Gemini 6 february horoscope

Sabian Symbol
  1. Gemini: Your Month Ahead
  2. Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope For February
  3. Monthly Horoscope – Gemini February 2018

Heed every hunch in these areas and open your heart to connect with other people and new ideas. You may hear something in a podcast or broadcast that sparks a surprising new perception, or you may follow your intuition to call an overseas colleague who brings you an unexpected opportunity.

You also can make progress on something related to immigration or a visa. Take every opportunity to connect with the wider world and new ideas. Also, your ninth house rules higher education, so you may begin working toward a higher degree or meet a mentor who can help your academic career. You also could meet women in publishing or broadcasting who can help you with publicity or a fundraiser.

Make time for meditation and spiritual work this month and see what inspirations come to you to improve your communication or enhance your connections with far flung people and cultures.

Gemini: Your Month Ahead

February brings you many opportunities to grow and learn by thinking big, meeting others, and getting out into the world in new ways. You may start a new publishing project that brings you in contact with exciting international writers, or you may decide to study philosophy on your own or through a local university.

You also may find yourself drawn to new cuisines and cultures and decide to learn a new language as you prepare for a major overseas trip or assignment. On February 6, Venus in your ninth international and education house activities will connect with Uranus in your eleventh house of networking.

A few days later, on February 10, Venus leaves your international house to enter your career house. You may receive a raise, or women could enter your professional life who can help you advance at work or in your industry by nominating you for an award.

On the 13th, the Sun will talk to Uranus in your eleventh house of networking, group activities, and volunteer efforts, again giving opportunities to make new connections at a business event that can help you with an international project or inspiring you to call a colleague in broadcasting to help with a cause you both support.

You may volunteer on an overseas project that turns into a travel opportunity. On February 15—and for the week and half afterward—you can tap success by starting anything new related to foreign travel, immigration, or visas; launching a new publication or promotion; or starting a new degree program once the new Moon arrives in brilliant Aquarius at 3: A solar eclipse comes just minutes before that—and the day brings harmonious angles between Mercury in your international and education house with Uranus in your eleventh house of groups, clubs, and friendship and between Venus in your career house with Saturn in your eighth house of shared finances.

Recognition—and rewards—at work can help stabilize your financial picture, or you may meet someone at a business event who has connections to help with international contracts.

On the 17th, this theme continues with the Sun and Mercury coming together in your international and philosophy area for a final burst of thought provoking inspiration as well as possible new contracts, communications, or connections related to international business, television, or higher education. Feel the change from air to water, from electricity to "see in the dark" intuition.

Pisces always activates your career house at the top of your chart, where you earn recognition through industry honors, professional advancement, or community leadership. Ground your visions in a project to help others, as the Sun and Saturn will bless practical efforts. That can feel exciting for a while, yet it can leave us drained, too.

Also, you already may feel a bit depleted: Aquarius time comes after the Capricorn time of year, a sober period when we feel conscientious and work very hard. We began January with four planets in heavy duty Capricorn, and by mid-month we had two more for a total of six.

Planetary Row

You can plan your life with astrology by building in time to pause. Each month, the planets bring regular times that favor slowing down and reflecting:. This month brings several key dates to watch as you plan your month. Mark your calendar and take action or rest as recommended on the dates listed here, as your efforts can bring impressive progress now.

Make time for your spiritual life: The "cross quarter day" called Groundhog Day, Imbolc, or Candlemas. Get out and meet new people. Greenwich time , lovely Venus moves into Pisces, a sign she adores visiting.

Go to a dance recital, concert, or art museum or pull out your art supplies to create a dream-inspired masterpiece.

Meditate on the meaning of love, connect with your muse, or meet with someone in the arts.

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Venus graces this place for a full month, so fill your social, cultural, and artistic calendar for the coming weeks. February 11 — The balsamic Moon arrives at Greenwich time on February 11 and lasts until the new Moon on February 15 at 3: February 13 and The Sun in a helpful angle with Uranus favors new business or international connections with someone fun and different.

New Moon in Aquarius at 3: Greenwich time —with solar eclipse a few minutes before that—plus planetary harmony involving Mercury and Uranus as well as Venus and Saturn. The next week and a half favors new beginnings in everything related to your ninth house of all things international as well as anything that expands your perspective, such as publishing and philosophy.

The Sun meets Mercury, just before the messenger planet moves into Pisces at Greenwich time on the 18th. The Sun moves into Pisces at Pause around that time and see if you can feel the shift from airy, intellectual Aquarius to watery, sensitive Pisces. Venus meets with Neptune in Pisces, a heavenly pairing of human and spiritual love. Be a force for loving kindness with everyone you meet.

Mercury meets Neptune, so let your mind wander a bit today and pay attention to dreams or connect with your muse. Also, the Sun links with Saturn in Capricorn: February 27 and Venus on the 27th and then Mercury on the 28th make the same helpful alignment with Pluto.

There is a lot of work that needs to be put into the emotional world of those born on the 6th of February. Their heart is pure in foundation, but anger tends to build up if they don't learn how to vent and get it out through constructive conflict and a fight for personal success. Their main task is to understand the importance of negative emotions so they can embrace them on their way to freedom.

With two feminine archetypes in their planetary row, we can safely presume that the primal nature of individuals born on February 6th is more passive than that of most Aquarius representatives.

Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope For February

Still, their digits add to create number 8, the number of Mars, and there is a strong need for initiative they come to discover in life. In the practical sense, this will lead to many conflicts they don't understand, disturbing for their loving nature that seems to be there to give support and love to the world.

Their boundaries can be weak and must be built strong to keep them safe, and protect their hearts from hurt and painful experiences. The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 6th of a leap year and two years preceding it:.

The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 6th of a year following a leap year:. The combination of these symbols speaks of things one needs to protect in the inner world, and the treasure that needs to be kept safe through an animalistic approach to those that might attack.

Still, the second symbol doesn't support secrecy, and we can see that the feminine way to protect what is vulnerable won't give results. Actual masculine effort must be made — through the nature of Mars. Lies will not serve them well, no matter the intention behind them.

The purpose in lives of those born on the 6th of February is quite obvious from their planetary row, and their overall rule by Mars. The link between Mars and these feminine energies can be extremely challenging, and a person will often evoke and create things and situations they are not yet ready for.

Monthly Horoscope – Gemini February 2018

Their Soul will rush in, and their need for physical satisfaction will often pull them into self-destructive patterns. Their mission in life is to set personal boundaries and understand the importance of the physical plane they live in, being fully aware of their anger, instincts, and unconscious energies that guide them in a certain direction.

The world of emotions is hidden in all its glory in the eyes of those born on this date. It is in their nature to feel things and see them vividly, in color, their lives filled with beauty, expectance and magic.

Feelings that fuel their body and soul are intense, caring, and truly deep, and they will never settle for less than what they know they deserve.

Love is their imperative and they will live chasing for it until they finally find balance with another human being. Many Aquarius representatives born on the 6th of February have issues with personal boundaries, and this could open them up for relationships with abusive partners and those who impose their will and intrude in their world. They should always stay aware of their personal space and everything they wish to accomplish on their own, or the sense of freedom they seek along with their Aquarian brothers and sisters might slip through their fingers.

Each person born on the 6th of February has an eye for beauty and an artistic talent to use in this lifetime.