Chinese astrology february 5 2019

Your Fortune is Determined by Lucky Element and Day Master
  1. The Chinese Zodiac
  2. Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator
  3. When is the Chinese New Year 2019?

You have opportunities to show your talent to people. You will bring to build your reputation, which might bring you extra fortune. The Wood inside Pig is related to your wealth or finance. Pig brings you opportunity regarding to money, property and investment.

It's time to review your financial plan. It's time to diligently study money investment.

When You Day Master are Water. Since Water is afraid of Earth , will bring you lots of pressure. Earth represents your career, position, boss, teacher, police or law.

Your behaviors or activities will encounter some restrictions. The major event in is related to your job. Your job responsibilities will increase.

You will be very busy in the office during year of This is a year of career opportunity. Earth of can absorb the Water. If Earth is your Lucky Element, then you should be able to handle the pressures from the current position. You should accept the challenge for any promotion or other career opportunity. If Earth is your Unlucky Element, then you might feel too much stress from work overload.

You might encounter the problems from the undergoing project and have difficulty to find the solution. You will lose the confidence to face the career opportunity. If you are single lady and looking for a love relationship, then is good time to find your ideal companion. Earth represents your boyfriend or husband.

As long as increasing your social activities, you have a good chance to meet someone you like. Pig contains mainly Water which represents to your siblings, friends or peer. They will keep your social life busy. The competition or cooperation always exists in the peer group.

Chinese Horoscope 2019 – Zodiac 12 Animal Signs

Either competition or cooperation has changes to create the money opportunity. Only sincere friends bring you good fortune.

Pig of contains some Wood. Wood is related to your children, outlook, words and actions. When You Day Master are Wood. Earth of is afraid of Wood. Earth stands for money or wealth to Wood. You will deal with money, finance and property in , year of Pig. Therefore the major event in will be related to your money and property managements.

You will spend more time to plan for investment. You might think about how to increase the income, how to spend money for travelling, vacation and better material life. If you have strong Earth in your birth chart, then money opportunity is around you all year long. Your income, investment and wealth will increase quickly. But if you have a weak Earth in the birth chart, then money trouble will come to you soon.

Therefore you shouldn't do any risky investments. You should not loan money to friends. It is also advisable to not loan money for investments, either. Otherwise, money opportunities will become debts. If you are single gentleman and looking for a love relationship, then is good time to find your ideal companion.

Earth represents your girlfriend or wife. As long as increasing your social events, you have a good chance to meet a lady you dream. Water is the Mother Element of Wood. Water of is connected to your parents, elders, knowledge or medicine.

You will often meet people who care you a lot and learn some wisdom from them. They might give you good advice and bring you opportunity in career development.

Pig contains some Wood which represents to your siblings, friends or peer. When You Day Master are Fire. Earth of is the child element of Fire. Earth is something out of your Fire. It's your outlook, performance, speeches and behaviors representing to the public. It's a sign of relaxing and freedom without restriction.

Therefore, your social life will make you a little bit busier. You will have many opportunities to show your talent. People will talk about you. More than likely, taking care of such a busy life will consume your energy when you have many activities with people. If Earth is your Lucky Element, you will have good mood, expression and attitude when meeting people.

You become popular in your peer group. You will earn good reputations from them. This could create the money opportunity in the future. If Earth is your Unlucky Element, you probably will have a bad temper with arrogant attitude.

People won't like your mannerisms and they will keep distance from you and give you a negative reputation. This will impact your career development. Water of can put out the Fire. The Water inside the Pig represents your career.

Water is related to your job, career, supervisor, or rules. Pig of will bring you some pressures. You will have more job responsibilities. The schedule of undergoing project will be getting tight. If you are female, then Water is connected to your boyfriend or husband. If you are in love, then Pig brings you a sweet relationship in If you are single, then is a good time to look for your love.

Pig contains some Wood. Wood is the Mother Element of Fire. Wood of is connected to your parents, elders, knowledge or medicine. When You Day Master are Earth. Earth of represents your siblings, friends, coworkers, partners, relatives or peer. The events will be connected to them and spend most of time with them.

You will have more energy in social activities. If you own a business, then you will often work with your partners to compete with your opponents. If Water is your Lucky Element, then you will get lots of courage and support from your siblings or friends.

If you are doing business, then your friends or business partners will help you to bring in more income. If Water is your Unlucky Element, then your friends or relatives will bring you trouble. They might ask for a loan, or you may be forced to spend money on them. The Water inside Pig is related to your wealth or finance.

If you are male, then Water is connected to your girlfriend or wife. If you are in love, then Pig will bring you a sweet relationship in If you are single, then is a good year to try on new relationship.

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The Wood inside the Pig represents your career. Wood is related to your job, career, supervisor, or rules. Female Earth has interrelationships between other Five Elements. The Pig has interrelationships among the Zodiac Animals.

Those relationships could impact the results on the Chinese astrology prediction.

The Chinese Zodiac

Therefore, if Earth is your lucky element and you have Male Wood in your birth chart, then will be your lucky and joyful year. If Male Wood is your Day Master , the upper low element of DAY column in the birth chart, then that's a good sign of love relationship. If you are single, then this is a good year to try a relationship.

If you are single male and in love , then it's time to think about engagement or marriage. If you are married, then you have very good marriage life.

It's a good sign for social, people and love relationships.

If Tiger is at Spouse Palace , the lower row of the DAY column in the birth chart, then that's a very good sign for engagement or marriage. If Wood is your lucky element, then the relationship will bring you good luck in If Wood is related to the job, then your good luck in career. If Wood is related to money, then that is the prosperity sign.

If Horse is at Spouse Palace , then Pig might brings you a secretly love relationship. Snake and Pig have conflict in relationship. This is a sign of dishonor or broken promise. It's a bad sign for love affair, health and worrisome.

It might involve travel or relocation. In this case, people should avoid any quarrel, dispute and challenge with others. If Wood is your lucky element, then you will have a extremely good luck in If Male Wood or Female Wood is also found in birth chart or Year Major Cycle, then will become one of your best years in your life.

Year of Pig could bring you an unexpected big surprise. If Male Water or Female Water is also found in birth chart, then will become your wonderful and memorable year.

That can disturb people's emotions, judgment, and decision. People might become suspicious and stubborn. When things go wrong, then people will blame themselves. Predict your Personal Chinese Horoscopes. Welcome to enjoy all free information.

Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator

Chinese Fortune Angel Astrology. Home of Chinese Fortune Calendar. Your relationship with Dog is a neutral one. The solution—make it your job to be an advocate for the fair, honest, and complete reporting of facts.

Promote the highest standard of truth telling. Your super power is endurance. You actually managed well in your personal life last year, buoyed by the sharpness, clarity, and ambition of the Fire Rooster. But your natural element is Earth, so the coming Earth Dog year will be an excellent opportunity to harness yourself to the wagon, and help the whole team clean up.

There is much wreckage to repair. Though your tendency is to work alone, undisturbed by surrounding chaos, allow yourself now to join with others in pursuit of a more just world. A natural pairing would be to lend your considerable strength to the Rat, who is in charge of information gathering.

Freedom of the press might be a cause you could both get behind. If you managed to stay on course last year and not get distracted, you should now have completed your recovery from the Monkey year All the place mats in Chinese restaurants say that Tiger is a courageous, charismatic leader. You often wonder at this, knowing how much you prefer to stay in your cave, well out of the fray, getting fat and calmly biding your time.

But when conditions are right, you flex your muscles, yawn and stretch, and come loping, gloriously, into the world. This is one of those years.

When is the Chinese New Year 2019?

Your special power is integrity. When you come out of your cave, you notice that the world has gone dangerously off the rails in your absence, and there is not a jot of integrity to be found anywhere.

The Dog is your natural partner in the noble endeavor of restoring justice, equality, and fairness in the realm. You get a pass this year on activism.

You can come out of hiding when you feel ready, because Dog is actually very compatible with you. You can start to reach out, reconnect with friends, and plan for the Pig year coming up in Your part in helping the Dog to restore justice, is simply to help people reconnect with their own sensitivity and spirituality.

It is central to re-establishing a just and fair society. You are the icon of charismatic leadership. We depend on you to embody the archetype of awe, magic, and royal deportment.

You want to enchant everyone with alchemy. The Dog wants us all to be practical, and join the fight for justice. You view the Dog as a conventional realist, lacking imagination.

Best way for you to work with this remember, Dog has the upper hand now , is to devote yourself to the high road. Be the celestial dragon that inspires people. Help them remember what it feels like to believe in magic and transformation.

Martin Luther King was a Dragon. Like King, in your words and actions, remind people of the dream. Help us keep our eyes on the prize. For you, wisdom is an inside job, acquired through assiduous self examination, and not easily challenged by trendy popular dogma. Your job this year, is to keep a quiet space for these activities, and set an example for others who may be in danger of losing contact with their inner compass and innate wisdom.

For without this connection to our inner light, how will we maintain clarity as we seek to restore a just society? This promises to be a most successful year for you. Some call it the martial trio, a reference to the shared characteristics of nobility, valor, and integrity these three exemplify.

And, like Dog and Tiger, you have great physical prowess. Most importantly, now that Dog is in charge for a year, you can relax your wariness about potential predators, and move confidently into your role as noble war horse.

Of course, what I mean by that is not literally going to war though that was often your role in changing the course of world history. Rather, you are invited to be such a visible sign of dignity and courage for others, that you inspire forward momentum, even in the face of daunting challenges and possible defeat.

Horsemen have a saying: You are both anxious worriers, but you tend to mistake this shared tendency, for compatibility. O in a crisis is to manage the team, so everyone has a role and gets along.

Coming Chinese New Year Days

The Dog just attacks. You find this primitive and unskillful. Dog finds your approach a waste of time. The two of you lack respect for one another. Since Dog is in charge this year, your best strategy is to lie low and apply your considerable management skills to your personal life.

Reorganize your approach to a problem, reassess your goals, heck, even reorganize your closet. It will undoubtedly backfire, and you may find yourself getting nipped by an irritable Dog. Next year, the Year of the Pig, you will be back in action.

The Dog will need a rest, and everyone will be grateful for your skillful approach to moving the team forward. There is no one who can match you in resourcefulness, versatility, and irrepressibility.

Your genius for turning disaster into wisdom and success is legendary. And, unlike the rest of us, you actually thrive in the current level of societal chaos. Can you see how much we need you right now? The challenge you face this year, is to put the needs of society above your personal agenda.

That will take some discipline on your part. So here is the invitation: Set aside your personal ambition and join the movement.

Though your clarity and precision were much appreciated last year, your work is done now and your power is in decline.

You have some conflict with Dog, perhaps feeling that his efforts lack precision. Dog has the upper hand this year, and has powerful friends. Your attempts will be seen as tactless and fussy, rather than the obvious efficient strategic advice that seems so clear to you.

What will help in the coming year, is for you to remind us how to delay gratification and invest in long term goals. Roosters have an exceptional talent for this.

We are all a little desperate and that message is an important bit of wisdom for these times. It would be a mistake to replace one TV personality with another, and your clear perception of the long term issues will help keep us focused on proceeding judiciously rather than impulsively.