Weekly horoscope pisces 24 january 2019

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  1. January 2019 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits
  2. Pisces Love & Money For January 2019
  3. Monthly Astro Calendar January , Astrology Horoscope Calendar Online | jakubzidek.cz

At the end of the month, Sun on January 20th and Mercury on January 24th entering Aquarius encourage original and creative thinking. We got more courage and our competitive spirit is boosted. Sun conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. Mercury in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries.

Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. We communicate better with authority figures. This is also the first solar eclipse of the year, a partial solar eclipse visible only in East Asia and Pacific — the concentrated energies of the sign help us to initiate professional projects.

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We also need to improve our public image. We appreciate freedom more than ever. Adventure is your primary concern, during this transit. Mercury in Capricorn square Mars in Aries. Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury conjunct Saturn in Capricorn.

Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces. Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. Venus in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries. Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Sun in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries.

This is also a total lunar eclipse, the first one in , visible in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic Ocean — s time for self-expression, with creativity and originality.

Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces. Mars in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn. Venus conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius. Mars in Aries trine Jupiter in Sagittarius. Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius. Share the post "January — Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits". For others it may represent a favorable encounter with those in more powerful positions in life.

Let love be your greatest weapon. Its value is priceless. Last Quarter Moon in Libra on December 29 reminds us of the need to continue working on the imbalances in our relationships. This is the time to let emotional pressure be released and to handle matters with friends and loved ones carefully and congenially.

January 2019 – Planetary Overview: Major Astrological Aspects and Transits

The Last Quarter Moon aspect confirms the need to make amends with others and unite peacefully. For more information about your Horoscope and what the stars have in store for you, order one of our detailed Astrology Reports!

Want to know the theme of your relationship? This report compares your temperaments and personalities, whether you are married or living together.

Reveal as much information about you and your partner intention of opening doors of understanding and awareness. Jupiter will be encouraging you to fly higher than ever before, so whether you feel like making this Christmas different or whether you have a plan that is further reaching, it is important that you act on it.

The year is drawing to a close and new trends for will be ushered in. Discover a personal profile and 1-year forecast based on advanced calculations of your name and birth date.

Pisces Love & Money For January 2019

Although Christmas is traditionally a busy time that barely grants us a moment to think, if you pause for a moment, you will become aware that something quite wonderful is happening. Something seems to be changing in you.

Whatever name you choose — healing, regeneration, mystical awakening, or some sort of enlightenment — it should feel like the dawning of an inner strength. This attitude will be coupled with a willingness not only to learn, but to work hard, to strive, to struggle.

Need a guide for your growth and personal evolution based on astrological influences upon your personality? New Age Natal Report. Christmas is all about warmth and connections with other people. The holiday season tends to be a more social period in the world, but for you, Gemini, it is more so than usual — more so than past holiday seasons.

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  • This Christmas you will seem to have it all. Whether or not you do is another matter, but you certainly have what you need in place for a happy and heart-warming festive period. To make the most of this, you could invite people over or partake in as many social events as you can mange without overextending your energy.

    This interpretation of your birth chart is written in simple language could be beneficial in self undestanding. Your challenge this week is to balance optimism with realism so that you can bring your dreams and inspirations into everyday reality. Perhaps you should start small, and then watch the changes grow.

    In spite of this, you are not willing to compromise one iota with your career or professional goals and demands. Jupiter — the planet of abundance and good fortune — arrives in your house of fun and enjoyment to ensure that Christmas is a fun-packed, jovial, heart-centered affair.

    When people wish you a Merry Christmas, you are likely to take it literally, as you are able to conjure the true spirit of the holiday. Imagination, inventiveness, entertainment are all at white heat enhancing some marvelous creativity. This enhances your approach even to the most humdrum activities from cookery to games, to love-making, to sports, to amusements.

    What better place to be this Christmas than nestled in front of a cozy fire enjoying the festive cheer. It goes deeper than this, though, because home is a symbol of your inner life; you have every reason to feel optimistic because the foundation of your life is now in place, or beginning to be. This will enable you to go out into the world with greater confidence.

    It is, however, a time to steer clear of involvement in money matters with friends, associates or colleagues. All in all, you will be more friendly and more magnanimous, but be careful to not be more extravagant as well.

    Want a birthday to birthday practical guide to help you recognize opportunities and to learn from them. Astrological Solar Return Report. With the Last Quarter Moon in your sign, money, money and more money will be your focus — rentals, taxes, investments, trade and commerce, capital formation.

    These will all be favored — also publicity and communications — both the spoken and the written word, ads and campaigns, friends and acquaintances, some romantic interludes and on top of it all, some gains in terms of pleasure. Want to know the actual dates when the energies will influence your life in money, career, relationships, and communicaton?

    Monthly Astro Calendar January , Astrology Horoscope Calendar Online | jakubzidek.cz

    Astro Forecast Report 3 months. Despite the fact that this is Christmas week, a time of joy and pleasure, finances will be at the forefront, as there may be some rather drastic changes in your financial profile.

    You may find these a trifle unsettling with your love of stability, but looking at the long-term benefits will not be too difficult. This will be a time to invest wisely which will lead to an increase in income, but not making a quick buck.

    Want a one year forecast to understand the scope of influence for your personal Cards of Destiny? Cards of Destiny Report. Associations formed this week will be long-term ones. You will also learn to reconcile what your vocation is with your true nature.

    You will work out personal issues revolving around your career, identity and home. And it is at home that your heart is this Christmas. Your identification with both house and home will be very close, also with your parents and ancestors, going back to your roots in a fine show of genuine bonding.

    This report tells how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, and security.

    Your spirit might be tired from the endurance tests you have experienced and would benefit from rest, contemplation and softness. Having a few friends round for a warm cup of tea and treats with good humored conversation might work better for you than hitting the town and partying until dawn.

    Discover your character traits, relationship and career potentials — based on Edgar Casey Readings.