Taurus weekly horoscope 18 february 2019 by michele knight

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  2. 2018 Yearly Horoscope (Written) With Michele Knight
  3. Yearly Horoscope (Written) With Michele Knight - Michele Knight

When your ruler the sorceress of love goes direct in November, you feel back in control and able to make decisions about the future of love if you need to. Bear in mind that Mercury is retrograde until December the 6th so it might take a while for a union to pick back up.

A powerful eclipse in August brings your focus back to home, family, living arrangements, your career and lifestyle. Remember, eclipses cover up but then they reveal. As I said at the start of the reading, you tend to resist or put off change — even when change is overdue. As the revealing influence of the eclipse kicks in, this combined with Uranus working to free you from any ruts you have dug for yourself, means that you all too clearly see the need for change and embrace it rather than resist it.

Your only regret may be that you did not do it sooner! A freer yet more sustaining phase of living is the result and this may be one dramatically different to what you envisaged for yourself at the start of the year. This can be both challenging and exciting both at the same time.

You get caught up in the excitement, you scream at the top as you hurtle down but when you get off you go: There may be twists and turns ahead, but could just offer you the ride of your life. Over the past seven years, you will have experienced a revolution in networking and connections.

Your ideas about your tribe, clan and collaborators have likely taken a dramatic turn. You have handled this well as you are one of the most flexible and adaptive signs. This is all thanks to Uranus, that extraordinary and maverick planetary Lord who has been in his ruling house in your chart, who shakes things up, so we can discover our inner genius.

Mr Electric Dream is about to change signs and lead you into a new adventure. In May, just prior to your birthday, he enters your subconscious, magical zone and helps you release things that you have hidden or realise what has been hidden from you by others.

Secrets might be suddenly exposed, both yours and others, as the way Uranus works is like a bolt from the blue! An unexpected synchronicity or psychic experience may transform you, and if you have any addictions, you can overcome them now, perhaps in an unorthodox way.

For best results consciously engage and flow with his energy. Mercury, your ruler, joins forces with expansive Jupiter in your health and well-being house. You are taking care of the details you need to triumph and changing your routines to optimise your health.

You might fall in love with your work and start a path that fulfils your spirit. The key is expansion with Jupiter. To think, act and go boldly. This involves more than one area of your chart so therefore more than one area of your life.

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Both planets are involved in travel so travel for work, for pleasure and also dealing with people from overseas are also possibilities. He opens up our horizons. Time to step into a larger world than the one you usually inhabit.

Saturn has already changed signs as we go into and he is in your intimacy, power, money, sex and primal zone. Influential people enter your life, and there could even be an inheritance or a windfall that is long overdue. Saturn is all about responsibility, and he will not tolerate BS.

Do this, and you can expect a significant reward. Pluto and Saturn are both in your primal zone all year making this a profound time. These two Planetary brothers are all about investigating life, death and rebirth, facing wounds from the past and overcoming them and understanding the cycle of your soul.

Mercury is also joining Saturn on the 13th, and then Mr Quicksilver hugs transformative Pluto. Others might be astonished by how serious and focused you have become.

You are earnestly seeking to make a significant change. Chiron has not been here since Chiron is a comet which has a unique orbit, and his gift to us is not only to heal our wounds but to use our painful experiences to help others.

What issues do you have when it comes to a sense of belonging? Have you ever felt like the odd one out or do you have a pattern in group environments? Singles could be entering their every own version of Love Island.

At least one potential partner could present themselves. They could have a touch of the exotic adventurer about them or just be larger than life on some level.

They see love as a journey or an adventure. Are you ready to join them on it? Jupiter has not visited this sector of your chart for 12 years and he will be intent on you learning about the Power of Two on some level. Just remember this house rules partnerships of all kinds — business, activity, collaborative and our long term friendships too.

If we feel an affinity to a special animal soul this would also come under the rulership of the 7th house — especially as Jupiter rules large animals such as horses. Be open to what form your partnership experience will take. But know that one will be coming. The 7th is also our house of open enemies but with Jupiter in here, if you do have to deal with someone difficult, you are unlikely to be fazed by their antics.

But Jupiter has our back and if you have been dealing with someone unpleasant for a while, you may find Jupiter just removes them from your orbit or just that they no longer have the power to upset you the way they used to.

As this is your house of long term partnerships, just be aware that while Jupiter is all about bringing us benefits and amazing strokes of luck, if something is broken beyond repair, Jupiter cannot fix it for you.

Virgo weekly horoscope 24th December to 7th Jan 2019

What he can do however, is make is easier to part amicably than at any other time. And if you have learned from this, place a new love opportunity in your path when you are ready. So be adaptable, maintain an expansive mindset and be ready to embrace whoever or whatever arrives as changes to how you love, your ideas and your personal power base bring you thrills and the unexpected right out of the blue!

Life for you is about to get a lot more interesting! Uranus has been in your career sector since ! Hopefully, you have had an opportunity to discover your true calling or to appreciate what you and you alone, bring to the table.

Have you become the champion of your own ideas? No doubt there have been shocks, wonder, thrills, breakthroughs and even some instability along the way. The ride is not quite over, there should be a crescendo of wonder to finish off as you end it on a high note. But there are also some spectacular shifts to come. Your career can launch you into a different direction so align yourself with mavericks, entrepreneurs and influencers.

This should be your mindset — open to possibilities. Expect an intimate revelation but also to know your worth and power.

You also know what you want and are clearer about this than you have been at any other time. What is happening in your relationship zone this year and on in to and even is not just some once in a 10, 15 or even 20 year cycle.

your personal horoscope

It is a once in a lifetime cycle. Expect not just a transformation in your personal life but to how you love and relate to others. Even the kind of partner you are seeking may change dramatically as you find your own deepest needs surfacing and making themselves known.

Elements fuse to create a new love dynamic within you. You are changed and therefore so is the way you love — and the kind of lovers you attract. The new Moon which follows on Feb 15 helps you cast out old shadows and insecurities. The planets are beavering away to help you transform any issue that is primal.

You can conquer all wounds connected to sexuality, life, death, rebirth. Bye, bye ghosts, hello Goddess! In the spring the Cosmos helps you to commit to a new level of intimacy. Mars and Saturn are giving you true grit. Trust your inner knowing on any issues that come up.

You might find yourself thrust into the limelight or have to push the boundaries to achieve your dreams, but the Universe has your back. You might find yourself getting into more arguments than usual as you fight for what you want and are prepared to stand your ground. Whether it is or not now is very much up to you.

On May 15 Uranus shifts signs giving you a flavour of what to expect in Uranus is a genius, radical who loves to shake things up, get us thinking outside the square and to bring us sudden, thrilling and surprising experiences. Expect a new tribe to pop up. People from different backgrounds, different professions, different life paths cross yours.

You can become involved in unexpected collaborations — anything from a band to an internet start-up. Your social media profile is strongly influenced at this time. Do you have a website, blog or YouTube channel?

Fancy doing a TEDx talk or to repurpose and relaunch your brand, identity or creativity? Are you yourself an idea whose time has come? Think out of the box, try experimenting. Adjust your social scene. Branch out into new areas — and watch the magic happen. Uranus moves back to your career house in November for one last visit. What have you learned since he moved forward?

Can you bring this innovation to bear before he exits here for good? Think of the pathfinders who have dared to be different and see how you can emulate them even in a small way and adopt an entrepreneur mindset.

Or they love you for that matter! Looking for a lover or want to boost your cash flow? Venus is in a mood to indulge you. The eclipse is giving you a confidence reboot, an urge to redesign your life, radically change your look or head in a new direction beckons.

Remember, eclipses initially cover up. So see this as a time when you ready yourself to unveil or reveal a new you, a new lifestyle or a new attitude.

Go within and ready yourself for a transformation. Like a caterpillar becoming a chrysalis. This midyear period sees a total of three eclipses occur within a month as we have a total lunar eclipse in your 8th house of transformation on the 27th. The changes will be deep and lasting. Look to what is transmuting, transforming or which you are now ready to reveal.

The next eclipse — this time a solar one, occurs at the time of the new Moon on August 11 in your 2nd. This could potentially be a game changing catalyst when it comes to your abundance and ability to receive it. Let go of any patterns that are not working for you. Look to your emotional connection to prosperity and focus on how to sort out your cashflow.

You could receive an intriguing offer and this could reflect your new relationship to both your money and your personal power. Jupiter is shifting signs in November and firmly taking you to a place of balance.

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If you look after yourself the Universe will look after you. The next phase is all about your health and wellbeing, as well as service to others. You are given extra juice to sort your mind, body and soul out and to explore the connection between them.

If one is out of alignment, this affects the others. Your day job, paid or unpaid work, your duties and responsibilities, bosses, co-workers and your pets if you have them are going to feature over the next 12 months. If you are out of work or seeking to return to the workforce, Jupiter in here should bring you at least one job offer during his stay in here.

Those in work could see their role expand and the rewards along with this. If you want to change jobs, again, you should not only receive at least one offer but one that offers you not just better pay but the opportunity to stretch yourself and learn.

Travel for work is a distinct possibility with Jupiter in here. People will want to work with you as you exude esprit de corps so collaborative ventures are favoured now. This is your house of health and fitness and Jupiter of course rules sport and the great outdoors.

As pets feature some of you may adopt a furry family member and walking a dog is a great day to get fit — and meet new people. However, if you are a committed couch potato not even Jupiter can coax you away from the pizza and the boxset! Just be warned that Jupiter loves to expand — and this includes your waistline if you are not careful.

Jupiter wants us to get moving — both in terms of our bodies, and our working lives. Adapting a new philosophy towards our work and making work an adventure is what Jupiter in here is all about.

He favours boldness, taking a chance and above all, aiming high. One word of caution though, your ruler the Sun makes quite a few oppositions this year, so he is having trouble asserting himself.

Much of your focus is going to be on your career and changing your lifestyle, and this change is likely to be a radical one.

Uranus is fuelling the fire by entering your 10th house of career bringing in both opportunity and surprises and perhaps even a complete change of direction. All of this power comes to a peak in March when fiery Mars also enters your 6th of work and health and wellbeing. Having felt overwhelmed and perhaps under-powered, you shift gears and can push through your ideas and energetically transform your lifestyle.

Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is in your home and family zone until November so this is a fabulous time to move, deal with property, or heal family rifts. Your home, living arrangements or just your space should have expanded or you will have benefitted from your home in some way.

Some of you may have used your home to generate extra income such as becoming an Airbnb host. Others could have extended or upgraded their home or moved to a better one — larger or in a better neighbourhood. Relocations are favoured and that includes long distance ones. To another part of the country or even to another country entirely for some.

Long terms moves of one kind or another can be made or benefits come to you via family or property. A situation might cause you to question your spiritual beliefs or to doubt your intuition and close connections. All of the things that are happening are facilitating a vast shift.

You are completing a cycle now with a rebirth ahead. A series of powerful eclipses are about to pave the way for this. Unlike last year, there are no total solar eclipses this year. However, even a partial eclipse of your ruler will pack a powerful punch. Remember, eclipses cover up then reveal. The eclipse at the time of the new Moon on July 13 occurs in your 12th so this is ultra-mysterious.

What is nudging your subconscious? Pay close attention as this is pointing you towards what form the shift will take. The second eclipse follows in your partnership sector on July The message here is of course, none of us are islands.

If you are in the process of a rebirth which you are , it therefore follows that your closest connections will be re-examined too. Not just with regards to your needs within them but what is being reflected back at you. The soul refinement continues up to the point of the August New Moon in your sign which marks the next eclipse.

For you and perhaps for a key connection. Again, wait and see. Get rich quick scheme? Bear in mind with Saturn in your 6th there is no such thing for you at the moment. Keep this in mind when looking at any opportunities. They are around you, yes. But they require attention to detail and honing your craft to pay off now. Jupiter wants you to learn, grow and expand your capacity for joy, happiness, creativity, soul connections and children.

When the Sun conjuncts Jupiter on the 26th of November you could have the time of your life! Jupiter in here is all about being willing to take a chance. Luck is on your side. Travel is likely now — especially the long distance variety and people from overseas or doing business with them will bring benefits.

Romance could sweep you off on a journey you will never forget. Be prepared for breath-taking things. If you find yourself in the spotlight this year, which is likely, then allow others on your journey to share it with you.

Chances are you did not arrive there all by yourself. If you share it, the lasting benefit of this cycle will be the people who will form part of your Dream Team and will be there with you and for you for a very long time to come. This year could offer the fresh start you have been waiting for Leo, where you redefine yourself, your talents and your capacity for love.

So leap into and let the world hear you roar! Saturn and Pluto sit in your 5th and the start of the year will see ruler Mercury meet both in here. Yes, Saturn can make heavy weather out of things. But the upside of this is you should now be able to recognise whether or not a lover has long term potential — or not.

The benefits are far-reaching for you: Saturn and Pluto are both in their own way, concerned with endings. And it relates to the love you have and the love you show in return. Your creativity is also in focus so expect a renewed commitment to that and anything that makes your soul dance and life sparkle.

This is the year of the crazy retrograde. Now, being Mercury ruled you are used to the madness that can rule when your ruler appears to move backwards in the sky. Get ready for even more mayhem than usual this however.

Yes, your ruler will be one of them, heading backwards through your house of the past and secrets. But we will also see Mars making a rare retrograde through your 6th and that back into your 5th during this time. Jupiter will head backwards in your 3rd, Saturn and Pluto will retrograde in your 5th, Neptune will retrograde in your partnership zone and Uranus having moved out of your 8th and on into your 9th from May 15 will also head retrograde from the second week of August.

You may feel like you are going over old ground once more in so many areas. This may include partners and your closest friends. You may find it difficult to express your feelings or else just feel others are not making any effort to see things from your perspective.

If you are not careful, frustrations can result in arguments and also things getting blown out of all proportion. Look back over the past seven years because Uranus in your 8th of fears and intimacy should have left you with a new way of dealing with those deep seated issues. Especially those between you and those closest to you.

With Neptune still in your relationship zone, you can access a different approach now and come from a place of compassion — perhaps for yourself. You are only human after all!

Unlike Mercury retrogrades where everything just goes haywire! Uranus in your 9th retrograde can have you wanting to escape and leave everything behind. Just be mindful of what you are running away from. That fantasy about being a beach bum may look appealing, until you have to pay the bills on the beach hut. You may find yourself getting involved with or even studying subjects you might have dismissed before now.

Your mind is more open, more enquiring than it has been for a very long time. You may also be drawn to visit unusual places. Again, these may be destinations you would have had no desire to visit before. Now you want to get off the beaten track — or whatever that means for you, as the diverse and the unique call to you.

A good philosophy is to look at what you have chosen in the past and what the results were from that. This rules everything from your wardrobe choices, to lovers, holiday destinations and career moves. If not, this year is all about making that different choice and seeing if you get a. Try it and see.

Jupiter planet of luck, abundance and learning remains in your 3rd for most of the year. What are you learning?

2018 Yearly Horoscope (Written) With Michele Knight

This is a Mercury ruled house in your chart so commerce, communication, writing, teaching and travel could feature. This is your house of your siblings if you have them and your neighbourhood.

Getting more involved with your community is one aspect of Jupiter in here as is receiving benefits via siblings or neighbours. Above all however, Jupiter in here is all about seeing how far one idea can take you. This could be an idea for a blog, book, screenplay, website or business.

Or it could be an idea that can be shared with others. You need to bring it with Jupiter in here. There could be benefits from women in your life — especially from your mother but women in general could prove to be very helpful now.

Family events and celebrations feature too — or perhaps the cause for celebrating is yours! Your love life is under the spotlight for most of Quirky Uranus has been given you quite the rollercoaster ride over the past seven years.

Have you had shocks, surprises or revelations connected to an ex? If so things are calming down after the 2nd. Having said that you are still keen to make radical decisions to find peace and harmony in your close relationships.

Venus, your ruler, is joining forces with game changer Pluto in your home and family zone. Be proactive and think about what you can do to give it a helping hand. The Sun is also conjunct Pluto on the same day giving you the confidence to say what you need and want from home and family. With Saturn as your houseguest in your 4th, you are laying the foundations for something that truly sustains you.

Home, family and your roots as well as your past will either be cemented or re-defined by you. Of looking to what truly sustains you and of establishing your priorities. You may move or buy property at this time. See Jupiter as your banker and Saturn handing you the keys.

This is all about creating a future and thinking in the long term. You make your own rules and perhaps, if you have long term issues around family, then to heal these.

This may involve re-writing the rules about what family is to you. You can live on your own terms now and again, these are keys to your future. This allows you to move into a space of self-love and forgiveness. Through being compassionate with yourself, there comes a magical shift in your love life.

There could be cosmic and karmic link and soul contracts operating here. You may have an intuitive sense someone is going to appear — and then they do. Tap into your inner knowing now. Take meetings and hook up with past contacts who might prove more influential than you think. Where you in love with a project or had a lofty dream you let go of?

Now is the chance to reboot, revamp and upcycle it. For best results be consistent. Nothing pays off like persistence. The major news of is Uranus which moves from your relationship zone to your house of primal power. Uranus in the 8th house is going to make the next few years incredibly interesting.. Expect profound experiences and close encounters this year.

Sex, money, life, death, rebirth and intense experiences. The Universe is asking you to examine your relationship to power and powerlessness and all your raw emotions and subconscious desires. Uranus in here can have us looking at these very differently and integrating them. We can reach own for new solutions, new ways of framing experiences and in fact see that our fears have no power over us — unless we choose to give it to them.

At first it might appear overwhelming but Uranus is intent on showing you your true power. Step out into a radical new dynamic now. Unlike Mercury, Venus your ruler rarely goes retrograde. So when she does on Oct 6 and in her ruling house in your chart 2nd , this is your cue to pause for serious thought.

During the retrograde period she will move back into your sign and while she is moving backwards, Jupiter will shift out of your 2nd and on in to your 3rd.

Is there an opportunity you have missed? You are being asked to look again or to be given a second chance opportunity.

Yearly Horoscope (Written) With Michele Knight - Michele Knight

This is one of those rare cycles that can bring back something you missed —or return something that was always intended for you. Grab it when it reappears. Jupiter in your 3rd sees a yearlong focus on writing, communication, commerce, the internet, study, travel or just you discovering how far one idea can take you.

Actually a very long way indeed. Jupiter will remain in your 3rd until December and remember, he is also in his ruling sign. This makes him extra expansive, optimistic and adventurous. The results could just be powerful magic with which to build the cornerstone for your future, Libra.

Make the year of making the many opportunities around you realities. You begin on an optimistic note with Jupiter in your 1st.

This is a year to expand your horizons, to be confident and to dare to do something new! You will always have your deep Scorpio side, but this year sees you more outgoing, open and embracing whatever comes your way.

Of course, it has to have depth, meaning and purpose for you. Above all, Jupiter in here is telling you not to be your old self. So, where do you feel the need for change? In how you look? How others see you? Jupiter in our 1st often sees us being sent what we need — not what we think we want.

Jupiter will also make a highly beneficial angle to Pluto during the second week and January which could see you not only in a position to successfully push forward with ideas, but a beneficial transformation occur on the work front or around a particular project or plan. The biggest shifts for you in are around love and relationships, Scorpio.

Neptune with his long term stay in your romantic 5th is linking you to the prospect of a more spiritual connection. Just ensure you see your partner for exactly who they are however no matter the depth of the connection that you feel. If you are placing them on a pedestal, not only could you be setting them up to fall off of it, but it actually says more about you than it does about them.

So, if you find yourself doing this, look within rather than at them and work on your relationship with your self-worth. What did this year mean and where are you heading?

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