Zodiac compatibility chart leo

Leo compatibility table
  1. Leo in Love – Sign Compatibility
  2. What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Leo?
  4. Leo and Taurus Love Compatibility - jakubzidek.cz

A compliment works, too, because Leos put a lot of time into crafting how they present to the world. They like when people take notice. Whether it's a hot air balloon ride or a whitewater rafting experience, Leo loves to fully explore the world, especially on once-in-a-lifetime adventures.

Plus, making a plan from start to finish makes your Leo feel taken care of, which this sign loves. Remember that Leo has a "the more, the merrier" attitude. Cornering them for a convo while a party rages around you will make a Leo feel caged.

Leo in Love – Sign Compatibility

Invite others into the dialogue, because Lions think good socializing skills are incredibly attractive. Sensuous and generous, Leo is one of the Zodiac's sexiest signs, with a willingness to try anything once and a personal mission to make sure that his or her partner is satisfied every single time.

A Leo loves dirty talk, so narrating what you're doing as you're doing it is super sexy. Leos also love to hear that they've done a good job, and that you're happy with their skills, so be generous with the carnal compliments. Leo loves to look. If sex on video isn't your thing, keep your Leonine lover happy by placing some mirrors near the bed.

And this sign is very in tune with their sensuality, so don't skimp on foreplay, naked massages, and worshipping every inch of their body. Remember, your Lion loves to purr just as much as he or she loves to roar. Exploring the gamut of sexual games, from slow, sweet coupling to biting and hair pulling, will keep a Leo happy and coming back for more.

A Leo woman loves to feel valued and nourished by her partner. Daily compliments, "just because" gifts, and date nights are essential to keeping her happy.

Leo women also prize their friends, family, and work relationships. Don't make her choose between you and someone else she loves—it'll only end up hurting you. Know that when you fall for a Leo woman, you must love her friends and family, too.

Leos are so busy and with so many people in their orbit that they don't have the time or energy to analyze subtext. If you want her to do something, or if you feel that there's something she should be doing in the relationship, tell her. Passive-aggression will erode your relationship.

Worst Matches

And Leo doesn't want you to worry about her feelings. Of course, you should say things in a loving, respectful way, but letting annoyance fester will only damage your bond. Believe in second chances. Naturally dominant and constantly on the make, Leo men see romantic possibilities everywhere.

Even if they think they're falling in love with you, it can be tough for them to actually turn down other options. That's why Leos are infamous for putting the kibosh on a relationship just when it starts getting serious. But that doesn't mean he's gone forever. Sometimes, a Leo man needs to realize what he's missing to truly commit.

Understanding that—and believing in second chances—can pave the way for a happy and long pairing with a Leo. Get over the past.

A Leo man hates when past mistakes or transgressions come up, especially if he's already apologized. To fight fair with a Leo man, focus only on the issue at hand, and let the past lie. Your Leo man will apologize when he's in the wrong, but fishing for an apology, or any other passive-aggressive behavior, can harm your relationship.

While dating may have ups and downs, breakups and makeups, once your Leo has made a decision, he or she is committed. Leo is passionate, loyal, and will always make your life together an adventure. A Leo will also ensure that your social life is active and that things will never feel boring or stale.

Fickle Lions may sometimes seem like they're toying with your heart, but it can actually take a while for them to truly know that they want you. In the meantime, keep an eye out for these indicators of affection:.

When Leos get cagey about their plans, it could be a sign that they're ready to move on. Ordinarily, Leo thinks nothing of automatically inviting his or her partner to all events, so if you suddenly hear, "No thanks, I'd rather go by myself," something more could be going on.

Lions consider sexuality integral to their vitality, so if yours frequently refuses sex or doesn't seem in the mood, something could be going on below the surface. It's all about image for this sign, which means that Leos will quickly delete their ex from social media feeds, and make sure that to post a prominent party shot to show that they are just fine , thank you very much.

In order to move on, Leo will try to pack his or her calendar with as many plans as possible, and will likely go on dates even just a few days after a breakup.

It's not because they don't care, but moving on is the best way for Leos to move forward. Leo corresponds to the much valued gold, which epitomizes perfection in many traditions. Alchemy endeavors to transmute lead into gold through a harmonizing of the four elements.

First you take fire Aries , then add earth Taurus , then add some air Gemini and finally you dissolve the mixture with water Cancer. They all blend seamlessly into Leo, the fifth sign, the fifth element. There is a child-like simplicity to this regal sign, who loves to be the center of attention, loves lots of complements and flattery.

What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Leo?

Leos shine … they light up a room with an aura of radiance and magnetic charisma that attracts the adoration from many around them. They have an innate pride and carry themselves well, with a certain majestic presence. When they shine, nothing can get in the way of their light.

Easily inspired, Leo has a natural artistic inclination and will be creative in all areas of life. They do not like to be bothered or bored with small details though, and leave those jobs to other signs.

They become easily jaded and love to have fun. There sunny disposition and warm, happy and outgoing nature makes them a joy to be around. A Leo will love to talk and express themselves.

They love the limelight and anything that brings them a lot of attention and adoration. Flattery, compliments and being adored is what this sign relishes in … they need it. Known to be one of the most generous signs , Leos are quick to help those in trouble and the first ones to assist those in need.

They do this because on a deep subconscious level they believe that this is the right thing to do. Leos love to help. They will quickly give money to those in need and have a genuine desire to assist people in their troubles.

Leos are also known for giving freely plenty of advice to those around them, about everything, and are known to be better at dealing out advice then tending to their own troubles. More than any other sign they love to give free advice. They like to take care of their own problems themselves. The insecure and immature ego of a Leo will cause them to demand attention, becoming arrogant and selfish.

Humility and gaining understanding that no one is above another. They need to learn that as we are all one, is one of the key lessons for Leo that will lead to a more spiritually evolved expression of this sign.

A darker side of Leo is usually quite easy to spot, simply because they love the limelight. They secretly seek the approval of others, and need the compliments from those around them in order to feel good about themselves.

Often found showing off, Leo tends to want to be the big shot. Leos are prone to gambling and serious debt troubles. They love to be flattered, regardless of sincerity and tend to flatter others with statements that are simply not coming from their heart. A Leo born can also be too bold in their statements and expressed options, hurting others who are much more sensitive then they are.

Extremely talkative and at times honest to a fault about what they think of things and others, a key lesson for Leo is to learn when it is best to keep their mouths shut. They can be childish, bossy, immature, pompous, intolerant, demanding and closed-minded. The pride that they are famous for can quickly turn to arrogance and lack of respect for them will turn to blind rage.

They have fragile confidence and usually do not take criticism well. In Love, Leos need lots of attention, but also give a lot of attention in return. When dating a Leo, money may as well grow on a secret money tree that only those who are Leo born know the whereabouts of, because that is how they spend it.

They love to spoil their lover with expensive dining, gifts, luxuries and entertainment. They spare no expense when it comes to love, investing in the best of everything. They often spend it excess and love showing off when doing so.

Leo rules the heart, and Leo is certainty one of the most loving, generous, romantic and passionate of the signs. A fire sign, Leo is sure to be anything but ordinary … a love affair unlike any other, filled with excitement and pleasure.


Leo loves the theatrical and adores the stages of courtship. Leos are very proud, however pride can cause great vulnerability and a hurt ego, can lead to a Leo becoming deeply wounded. This is especially true when others do not respect Leos wisdom and generosity, so be sure to show gratitude for their grandeur and gifts and you are sure to stay on their good side.

Leo will never tolerate someone disrespecting them. Although they are quick to spark up, and become upset or angry, they are just as quick to forgive and rarely hold grudges.

To subdue a Leo, simply flatter them. They are easily flattered and they want it … need it … from others.

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It is seldom that a Leo is ever depressed and if so, they bounce back quickly. Often they hide their deep depression or hurt feelings and feign happiness, until they really are feeling happy again. They quickly bounce back from despondency and adjust courageously, easily overcoming a difficult emotional plunge.

Leos take great pride in everything, from their physical appearance, to their home and all their worldly possessions … sometimes even their partner, who they may show-off too, to their friends if they are not careful.

Leos actually tend to love to show-off in all areas of their life. They are proud and they need an audience to watch them express this pride.

Leo and Taurus Love Compatibility - jakubzidek.cz

Partners that can be this audience are the best match for a Leo. Also, those who admire them, yet are open to be admired in return will prove very compatible as well. Taking center stage in everything, often with dramatics, Leos love to dress splendidly and expensively.