Chinese astrology time zone

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Perhaps the biggest single problem with the calculation of the hour pillar is the fact that not even one single reference—in all of the years that I have been doing this—attempts to inform the reader to adjust for Daylight Savings time DST!

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Following along this line of thought leads us to examine Standard Time. Chances are that if you are reading this, then you live in a state or country that keeps at least a Standard Time set to a major time zone.

The Chinese zodiac, explained - ShaoLan

The above is kind of an extreme example but perhaps one will understand later why this is true. When you live in a time zone, then everyone everywhere within that zone is operating under the same time, regardless of where the Sun is in relation to the Earth. This is a fairly large area to consider. We should attempt to find the Sundial Time of birth which will be derived and based on accurate birth certificate data, written memory or perhaps even a rectified birth time.

Time, Time Zones

The Solar Mean day can be off by as much as 16 to 33 minutes throughout the year. Mean Solar Time—all of these are an invention of man. In fact, this is true of all time measurements.

Mother nature, nature, the cosmos, the natural world—all of these are cyclical in nature. Prior to the implementation of Standard Time worldwide, countries, cities and states operated on their own unique time based wholly or in part on the natural cycle of the day, which is a function of the Earth turning on its axis.

With a Sundial the natural time correspondence and accuracy is always there as long as you have light from the Sun.

But more importantly, and it bears repeating, the Sun is at its highest point south along the ecliptic at noon and exactly halfway around the other side of the earth at midnight. Clocks were often adjusted frequently throughout the year to keep up with the correction to high noon with the Sun utilizing a sundial.

How to Find Your Time Zone

This exactly corresponds to halfway through the Chinese double hour of the Horse, sundial time, with the Horse hour starting at 11am and ending at 1pm, no matter what time of year or what location on you are calculating from. For the Chinese, this is when the day begins, exactly midnight, which is interesting because this is the system that the world eventually adopted.

Many societies calculated their day starting from noon LMT as little as years ago, still others at sunrise or at sunset. We know that the ancient Chinese used water clocks and sundials to keep track of time.

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And the concept of a time zone did exist for the ancient Chinese, however this was based closely, if not exactly, on the astronomical reality of the daily cycle. The height of the Rat hour is the ending of one day and the beginning of the next—at the height of the hour of the Horse the day is more than halfway over.

There is a symbolic, natural poetry with the continuous animal double hours rotating throughout the cycle of the day. The hottest part of the day gives us a parallel relationship to the south direction, summer, fire and heat. Summer time occurs during the months of the Snake, Horse and Goat.

Chinese calendar

With the exact opposite symbolism, at midnight, we have the Pig, Rat and Ox hours. The Sun is hidden, cold and toward the North—the element of Water. First, account for Daylight Savings Time, meaning that you will have to subtract one hour from the DST time of birth ex: Following this, we need to know that we are using the correct method of finding the right element of the hour stem element as mentioned earlier.

Next, we should compare this to any software that we might be using. If you can find a consistent pattern with the errors as mentioned earlier, then you could theoretically make a mental adjustment when running a chart in a pinch.

Aside from finding the correct Sundial time it takes about a minute to get a rough calculation of a four pillars chart and a few more to calculate the luck cycle. At this time I recommend the Imperial Astrologer , which will correctly calculate the four pillars chart and save you some time in the process.

An alternative way to find sundial time is to find the day number of the year of birth and the longitude of the place of birth expressed in degrees.

Time, Time Zones, Current Time |

Plug this info into the Power of the Sun local to solar time converter and it will yield the correct Solar Time Sundial Time. From there you will know what animal hour you have in sundial time.

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