overcome any such negativities.

    Cancer and Leo - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

    Know the percentages of different aspects of your physical and mental state. However, it is this same passion and bossiness that each must learn to tame to remain compatible. Leo is ruled by the Sun.

    The Sun emanates a great light, power and strength. And, also like the star that illuminates the earth, the heat from The Sun can be deeply felt by those closest to it and it guides them on their journeys.

    The Sun can also scorch those in its path, their sense of dramatics, exaggeration and self-centeredness, making them at times burdensome for their partner or those around them. Leo is a Fire Sign. The red-hot passion of two Lions together is unstoppable.

    Their Fire, combined with reliance on physical action rather than emotional or intellectual makes the relationship highly dynamic. This intense energy can be wonderful if it avoids catastrophe.

    As a Fire sign, Leo is way more openly passionate and this could scare their Cancer away. Cancer is tender and sensitive enough to make their Leo partner feel guilty because of their nature, or Leo could simply have difficulty being tender in the way Cancer needs them to.

    Still, because of their rulers, they can get pretty close and share fine emotions in their sexual encounters. This is somewhat true and Leo is a born performer, more or less supported to become one.


    However, their need to show off is something Cancer might find irritating, but not something to lose their trust over. If Cancer feels loved, they have no reason to doubt their partner just because of their nature. Still, the differences between them might lead to a secret search for more compatible partners and this is easily sensed by both partners.

    Cancer and Leo, ruled by the Moon and the Sun, represent a subconscious and a conscious mind. Even if they share interests, they will often have a strangely different view on the same thing. They will often just drift apart as the conversation progresses. The Moon does reflect the light of the Sun, but it circles around the Earth.

    1. Leo and Leo Compatibility: When Two Royals Share the Throne.
    2. .
    3. scorpio astrology chart.
    4. This explains what happens in their relationship once Leo starts talking. Although they shine, Cancer pays much more attention to someone else or to the idea of earthly things they could have together, than to their Leo partner.

      The base of their communication should be in things that have yet to be discovered. All the mysteries that are there to be solved could be a good starting point because they both need to understand things, each in their own area of dominance.

      The best possibility they have is in the things that need a light cast on them from two different angles. We can say with certainty that their emotions are a truly beautiful thing.

      Both signs represent love and although it is not the same kind of love, it is an emotion, pure and simple. Although this is not always a promise of happiness, the depth of all the love that hides within is magical.

      On the other hand, Leo is a Fire sign of joy, first loves, fun and sex. Their heart is warm and big, for Leo represents our inner child, and their loyalty is unchangeable when they decide to give it to someone.