17 january horoscope 2019 in urdu

  1. Capricorn Horoscope 2019
  2. Capricorn 2019 yearly horoscope
  3. Capricorn Horoscope – Capricorn Predictions | jakubzidek.cz
  4. Capricorn Horoscope 2019 Predictions: You Will Witness Transformation

Your overall social popularity is increasing this year, too. This is because you are going way out of your way to please others and doing your best to cultivate their good graces. Sometimes, the desire for social acceptance will make people go against what they really believe inside.

Those of you working towards a second marriage also have wonderful aspects in , as reported by capricorn yearly horoscope. A very serious opportunity or prospect is already there. This person seems philanthropic and spiritual perhaps in the health profession, perhaps in the science and technology field.

The relationship will probably start as a friendship and develop from there. Marrieds will tend to stay married and singles will tend to stay single.

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  6. 17 january horoscope 2019 in urdu;

The same is true for those working towards a fourth marriage. Friendships, in general, are happy. Your social circle is expanding. You are having more fun doing things in groups.

New and important friends are coming into the picture. Children of marriageable age have a status quo year though important romantic decisions will be forced by the Lunar Eclipse of May and perhaps by the one on October 28th. Grandchildren of marriageable age are having a banner year both socially and financially.

Capricorn Horoscope 2019

They seem very happy. They are having serial love affairs and playing the field but stable long-term relationships are not likely. They are enjoying the quest rather than the result of the quest. This shows many things. For professional investors it shows opportunities in oil, pharmaceuticals, shipping and water utilities.

For others it shows that people in these kinds of industries can be involved in their financial life or help them to prosper in some way, either as employers or as customers and clients.

Pisces is the most spiritual of all the Signs. Intuition and spiritual guidance will play a major role in wealth this year and for many years to come.

This will be an interesting lesson for you, Capricorn, as when it comes to business, you are all very logical and down to earth. And even if you did, few of you would ever admit it. Your virtue and it is a great virtue is that you look at things as they are and work from there but intuition will not be looking at things as they are but at things as they will be in the future.

This could be disconcerting for many of you but over the next seven years or so you will learn the power of financial intuition. One second of it is worth years of hard labour, plotting and calculating, etc.

Many of you will be spending more on education over the next few years. Many of you will be making heavy investments in communication equipment and computers and, mainly, you will prosper though good communication, sales, marketing, mailings and media activities.

The marketing aspect of things will be a major factor in wealth. Many of you will get jobs in the marketing field and many of you will use marketing more in whatever field you are in. With Uranus as your money Planet, finances tend to be unstable as a general rule. There are always extremes in this area.

Capricorn 2019 yearly horoscope

The highs are spectacular but the lows can be equally spectacular. In the past seven years this volatility has been even more pronounced.

Happily, things are quieting down a bit. There should be less extremism one-way and the other.

Capricorn Horoscope – Capricorn Predictions | jakubzidek.cz

Career is going to soar in the year ahead but later on in the year. Career horizons are expanding. There are honours and recognition for who you are. There is more travel related to business.

Pay rises and promotions are happening and though you usually like responsibility, this year it could be more irksome as it could clash with your very active social life. Those of you who have issues with the government should wait until after September 25th to deal with them. You are more likely to get a better outcome then. Indeed, the government and people in authority over you are more gracious in many ways, not just financially.

There could be lucrative government contracts or lucrative government connections. Health is very reasonable this year, according to capricorn astrology predictions. Almost all the long-term planets are either making nice aspects to you or leaving you alone. Your 6th House of Health is not a House of Power, which I read as a good thing as you can more or less take good health for granted now.

Later in the year, though after September 25th , Jupiter will start making a stressful aspect and you might want to pace yourself more.

Capricorn Horoscope 2019 Predictions: You Will Witness Transformation

The main danger now is your demanding social and career duties. Both of these urges are very strong and your fire in the belly for both social and career success could cause you to overextend yourself against your better judgement.

Mercury is your Health Planet. He is a fast-moving planet and in the course of the year will move through all the Signs and Houses of your Horoscope. Your health needs will vary from month to month. Therapies that might work one month might not work another when Mercury is in another position and under different aspects.

Healing can come to you in a variety of ways. These short-term trends will be discussed in the monthly forecasts. These are times to study and research new health regimes but not to actually undertake them.

Important changes to your health regime or important health decisions such as elective surgery or other invasive procedures are best delayed if possible until the retrograde is over. Mercury will be retrograde from January 1st to 5th, April 6th to 29th and August 10th to September 1st and December 2nd to 19th.

Mercury rules the nervous system, the lungs, intestines, arms and shoulders so these organs need more attention than other organs.

Yearly Horoscope 2019 Star Yearly Predictions Annual Forecast Urdu USA UK Future Zaicha Jafri

Since health problems would most likely arise there, keeping them fit becomes powerful preventive medicine. There are many natural and drugless ways to achieve this and they should be explored.

Mercury rules the mind and the intellect. Thus mental health is as important to you as physical health. And there is a strong correlation between your mental and physical health. Your mind needs to be given more attention. Happily, this year you seem to be doing this.

The mind needs exercise as much as the body needs it. It needs good nutrition as much as the body does. Reading the great books especially the inspired literature of all cultures is very important. The tenth sign of the Zodiac, the Earthy Capricorn, represents that you are an ambitious, determined and helpful person.

It is truly said that, it is better to stock up before the winter comes. As you are also a reliable, practical and hardworking person, it is a perfect time to think about your future.

And remember that, action speaks better than words. Try to improve yourself, think more rationally and make realistic plans, and keep the eye on the ball, always! For now, keep the worry about your financial investments and savings at bay as there will be better than average results.

Are you planning to buy a new home? Or a more comfortable office? It seems like the most unexpected benefits are just around the corner, and you may win a lottery or get a promotion, or see the rates of your shares quickly going up! So, be prepared as it is more likely that you may invest in property.

It is true that in order to stay mentally healthy you must be physically fit as well, tells your Capricorn horoscope.