House counting in horoscope

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To read this article in Hindi, please click here. This week we will learn how to interpret diagram of a birth chart. We will also get to know concepts like ascendant and house etc. A birth-chart also called Kundli or Horoscope in India can be called a map of planetary positions at the time of birth.

There are several different ways of portraying birth-chart in different parts of India. To keep it simple, we will restrict our discussion to north Indian style only. A birth chart tells about the position of planets in houses and signs. We have already discussed about the planets and zodiac sings, and we will talk about houses a little bit later.

In north Indian diagram of birth chart, ascendant sign is written on very first place and then signs are shown from right to left. It can be understood better with following example chart:.

To understand what is house, we will have to forget all the numbers and names of planets in above example chart for a while. Above birth chart diagram can be decamped in 12 boxes, out of which eight are triangular and four are rectangular in shape.

This It has been depicted in gray background in above example chart. Position of ascendant is always fixed in the birth chart. So when we have to find out ascendant, we look at the position of grayed box above.

When we start counting anti-clock wise from first house, the next position arrived thus is known as second house. The next one from second house is called third house and so on. The numbers written in horoscope denote zodiac signs, e. The second house is the one that has digit 5; third house has the digit 6 and the planet Rahu, so and so forth.

The twelfth house is where the digit 3 is written.

Houses (Sanskrit: भाव)

In the chart 2, the first house is the one that has digit 2 and planets Moon and Saturn. Second house is the one with digit 3 and Rahu, etc. It is important to remember that no matter what digit is placed in the first house, the counting or sequencing of the houses remains unchanged.

It always starts at the house marked as ascendant in Fig 1. Also remember that digits written in the houses do not represent the house numbers. We will describe houses in greater details later in chapter 6. The earth and other planets revolve around the Sun.

Beyond the planets, is the sky where the stars can be seen. Since the planets are constantly moving and the relative position of the stars is fixed, the stars are used to describe the positions of the planets. Path chalked by the planets during their revolution is known as Zodiac.

The ancient astrologers have divided the Zodiac in 12 parts, as shown in Fig 1. Each part is known as a Sign and each sign contains a number of stars. The ancient stargazers connected the stars to imagine a figure for all signs, just as a small child connects the dots to make a picture in a drawing book.

It is obvious that while imagining the figures, the ancient astrologers kept the behavior and physical appearance of the humans in mind. The full description of the figures will be given in Lesson 2. Here we give only the names of these figures or the astrological signs:. Since there are 12 signs and 12 houses in the horoscope, each house of the horoscope contains a sign.

What is Horoscope or Birth Chart

The signs are not represented in the horoscope by their names like Aries, Taurus, etc. The digits corresponding to the signs are also given in the Table 1.

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Thus digit 1 is used for the sign Aries, 2 for Taurus, 3 for Gemini, so and so forth. If you see a digit in a house of the horoscope you should immediately realize the sign that house contains. For example, if the first house contains the digit 4, as is the case in the chart 1 of the Fig 1.

If a house contains digit 10, its sign is Capricorn.

House-lord (Sanskrit: भावेश)

So it is important to commit to memory not only the names of the signs but also their corresponding digits. Note that the digits are written in the horoscope and not the full names of the signs merely for convenience. It is stated earlier that the order of the houses does not change, although signs in the house may change.

The signs of houses are determined from the time of the birth of a person. The earth spins around its own axis once a day.

Astrology: how to read your Birth Chart: The Houses

Therefore it moves through each sign in approximately 2 hours. From earth it looks like as if the Sun is moving through each sign in about 2 hours. In the Chart 1 of the Fig 1.

Once the sign of the first house is determined, the signs of the following houses are merely the subsequent signs. For example, if the ascendant is Virgo 6 , as is the case in Fig 1.

In the South Indian style horoscope Chart 3 and 4, Fig 1.

12 Houses In Astrology

The houses are shown as blocks and these blocks are arranged in a rectangle. Thus First house could be different in different horoscopes. Here not even the signs or their corresponding numbers are written in the horoscope.

The sign Aries is always assumed to be the second block of the upper row of the blocks as shown in Fig 1. The other signs are progressed in clockwise direction as indicated. Thus in the south Indian style chart, the signs are fixed in the blocks, but the first house ascendant varies.