Full moon astrology january 30 2019

  1. Full Moon for January 2019
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Listen to your heart, but take your time before jumping into action. The Moon spends time in your communications sector and then your zone of home and family today, dear Taurus, and you might begin the day feeling a little scattered, but end it more directed and focused.

There can be some level of chaos or state of flux now, but an important revelation about security, family, and how to manage your personal life. A Solar Eclipse will occur in two weeks and prompt a new start along career or reputation lines, and now, it makes sense to sort out your home life.

This can mean house repairs, family drama, and possibly even career changes that affect home life. Your senses are stimulated to the max right now! You can experience a revelation of sorts now or this week, a writing or learning project can come to completion, there may be stress over meeting deadlines, or there can be publicity or promotion playing a significant role in your life now.

Try not to be too hasty with your speech or motions Whatever reveals itself or new developments happening now are meant to push you forward, even if at first they slow you down. Avoid sensory overload by tuning out distractions and instead tuning into your intuition.

The Moon continues to transit your sign for part of the day, dear Cancer, after which it moves into your resources sector, and your focus changes from expressing yourself to considering your practical needs.

The Lunar Eclipse occurring tomorrow morning happens in this sector of your chart that rules finances and values. Lunar Eclipses are potent Full Moons and tend to mark important turning points in our lives, and for you, this can be about your money, valuables, values, and talents.

You might make discoveries along these lines, or there can be an illumination of matters that were previously brushed aside or hidden. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in your sign early tomorrow, bringing a personal matter to a head, perhaps in the form of an epiphany.

Emotions seem to want to rule your day, particularly by midday forward. This can also be a time when a close relationship makes headlines in your life. Some of you may be putting an attachment behind you and embracing the joys of independence or discovering yourself through the help of a significant other.

Others are finding ways to break out of old patterns and exploring new ways of expressing yourself.

This eclipse occurs tomorrow morning and stirs a revelation about your feelings, or it might point to a culmination of work or health matters. Events are such that you recognize the need for extra time to rest or to attend to your spiritual, emotional, and mental health needs. Your feelings about a past matter become undeniable, or a previously hidden or secret issue reveals itself.

This is a time for deciding to either embrace or let go of a situation, relationship, or powerful feeling. Revelations occurring now have the power to push you forward with less psychological baggage.

Full Moon for January 2019

This is particularly useful with a Solar Eclipse happening only two weeks from now and paving the way for new beginnings with work and routines. While you begin the day with a sense that you need to take care of business, dear Libra, the Moon moves into your social sector and builds towards Full, pulling up strong feelings and possibly a significant epiphany.

The Lunar Eclipse occurring tomorrow morning affects your sector of aspirations, dreams, ideals, community, and friendships, and there can be a sudden need for your help or support. There might also be a culmination or turning point of a friendship matter, group project, or romantic relationship. Whatever comes to light now and this week provides you with valuable insight into an old or brewing problem, and you are likely to feel purged and empowered as a result.

Love affairs, children, friends, and teams are areas of life that can involve revelations, unveilings, and important discoveries. Significant shifts in your social life are likely in the coming months.

The Moon moves to the top of your solar chart today, dear Scorpio, and you can feel the desire — or need — to take charge. There are building emotions today as something seems to want to emerge or release. You may experience an epiphany about where you want to head in your life, or a project culminates or reaches a turning point now.

You may be in the position to show off your professional and responsible side. The weeks ahead are particularly keen for revelations about your career and responsibilities, mainly as this relates to your increased focus on home and family. For some, there can be a meaningful reward or announcement or even a change in a career path or life direction.

Some of you could discover your true calling or come in better touch with your goals and ambitions through your revelations now. The Moon moves into your spirit sector and builds towards a Full Moon.

The Lunar Eclipse that occurs tomorrow morning stimulates your senses and illuminates a matter of spirit, adventure, or learning.

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There can be the fruition of a significant project or a turning point reached in your studies. Some of you might question a course of study or belief system now.

Epiphanies can be substantial enough to change your perspective or even your life path. Announcements, awards, or completed projects can generate quite a bit of attention.

The Moon moves into your intimacy sector today, dear Capricorn, and will reach full by tomorrow morning. Money owed or shared can involve some drama now. There can be new money coming into your life or a significant shift in money sources. You can have epiphanies regarding issues of sharing, give and take, power dynamics, ownership, emotional support, dependencies, and intimacy now and this week.

Realizations made now can be powerful motivators for making lifestyle changes, particularly related to your close relationships, independence, and finances. The day may not begin very confidently, dear Aquarius. In fact, you may find yourself questioning certain projects or decisions.

The Moon moves into your partnership sector and reaches full there by tomorrow morning. This Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse and occurs in your opposing sign, bringing to light relationship or personal matters.

Undeniable feelings rise to the surface now and this week. Feelings that have gone unacknowledged might surface and can be game-changing. Eclipses in your sign and your opposite sign will continue to occur until January , making this period a time of major discoveries about your independence and close relationship needs.

A Solar Eclipse in Aquarius will happen in just two weeks so that any work you do now on understanding your feelings will help you tremendously for your fresh start in mid-February.

The Moon moves into your work and health sector today and will reach full early tomorrow. Discoveries made now can be substantial and perhaps even game-changing. For some of you, information surfacing now and this week helps to push your life forward.

Keep in mind that decision-making should be a process, not a quick thing right now, even if you feel a lot of pressure today and tomorrow, so take your time. Jan 30 1: Moon enters Leo Description: The Moon in Leo We have a stronger need for appreciation, shows of affection and warmth, and excitement.

We are proud and conduct ourselves accordingly. This is a time for having some fun, being creative and childlike, and enjoying life. Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Vesta We can be a little stiff with our emotions, and we can be distracted from our work or focus.

There can be difficulty expressing tenderness, concern, or care. Jan 30 5: There can be rebelliousness and tension. Aim to be open to possibilities, and avoid making permanent decisions. Jan 30 7: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Chiron There can be new or easy understanding of our feelings and impressions now.

We are more emotionally present and involved. Synchronicity is a feature of our daily life right now. Tune in and enjoy the spiritual signposts. Jan 30 Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Neptune If we are not in touch with our need for inspiration, beauty, compassion, connection to something otherworldly, or our spirituality, we could feel out of sorts right now.

Relaxing, listening to music, getting close to nature, or taking a break may resolve this. How we feel and what we think can be at odds. Transiting Moon Entering Leo We have a stronger need for appreciation, shows of affection and warmth, and excitement. Jan 30 6: We are in tune with our natural desires and instincts. We express our feelings honestly.

We are independent, resourceful, and brave. Transiting Moon Square Transiting Pallas Our judgment may be temporarily impaired by excessive emotions, or emotional bias.

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We may be experiencing a conundrum. Jan 30 9: Patience is a virtue right now. Otherwise we might succumb to feelings of frustration and sadness. All good things come to those who wait. Transiting Sun SemiSquare Transiting Chiron We can feel especially vulnerable to criticism or fear rejection now, or could struggle with a situation where we may need to humble ourselves.

People or circumstances may seem to be exposing or playing on our vulnerabilities. Can be overly protective, unwilling to let go, timid, reclusive. All dates and times are ET.

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When is the next full Moon? See our Full Moon Dates chart.

Each month, we will explain the traditional names of the full Moon along with some fascinating Moon facts. The weather is always worse after a full moon and the "supermoons" seem to exert an extra pull on the tides.

The OFA prediction for the start of February is already bleak and if the start of January is any indication, this looks at least as bad. How come there isn't any mention of a Double Moon? That's what we can see here in Boston! An Old Moon usually refers to a waning crescent Moon. Where would you suggest I go to find 1 date 2 time of recording 3 moon phase.

I need this for a school project I need a full phase between Jan 5 and Feb 20 I also need the pattern of moon during day light hours. To see the Full Moon for your area, click here for our Moon Calendar. Im not sure if this is on topic but I'm an Aquarius and I honestly love the moon so much.

Wolves are honestly my favorite animal,and it was a coincidence that was what my moon is called. I'm very independent,aloof,and I love nature.

Such as the woods or lakes etc.. Correct me if I'm wrong? I forgot to mention. I also do the same thing when the full moon crosses outside of my window I open up my blinds or go outside and sit and watch the beautiful moon pass,Wishing I could touch it!

I am Aquarius also and have always loved the moon and thunderstorms. I want to say that God is amazing and I am so in love with his creation.

As his child, I feel so thankful for eternal life through his son Jesus. One night after a prayer asking if he could hear me and if he could to show me a sign. I looked up and immediately saw a shooting star.

What are the odds. Amazing the love I felt and will always feel.

Darkstar Astrology -

When I was a kid, we always cut calves in the 4th quarter. When are the 4th quarters of ? Hi Jeanne, You can find all the Moon phases here: We also have a Best Days calendar here which speaks to lifestock: I guess because my sign is cancer I've always had an interest in the moon and also beleive stages of the moon affects my mood.

Yes, the Moon spins on its axis, completing one rotation about every This means that we always see essentially the same side of the Moon except for a few factors, such as libration. This phenomenon is called tidal locking, and the process is not yet finished: Hello friend I seen something called a white smokey substance around the full moon what its called it seems amazing and I love to see more and more today I'm going to watch that but I can't see why?

Can you answer me what it is?