Are capricorn and capricorn compatible sexually

Capricorn's Best Love Matches
  1. Best Mate for Capricorn
  2. Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility: Success at a Price?
  3. Capricorn Capricorn Compatibility In Love, Sex and Marriage Life
  4. Capricorn Sex
  5. Capricorn and Capricorn Table of Contents

This is an issue that highlights the potential pitfall of Capricorn and Capricorn compatibility. As relationships go, this one is stable and enduring, and the couple are tender towards one another, but sooner or later, someone might well get bored.

Each Capricorn here would probably say that it is, and of course they could be right…but when someone more flamboyant comes along and lights up the life of one partner, even the wise old Sage might just ditch safety for a little excitement.

Best Mate for Capricorn

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Capricorn Compatibility: The Goat in Relationships

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Virgo and Aries Compatibility: Eventually, they get around to some downtime. They play as hard as they work! Capricorns are quick-witted and enjoy joking around.

Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility: Success at a Price?

Their humor goes a long way in making this duo happily compatible. The Earthy energy influencing the Capricorn and Capricorn match makes this duo secure. Both personalities are predictable and responsible. But, a family is likely on the back-burner. At least until this couple conquers most the long list of goals they want to accomplish.

With sex, a Capricorn and Capricorn love match is quite a traditional at first. But, when they feel safe on an emotional level, the intimacy level intensifies. The secure love nest this duo creates results in their sexual liberation! Their stamina is legendary, and so is the length of their lovemaking sessions! The problem with this relationship starts after being together for a long time.

Complacency sets in when two Capricorns focus on ambitions rather than romance. Especially if both Capricorns are traveling for work separately. The mundane day-to-day responsibilities come to the fore. The thrill of the relationship fizzles.

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One partner will be at home more than the other. The stay-at-home partner will seem like a nag to the partner who rebels against direction. Many Capricorns prefer both parties work out in the world. For a thriving sex life, Capricorn and Capricorn need to reassess their agendas.

Joint planning for outings and social occasions also contributes to keeping the romance alive. As the romance and emotional connections thrive, the sex life gets a major boost.

Along will keeping affection intense, the Capricorn-Capricorn match needs to master seduction dance. Teasing one another and leaving one another longing makes the sexual connection tantalizing. This couple needs to work at making one another crave more sexual encounters.

When two Capricorns converse, it means they have something important to say. They prefer their communications direct and poignant. The more direct, the better. To outsiders, it may appear Capricorns lack the gift of gab. Understanding their unique communication style enhances Capricorn and Capricorn compatibility.

Despite keeping communication brief and simple, sometimes Capricorn says all the wrong things. They end up in a hurry to get the conversation over with so they can get back to business.

The brevity of their communication also makes Capricorns seem self-centered and nonchalant. Wittiness goes a long way in helping Capricorns communicate with a lighter air. Keeping conversations terse means Capricorns are deliberate with the words they choose. They want to make their point quickly and with no fuss about it.

Capricorns have high ambitions and tight schedules. Their bucket list is extensive, and this pair plans on checking off everything they plan to do. When the parties in the Capricorn and Capricorn relationship are in harmony, all is well.

But, sometimes Capricorns allow their darker side to take root. When the shadow selves of a Capricorn reign, difficulties arise.

Capricorn Capricorn Compatibility In Love, Sex and Marriage Life

This duo turns unstable, aggressive, and confrontational. Capricorns pursue their dreams with aggressive action. Their focus can prove so concentrated they lose sight of the bigger picture.

Without taking time with one another, two Capricorns can starve the relationship. Egocentricity reigns with this pair moving in two different directions. They become insensitive and desensitized by zealous ambition. If one partner complains because of feeling ignored, a single-focused Capricorn grows irritated.

Things go from cooperative to confrontational in zero to sixty! All signs in the zodiac correspond with one of two polarities. The polarities are Yin and Yang. Yang is the opposite. These forces are complementary. They ensure harmony when in balance and influencing a relationship.

The state of polarities plays a role in Capricorn and Capricorn compatibility. Capricorns align with Yin. It makes them passive, open, and intuitive. As long as they remain in balance, Capricorns get along beautifully. A Capricorn and Capricorn love of affair is tender, affectionate, and loving.

They bond on a psychic level because they know each other so well. When out of balance, Yin polarizes. The result makes Capricorns needy, self-centered, and passive-aggressive.

Neither party is direct about addressing the issues at hand. It leads to unspoken resentments and a bitter conclusion to the relationship. The only means of repairing the polarization of Yin forces is to embrace Yang energies. Doing so makes both parties more action-oriented, straightforward, and dominant.

Capricorns look to protect each other instead of cutting each other down. Distance between zodiac signs is a measurement in compatibility. The distance forms an angle or aspect. Aspect in the Capricorn and Capricorn relationship is zero degrees.

There is no angle present. The same signs in a pairing have no distance between them. The measurement is a conjunct aspect. This duo knows each other well, inside and out. They have similar points of view and a moral code in common.

Grounded Capricorns appreciate the same pleasures in life. They know what they want and will work in unison to make it happen. Two Capricorns joining is a clear statement both parties in the love affair accept who they are.

They recognize their strong attributes and weaknesses. This duo will put a focus on their strengths.

Capricorn Sex

Doing so empowers the relationship. If they do, familiarity breeds contempt. All the friction will have the relationship burning up and fizzling out. All signs in the zodiac correspond with one of four elements: Air, Fire, Earth, or Water.

Capricorn and Capricorn Table of Contents

Capricorns align with Earth. This earthy influence makes Capricorns stable, solid, and dependable. The latter attributes make them a force to reckon with at work. A commitment to leading a responsible life also makes them role models in their private life.

With Earth influencing their nature, Capricorns are money-wise. They know they need to save money now for future abundance. Capricorns aspire and dreams.

Goals absent of ambition are nothing more than illusions. Capricorn and Capricorn compatibility depends on mutual respect. It also depends on a mature approach to love. Fidelity is an important element in keeping the structure of the relationship intact. The ability to trust one another allows for emotional intimacy.

Trust allows for Capricorns to experience sexual freedom. Inertia and inaction are key elements in the demise of the relationship.