February leo horoscope

  1. Leo Monthly Horoscope
  2. Leo Monthly Horoscope - My Stars! Horoscopes
  3. Horoscopes
  4. Daily Planetary Overview

You're not turning into a hermit.

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Rather, you're becoming more sensitive and receptive to the peace and stillness that people need but usually ignore. Get clarity with a psychic reading - free up to 10 minutes!

DEC 27, - The moon squares larger-than-life Jupiter, providing the motivation to attack issues and turn them into opportunities.

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Initially a nameless card, Death very seldom literally means death. Instead it is the image of profound transformation, the ending of one cycle, and the transition into a new state. Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who Today's Star Ratings Your general mood.

Sex Hustle Vibe Success.

Leo Monthly Horoscope - My Stars! Horoscopes

Card of the Day Death Initially a nameless card, Death very seldom literally means death. Today's Reading Choose your cards.

Get a Live Tarot Reading. As a result all Leos should spend some time in December considering how to increase your skills. The new moon sets the stage for this. Career-wise, see if there are industry seminars or webinars you can attend.

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  • Spend more time developing skills. All Leos should consider taking an adult ed arts class or head to a crafts store to learn a new hobby.


    There is some tension at new moon time, however, when it comes to love and children. Mercury was retrograde in the last half of November in this sector. On December 1st it continues to retrograde back into your fourth house of domestic matters, where it will remain until the 12th. This means that issues from the past could come back, demanding to be resolved.

    Perhaps conceiving a baby has been a topic of discussion.

    Daily Planetary Overview

    Family members could be fighting or butting in to your personal business. A roommate may need to be told to clean up their act and their mess in the apartment. Mercury will only be retrograde for six days, going direct on the 6th.


    It will spend a few more days in this sector, then it will move on to the house of romance on the 12th. Leos, I know how much you love amour and intimacy.