Aquarius woman horoscope love

Aquarius-Women Love Horoscope for 2019 Year
  1. Getting to Know Men by Zodiac Sign
  3. Aquarius Love Horoscope
  4. Aquarius 2019 Love Horoscope

If you can find a way around this, a Gemini can make a great partner and perfect playmate. This is a rare and incompatible pairing that can be smothering for the Aquarius woman and toxic for the insecure Cancer man. The Crab is the opposite of your unconventional nature and yearns for affection, which makes the Aquarius woman feel trapped.

The Aquarius woman often takes the loyal and sentimental Cancer for granted in her attempts to gain some breathing room. Making this match work is not impossible, but requires significant compromise on the part of the Aquarian.

Getting to Know Men by Zodiac Sign

If you're not up for a challenge, the Aquarius woman is better off looking for love with a more likely match. While the physical component is bound to be steamy, a relationship between an Aquarius and a Leo man often lacks a deeper connection and intellectual stimulation.

Although polar opposites in many respects, both signs love the limelight and can often compete for attention. Once again, the Aquarius woman may find herself feeling smothered by Leo's jealous tendencies and constant need for attention.

Although a bit of a long shot, this pairing can work if Aquarius is willing to share the spotlight and show a bit more affection and emotion.

Although complimentary in some ways, a love match between a Virgo man and Aquarius is quite the odd combination. As an Earth sign, Virgo is introverted and judgmental, while the Aquarius woman is a social butterfly. However, you share a love for intellectual and humanitarian pursuits.

This can help form a connection and balance out your differences in personality. While the mysterious Virgo may hold your interest for a while, eventually the relationship is likely to runs its course.

Probably the most successful love connection, Aquarius and the Libra man are compatible both intellectually and physically. Both free-spirited air signs enjoy travel and entertainment.

Socially and conversationally you are two of a kind. However, you also share a tendency to shy from intimacy and commitment.

Money management is bound to be an issue and Libra does not share your humanitarian vision. Most psychics would agree that this is an ideal match overall and worth working through any differences.

The intense and ambitious Scorpio man is not a good partner for the free-spirited Aquarian. A Scorpio will find you cold, while you find them jealous and controlling. However, you both appreciate a partner who is difficult to figure out and your differences keep things interesting. In order to make this odd pairing work, the Aquarius woman may need to downsize her social calendar and make an effort to share more interests with her partner.


If you're looking for a passionate affair, then a Sagittarius man is your perfect match. This compatible pairing makes for a great no-strings-attached romp in the hay. Because you're so alike, a loyal friendship is likely to evolve, but both of you will run in the other direction if commitment becomes an issue.

Passions quickly fizzle out with any talk of making this fling legit. It is fun and flirty while it lasts, but you are likely to eventually go your separate ways. While you stand to learn something from one another, the ambitious Capricorn man is not a good match for the humanitarian Aquarius woman.

You are incompatible in nearly every area. This includes core values, life goals, social style and bedside manner.

However, this unlikely duo can make a great professional pairing, thanks to a shared competitive nature and unparalleled work ethic.

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When an Aquarian woman gets together with an Aquarius man the relationship is almost always doomed to fall within the friend zone.

Any romantic relationship fizzles fast because emotional connections are not your forte and your sexual interest is passive at best. You are better off as friends or working together toward humanitarian goals.

Although Aquarius and a Pisces man complement one another, this relationship is not one that comes easily. The Pisces man is bound to wind up hurt. She works fine with no supervision.

The Aquarius woman is independent and takes full responsibility for her own financial stability. This lady is progressive minded and not against taking some risk with her investments, but she will always be involved in determining what those are.

They often wonder if it can be given away to someone that needs it more. If such an Aquarian woman does come into a lot of money she should hire an accountant to manage it for her.

Those who are more attached to their money can be very shrewd with it.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Financial advisers beware — the detached, unemotional stature of the Aquarius woman makes her a tough negotiator. Aquarians make loving parents, though they can seem remote at times, and still like to have that little bit of independence, that me-time for themselves.

Their kids can really benefit from this, as they too learn to be their own individuals. Aquarian mothers take the trouble to understand their offspring, treating them with care and respect. Games with Aquarius Mom will be exciting and unusual, and she will get really involved.

The area of the body ruled by Aquarius is the ankles, and it pays to take care of them.

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  • The Aquarius Woman.

No generic shopping malls for the Aquarius woman — not a chance! She will more likely be found buying vintage pieces in thrift stores, piecing together individual outfits and unique looks. Interestingly, she usually works whatever she chooses. She has a gloriously eclectic personal style, and is unafraid to shock and dazzle her admirers with a daring top or an outrageous color combination.

Her favorite colors are bright and attention grabbing, like turquoise blue, hot pink, and emerald green. The Aquarian woman can dress to shock. Her eclectic tastes allow her to shop at a vintage store or a designer boutique. Always reaching for the sky, electric blue seems the natural color for this woman.

Avant-garde wardrobe, chic hairstyles, and sometimes off-the-wall elegance in footwear and jewelry, an Aquarius woman will make her own statement.

Aquarius-Men Love Horoscope for 2019 Year

This Aquarius lady is also highly original. The Aquarian woman is not your average fashionista. In fact, she is not your average anything, and the only thing anyone can be sure of is that her style will be uniquely her own. It is also likely to be so out of step with everyone else that it is, in fact, visionary.

Everyone will be wearing that next year. The Aquarian woman can look amazing. There is always something striking about her, usually long shapely legs, but it could be her eyes, her hair or just the way she walks. She will stand out even in the plainest clothes at the dullest of occasions — not that you are likely to find her there.

It might be the color, or the style, or the fact that it appears to be worn back to front, but it will be unique in some way. Fashion makes the Aquarian woman skittish — she loves it, but she has high standards, and impenetrable ethics.

Anything made in a sweatshop will be on her blacklist. Anything that supports a community will have her blessing. So she may favor fair trade fashions over the department stores. No matter, it will still look great on her. She has an effortless approach to clothes.

Beauty without cruelty is another of her obsessions. She will only buy beauty brands that are guaranteed not to have involved animal testing. This narrows her choices, so she may even start making her own.

She will have a deep interest in natural therapies anyway, and that goes along with the crystals, and the wind chimes, and the other signs that she is not quite of this world.

Aquarius 2019 Love Horoscope

In fact, Aquarians are the aliens of the zodiac, and they are quite proud of it. They all seem to be looking at life on earth with the fascinated gaze of the anthropologist from another planet, and this includes our obsessions with celebrities and fashion.

Some of it has the Aquarian woman scratching her head and looking for clues to the human psyche. If she finds any answers, no matter how way out, she will be happy to share them. In spite of this sensation of being from some other place, the Aquarian woman is friendly and sociable, and not usually given to combat, unless it is a righteous cause.

She will happily go shopping with her more grounded friends, although she enjoys it more as a social occasion than a bargain hunt. She will buy something that catches her eye, but never has a shopping list.

Information on the Aquarius Woman,Love,Sexuality,Relationships,Likes and Dislikes

She is thinking of the people whose lives depend on that sale. The Aquarian woman likes spur of the moment jaunts, cultural events although her idea of culture may be a head-banging concert , and long walks through the park or the countryside.

She generally seems unconnected, but then she surprises everyone by falling in love, usually with someone right out of left field. Maybe they meet at a sci-fi convention, or a UFO spotting night. But once the Aquarian woman falls in love, there is no going back.

She may go through several break ups, but she will always remain friends with her exes, and they will never quite get over her. When The One comes along, she will remain true no matter what happens. Her sexual nature is inclined to be out of left field too, which can be a delightful surprise for a more conservative lover.

Another air sign, Gemini or Libra, will be most able to communicate with this star child. It may be that Leo, her opposite sign, offers the best chance of happiness. All About Aquarius Aquarius Ascendant.

Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. See our Synastry article for more advanced relationship analysis techniques.