February 7 horoscope globe and mail

  1. The Globe and Mail
  2. July 7: Your daily horoscope
  3. Today's Birthday
  4. July 7: Your daily horoscope - The Globe and Mail

The only thing you need to remember today is that you have nothing to prove, not to other people and not even to yourself. You are who you are for a good cosmic reason, so be the best of who you are and what you can be.

Today's Daily Horoscope 7 February 2018 Each Zodiac Signs

You should be in a hugely positive mood now and if there are any lingering doubts they will surely disappear by the weekend. Pace yourself sensibly and have just the right amount of fun every day. This could be one of those days when the more you try to do things one way the more you end up doing them a completely different way.

Maybe you should take the hint and go with the flow. Stop pretending that everything in your garden is rosy and set about pulling up some weeds.

The planets make it easy for you now to end old things and start new things, so what are you waiting for? A brighter future is about to bloom. You may be in the mood to do something dramatic today but the planets urge you to think carefully before you act.

If you push too hard or too soon you could easily overreach yourself. If you go to extremes over the next 24 hours it could cause problems in the early part of the new year. Maybe just this once you should err on the side of caution.

Do you follow your instincts or do you follow what someone who seems to know more about a situation than you do suggests? You might not know where your feelings and moods stem from; you just know they exist.

The Globe and Mail

Someone you deal with could challenge your logic when you come up with a wild idea. Choose your words with care. You could be opening a can of worms.

Live in the moment.

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Your mind might be working overtime, but you'll get the results you want. You might wonder how you got to where you are, as so much seems to be going on around you.

July 7: Your daily horoscope

Try to keep some information to yourself for now. Set aside some time for a special loved one. You might not choose to share everything that is racing through your mind. You want to be rational, but your imagination seems to have different plans. You sense what a boss is about to ask. If a friend becomes controlling, simply walk away.

Dinner at a favorite place. Your feelings are close to the surface.

Today's Birthday

You seem to know the results of a situation before it even happens. An associate might feel challenged by your intuitive abilities and could become controlling. Allow this person to take the lead with a project.

Curb the need to be possessive with a friend or co-worker. You cannot judge the end results right now.

July 7: Your daily horoscope - The Globe and Mail

Use caution when dealing with finances or making financial agreements. Time for some fun and games! You tend to be quiet and patient, while many people around you seem a bit off-the-wall.

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  6. No matter what, you do not want to get into a discussion about their behavior. You have more important things to worry about.

    Sort through your many invitations and options. Stay steady, and do not reveal too much of what you are thinking or feeling just yet. You might be picking up on some important information just by paying attention to others' body language. Be sure to confirm your feelings. A roommate could be on a roll. You might have a distorted perception of how someone feels.

    Try to better understand the person's role in your life.