Lhoroscope libra en arabe

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  1. Libra: Your daily horoscope - December 28
  2. Today's Reading
  3. Libra: Your daily horoscope - December 28
  4. ALL ABOUT Libra

The glow may not last long, so enjoy. The sun enters Capricorn today, too, and winter starts. The full moon on the twenty-second keeps you in the spotlight at work and in social settings. You have great insights as well as authority right now, so do what needs to be done and do it well the first time.

Start your love reading now. Have questions about your romantic future? The Empress signifies the queen of life, the ideal woman, the archetypal mother. She represents the matriarchal goddess, being part of nature, fertility, sexuality, and the generative forces.

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Travel light, live light, spread the light You are a confident, natural leader and are able to perform any given task perfectly if you stopped yourself from hesitating while making tough decisions. You should avoid trying to constantly please others as that may effect your own life adversely.

Today, the Moon in Virgo could invoke a feeling of regret and self-condemnation about a recent happening. Maybe, you compromised on your own feelings while considering others and they have been ungrateful about it.

Daily Meditation

You will feel hurt and frustrated, but maybe this could open your eyes to the selfishness of some people around you. Any task undertaken between 3: Lavender is your lucky color for today.

Libra: Your daily horoscope - December 28

In your quest to please everyone, you are not giving enough space for your own beautiful thoughts to mature.

You should avoid trying to do this as that may effect your own life adversely. Today, the Moon in Virgo could invoke a feeling of regret and self-condemnation in you since you could be losing your confidence in yourself.

Maybe, you are depending on too many people around you for your own happiness.

Today's Reading

You are scared to live alone and so compromise your own feelings while considering others. You must learn to not give in every time to everybody, Libra. White will be a great colour to wear today; it will help channel the positive cosmic energies in your life. As your partner may have become slightly aggressive recently, the need t Read More If you work in business, then you will find that today you are outperfor Read More Gains are directly linked to your efforts and you will make a lot of mon Read More Take care of your health today as you will be prone falling ill with a f Read More Planet ruling the sign of Libra is Venus , making these people great lovers but also fond of expensive, material things.

Their lives need to be enriched by music, art, and beautiful places they get a chance to visit. Libra — The Measure of Our Souls The shortest myth of them all seems to present a good analogy to the shortest constellation in the sky, you might even say that it is non-existent, presented by the pliers of Scorpio.

Libra: Your daily horoscope - December 28

Libra is one dot of balance in the sea of different extremes, manifested only through the fifteenth degree of this magnificent sign, an object among animals and people. There is something awfully insecure about Libra, as if they were unsure which plate to burden next, aware that things pass and teach us to be careful around other people.

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Telling us where we went wrong or what we did right, Libras unconsciously teach us that true liberation hides in lightness. Even though you could create a workplace that functions with each detail correct, you need some chaos and an open mind to get things done in inspirational You need a strong inner sense of support This Month Dec You are ready to set up a foundation of personal value that is needed for a higher income and more appropriate relationships in your life.


Some things you figured out in the past couple of weeks stand as warning signs Once they start a romantic relationship, maintaining peace and harmony become the most important thing and their primary goal.

Their charming personality and their dedication to each relationship makes their compatibility with others satisfying, but that fallen Sun they have to heal often creates trouble in their emotional world.

Libra is the sign of marriage, making its representatives open for traditional pathways of love. Even though the element of Air gives them a lot of flexibility, they will still feel the strong pull towards tradition and their desires will eventually turn to love put on paper, well-organized and serving a purpose to create a certain image for the outer world.

In a way, each Libra is in search of a partner who has the ability to set clear boundaries, as if expecting to be protected by them but without their pride being endangered in the process. This is a sign deeply connected to sexuality for Scorpio rises where it ends.

It is the gravity of Libra to share their entire life with someone, with a challenge to be independent and aware of their core personality at the same time. When a Libra has made up their mind on being with someone, they have already chosen well, but it will help to know what stands in their way of achieving happiness or pushes them forwards matching sings in widgets below:.

Friends — Libra representatives are highly social and put their friends in the limelight, but sometimes raise their expectation bars too high, and choose friendships that make them feel superior to the person standing in front of them.

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Their nature makes them indecisive which is why they might show a lack of.