Compatible star signs with libra female

Libra Personality Traits
  1. Libra Traits
  2. Summary of Libra compatibility
  3. Libra Compatibility - Astrology Companion

But if the two of you click, you will have a lifestyle that is the envy of all your friends. This could be tricky. The Libra woman has a sense of style and knows what suits her. This won't stop the Virgo male from focusing on small details, like the color of your shoes and whether or not they really go with your dress.

He will notice everything, and eventually drive you crazy with his "helpful" comments. Virgo tends to be too outspoken for the diplomatic Libra woman as well. And you will never agree on the color of the curtains. A meeting of true minds? Or someone's cruel joke of a "perfect match"?

How will they ever know if they don't make up their minds? While a Libra man and Libra woman are the most charming couple imaginable, never ask them to decide on anything. Both need partners who will occasionally take charge. The Scorpio man will always notice Libra, because he has an eye for beauty and reacts to it instantly.

The Libra woman will also be attracted to the Scorpio male's burning glances.

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  • Libra Compatibility - Love, Sex, Trust & Life.

But after a while, the cracks will appear. Flirty Libra will arouse the Scorpion's jealousy and possessiveness, and Libra will feel trapped and unbalanced by it.

The two of you can be the hottest couple on the planet, but if you don't achieve a balance between Libra's lightness and Scorpio's intensity, it will burn out quickly.

The Libra woman has dreams, but does not always know the best way to realize them. A Sagittarius man will show the way, making everything seem possible. What a wonderful match this can be, with Sagittarian fire driving Libran ambitions. The trouble is, will either of them stick around long enough to find out?

The Archer is likely to fly in and fly out again, while the Libra woman may find her dreams and ambitions didn't include following him on his adventures. But if they do, the world is their oyster.

If you are an ambitious and career-minded Libra woman, this is your perfect match. The Capricorn man will bring structure to your life. If you want nothing more than to be seen on the arm of a successful man, then the Goat is your best bet.

He will parade you around and put you in a perfect setting as if you were the rarest jewel. Their love for harmony is so strong and important to them that they often sacrifice themselves in order to bring peace to a situation. A tendency that leads them into a passive-aggressive expression of the emotions that they bottle-up until one day they explode.

Not being honest to protect themselves from undesirable feelings, leading others on and avoidance of dealing with difficult situations can prove very destructive for the Libra.

Libra Traits

They may have a difficult time in intimate relationships because of this. Their life lesson is to speak from the heart. The scales can be difficult to keep balanced and those close to a Libra will see this in the Libran temperament.

When out of balance they can be argumentative, stubborn and easily frustrated. When the scale is down they will need some time to recuperate and regain strength. They are often indecisive, weighing and balancing, which at at its best represents justice, fairness and objectivity … yet at its worst it has to do with a difficulty making or sticking with a decision caused by ambivalence, being connected both here and there.

Indecisiveness is the symptom of seeing all the sides, as they are the bridge builder, the peace maker. Due to the superficiality of the Libra, they tend to judge others by outward appearances and may be the prey for a sophisticated schemer with a charming facade. They can be very gullible, lacking the ability to probe deeper into a situation or person.

In Love, Libras are one of the most romantic and soft-hearted of the zodiac. They adore being happily coupled. A true child of Venus, a Libra is in love with the idea of loving someone and being loved. Falling in love with love, the Libra born romantics will be quick to find a partner, even if they are not the perfect match.

They are so anxious to share their life that they may rush into and emotional relationship before they are ready for it. The Libra indecisiveness can be hurtful in a relationship. It would be better for their partner if they were honest rather, then leading them on. Libras are the sign of partnerships and marriage. They have a great need for love and frequently do not feel complete until they are settled in a permanent relationship.

They are happiest functioning within a union, and often will lose their equilibrium and positive outlook when forced to be alone. When in a serious relationship their romantic tendencies can become rather dominating, sometimes blinding them of reality.

When a Libra falls in love they will give a great deal of themselves, doing everything in their power to please their partner. Libras need to be appreciated, even adored at times.

They respond well to admiration and can never hear enough about their finest qualities. Libras love the finer things in life and have high standards.

Cancer man libra woman - Cancer man and libra woman love compatibility

Most Libra woman prefer romance to sex. She wants all the vices of romance … the flowers, candy, champagne, travel, etc. Sometimes the emotional demands can be a bit overwhelming for her and when this happens she may have a difficult time understanding the emotional needs of her partner.

Also, once her need to razzle and dazzle her lover is complete she begins to lose interest … unless she is ready for her next performance of enchantment. A Libra man will spend an enormous amount of time and energy in cultivating a relationship. He desires a story book love affair, perfect in every way. No romantic gesture will be missed by him.

Elegant and charming, with a refined esthetic sense, the Libra man will enjoy the pleasures of life with his partner. Due to the Libran nature, their scales cause them to change from being fair and gentle to immediately becoming very argumentative.

Listen to their side and they will quickly retreat back to their gentle manner. They are usually calm, and dislike fighting, however their ability to see both sides of a situation gives them a tendency to debate and argue.

Their motivation is a desire to be fair. In love, Libras are superb listeners. A lover who can keep up with the social life of the Libra will be a good match. Libras specialize in fairness, justice and harmony. When it comes to romance compatibility astrology, Gemini and Libra together make for one of those ideal unions.

They are perfectly suited for each other intellectually, sexually, and socially.

Summary of Libra compatibility

Both value variety and enjoy a wide range of interests. Neither is overly jealous, but both Libra and Gemini are full of passion when it comes to everything they do.

This will be a harmonious union guaranteed to last and last. Charming Libra and fiery Sagittarius can be assured that they will never be bored with one another.

Best Matches

Libra knows how to keep things interesting for adventure-loving Sagittarius, while Sagittarius with its strong love of intellectualism will be more than able to provide Libra with the mental stimulation it craves.

This is a match that tends to start off on a good foot, as both Libra and Pisces are sentimental, sensitive signs who focus on the happiness of others.

Libra Compatibility - Astrology Companion

However, Pisces is not like Libra when it comes to being able to get along with everyone and anyone. These two have very different needs when it comes to their relationship with one another. Cancer requires a connection on a deep emotional level while Libra is in search of an intellectual one.