Sarah varcas astrology

  1. Sarah Varcas: The Meaning of Life is a Mystery To Me… – Excellence Reporter
  2. Sarah Varcas
  3. Welcome to Awakenings!

An atheist who stops to gaze upon a flower growing between the cracks in the pavement is as much a spiritual being as a solitary nun who passes her days in communion with god.

A shop-keeper who looks out for the welfare of her customers is as much following a spiritual calling as is the Dalai Lama.

We are all here to walk our own unique path and we each choose how to do that in our own way. Indeed, it is the multiplicity of the paths we take that enhances the already rich tapestry that is life.

Astrology has been a guiding light throughout my life. No matter how challenging, distressing or bleak circumstances have sometimes seemed, the heavens have consistently revealed to me the bigger picture, enabling me to journey onward, embracing hope, wisdom and insight along the way.

Even after thirty years of interpreting their movements and cycles, my relationship with them continues to grow. Each chart I read, every fresh planetary alignment, unveils new perspectives on our individual and collective journeys. Far from the cosmos telling us who to be, what to think, when to act, it speaks to me of choices unseen, a future unbidden and an endless web of inter-being that links our tiny lives to infinite space and our beating hearts to every other on this planet.

Contrary to sometimes popular belief, astrology is not the art of certainty but the study of choice and opportunity. The heavens speak of possibility and potential in wisdom messages that support our ever-present blossoming. We cannot walk the path they map alone but must do so together, as one body formed of billions of unique but symbiotic cells.

The holistic universe reflected in cosmic wisdom speaks as deeply into the political arena as the spiritual, to the collective as much as the individual. If we look to the planets for guidance we cannot then use their wisdom as commentary solely on our individuality, but as a reflection of our place in the grand order of becoming, a place which comes with challenges, blessings and responsibilities in equal measure.

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I have been feeling this energy hard core, speaking the truth no matter what, standing up to be heard, the truth will not be compromised or twisted, I will not be bullied, I will not be scapegoated, and my voice will not be taken away regardless of how lonely I feel in this right now.

I am furious, but keep using my voice and demanding to be respected and heard. It is exhausting, but those who are invested in keeping me down will not prevail! I hear you BIG time beautiful Jen! All power to you sister woman.

I have been awaiting her all my life. A force I can only explain as primal rage is here to stand side by side all of the emotions of being magnificent. She raged that night on the 9th of June.

As I listened to her blood curdling screams I felt her deeply in the pit of my womb.

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  • Sarah Varcas, Intuitive Astrologer.
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  • todays 12 january horoscope birthday.
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Primal raging for loss, raging for lies, raging for being misunderstood, raging for being shut down, no one could shut her down this night, for she was pure authentic and magnificent in every way, she rocked others awake to their numb discomfort and quietude.

I honour her I applaude her I adore her I love her and rage with her. She is magnificent, wild, raw, exquisite and she is real.

Great to read this message and thank you Sara Varcas. We need to hear this positive spin on the tale of Eris, and perhaps it is the next, big myth to live by.

Clearly, we need to do things in radically different ways and think up radical solutions to our problems to protect our lovely earth and all who are on her. How great to set up a new paradigm of seeing a world of allies, of seeing oneness.

It can be done. This is SO beautiful. Have truly been feeling this energy brewing and this breathlessly windy night in NYC just feels supercharged. It is real and it is to be reckoned with!

Sarah Varcas: The Meaning of Life is a Mystery To Me… – Excellence Reporter

We must navigate and ride this wave of energy, so we can coast out to brighter futures — we can do it! But action has to be made! Right has to be made to prevail over wrong.

We all are part divine feminine, and divine masculine.

Thank you so much for this! And this beautiful meeting space for like minds. Love and light to all. Whilst it has taken years for my rage to be mastered, I understand now that is something to not be ashamed of but a very true part of the feminine that I am. Thank you for your writings and the triggers that your words off set.

Sarah Varcas

Very interesting reflecting on the 10th of this month for me…which was only few days ago something switched inside me…I was like.. I am no longer a victim.

I been trying to switch this trigger on for years and years and within one hour bang…My whole heart exploded thanks to a trigger by another female.. I am glad to see that her approach Is finally starting to gain deserved popularity and acceptance!

A Grand Trine which began to form at the end of October features significantly throughout this month, accentuating […].

Welcome to Awakenings!

This alliance speaks of both positive potential and risk. It may signify sweeping change that cultivates a more innovative […]. The problems are now sorted so I hope to be blogging again soon.

August begins in the middle of an eclipse season which continues until the […]. How we manage the waiting, the growing sense of anticipation or anxiety, the mounting tension… or is it excitement?

On The Brink Of…. It last made […]. Donations help us provide the free content on the site. All donations of any amount are therefore very gratefully received! You can make a donation, which we call a Gratitude Gift, here.

If you're interested in using astrology as a tool to enhance your personal and spiritual development, my Self-Study Astrology Course will equip you to read any birth chart, work deeply with your own and unlock the profound wisdom messages every chart contains.

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  1. Sarah Varcas: The Meaning of Life is a Mystery To Me….
  3. ERIS: The Radical Feminine Awakens by Sarah Varcas~.
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  6. This blog post has links to articles that may be of interest in the coming months: