Leo zodiac traits compatibility

Leo Woman Table of Contents
  1. Leo Traits, Personality And Characteristics
  2. Mars enters Aries
  3. Leo: Leo Zodiac Sign Dates, Traits & More
  4. Leo: Leo Zodiac Sign Dates, Traits & More

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She is knowledgeable about the finest wines and pairs whatever beverage with the meals she offers. There is no better host than a Leo Woman.

Her living room, or rather, her entire home is likely to have fantastic lighting and large windows. She loves to let the natural light pour in and make the beautiful landscape surrounding her home more accessible.

She is likely to have a studio area in the house too. For like the Sun, her planetary ruler, she loves to create things.

Gardening is a pastime she enjoys. It gives her time to bask in the rays of the Sun that rules her and refuels her. When the Leo Woman reaches middle age, she may have difficulties relating to the spine and the upper back.

Leo Traits, Personality And Characteristics

This health correspondence relates the fierce backbone she has and how she can be rigid about changing, not just her mind, but the way she moves and controls her body. The solid backbone also relates to her Queen-like nature and status.

Leo Love and Sex

Since she has so many decisions she must chew on as a natural born leader, it is not at all uncommon to find a Leo Woman that has digestive issues or gastrointestinal concerns. If she does not get enough sunlight, she might prove Vitamin D deficient.

Mars enters Aries

The deficiency can lead to symptoms like frequent falls, poor calcium absorption, and osteopenia or osteoporosis later in life. Issues affecting the blood, heart, and circulation are also common. Leo Women are exceptional in managerial positions, and they are good as project leaders.

Part of what makes them so exceptional is their desire to lead and the ability to keep things organized. She is full of energy, and her excessive vigor serves her well in jobs that might otherwise demand long hours.

When she is set to a purpose, she will work toward completion of the goal. She comes up with original, creative, and innovative ideas that make tasks flow smooth.

Leo Sun in Love: Traits, Expectations & Fears

She is excellent in a boss position but also makes an exceptional entertainer as she enjoys the limelight. Being on stage, a singer, songwriter, dancer, performer, or actor is a fantastic pursuit for the Leo Woman who can make herself shine on center stage.

Want to gain the attention of that Leo Woman? Flatter her and flatter her more. She loves to be in the limelight so put her there often.

Be social, amiable, friendly and let your inner light shine for it is the light that draws her attention the most. The Leo Woman s the life of the party.

When she is not the center of attention, she is busy being the best host possible. She has a friendly, amiable, some say sunny smile and disposition, so she makes friends with incredible ease. Those who befriend her look up to her as a role model. She is fiercely loyal and demands the same of her friends and family.

Leo: Leo Zodiac Sign Dates, Traits & More

She is the pride and joy of her mother and father although her parents may complain about her need for attention and constant doting as she grew up. As a sibling, she is easy to get along with, but she can try to be manipulative when looking to be the center of attention. The Leo Woman makes an exceptional mother, however, and we see her children as her entire world.

She rules over her children with a firm hand and demands the best from them, knowing they are far capable of delivering more than mere mediocrity. She still loves her children endlessly and will protect them from the external world if she is able.

She is a mother not to cross, lest her animal nature rears into action. She has no problem balancing motherhood and work as she has an endless source of fiery energy she can tap into at will. At first, the coupling of a Leo Woman and male Capricorn might seem like a troublesome mix.

A Leo Woman is so social and outgoing. The Leo man loves to impress other people, especially the opposite sex. He loves to show off and often uses his charm to get things done. According to the zodiac Leo male loves to be the center of attention and is always surrounded by a group of people. He is independent, dominating, bossy and perfectionist.

The Leo man is almost always in a playful mood and never takes something seriously, which can be irritating at times. He has a weird sense of insecurity when his loved ones starts to ignore or overlook him and this insecurity is transformed into anger sometimes.

In a relationship, he is romantic, passionate and generous and is not afraid of public display of affection. A relationship with a Leo male is not always easy, as certain situations outside the relationship may set him off from time to time. However, stability and words of encouragement can be the anchor to keep the Leo man off drifting into dangerous waters.

The Leo woman is confident, loving, arrogant, aggressive, creative and generous. She carries herself in a manner that is extremely inspiring and she expects royal treatment from everyone around her.

She is beautiful and sensual and never fails short of male attention.

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The Leo female is not satisfied with ordinary things — she has a superior taste and strives for greatness. She loves a life full of luxury and extravagance and can go to any extent to live such a life. The Leo woman is caring and she loves to be surrounded by her family members and close friends. In a relationship, the Leo woman can be extremely jealous and possessive.

However, she is never clingy and she is totally committed to keeping and maintaining a happy and fulfilling relationship. You're a true attention and pleasure seeker, and will bring you plenty of the things you love most. However, your rewards will come if you show the Universe that you can tame your ego and minimize the drama in your life.

Life is a stage for you, Leo, and while sometimes this dramatic philosophy works well for you and brings you the attention you want, at other times it brings you distress. In February, you will feel like you're being tested, as a number of obstacles involving family, money, and career will face you. Don't get angry and frustrated during these trials, try to stay calm and listen to the other side.

This softer approach will help you sail smoothly through these demanding times. In August, you will find yourself feeling on fire and you will be burning to try out something new, whether it be in business or love.

However, this is not the time to blaze, so take it easy and wait until December when you can finally relight your fire. You're fiery and one of the most passionate zodiac signs, which means that you always seek pleasure in your personal relationships. When Saturn moves into Sagittarius in January, you may experience tension in your relationship, so you must be careful of your high demands during this time.

Your fiery passion can be overpowering to your partner at times, so remember to give them space and let them breathe. August is the perfect month for love, romance, and passion, so if you're looking for a partner, this is the best time of the year. You will need to make some big health changes this year, Leo. You're always seeking and this usually lead you to unhealthy choices, so you should spend the first few months of , focusing on making some lifestyle changes.

Try to eat a balanced diet by eliminating processed foods and start a strength training regimen. Your chances for health problems increase in April and August, but you can avoid all of this if you make a change in lifestyle habits. Take even better care of yourself than usual; get extra sleep, stay hydrated, eat more vegetables and fruits, and reduce your stress and anger through meditation.

If you stick to your new health regimen, by the end of this year you will definitely see positive results. You live for attention and drama, but in February you will need to focus on professionalism. Don't let your ego overcome your work and keep the drama under control, as it could be a detriment to your career.

In April, you should take the advice from your co-worker, even though you will want to argue your opinion. In August, when Saturn directs in Scorpio, you will have fun at work.

Leo: Leo Zodiac Sign Dates, Traits & More

At this time, you will experience flattery and appreciation. When it comes to finances, at the beginning of this year you will be struggling with growing expenses. Your expenses can be easily reduced, because much of your money goes for things you want, rather than what you need.