Horoscope 23 february 2019 scorpio

Scorpio horoscope February 2019
  1. Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:
  2. Scorpio February 2019
  3. Daily horoscope
  4. Scorpio Horoscope | Scorpio Horoscope - Find Your Fate
  5. Scorpio Horoscope 2019

During this transit, your communications increase and expand. Your ability and desire to express yourself are greater now, and your personal interests grow. Good fortune with vehicles, transportation, through siblings, and with the communications industry can be experienced during this cycle.

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You are more perceptive, and others are more receptive to your ideas. New opportunities to communicate can open up to you. This can be a busy period for learning. Taking on too many daily activities, communications, new interests, and learning endeavors or studies can be a problem now. There can be a real tendency to want to do it all, forgetting your limits in terms of time and energy.

Taking on too many projects or becoming too entrenched in details can cause problems. However, for the most part, you are likely to enjoy more opportunities through your communications and contact with others during this cycle in You could feel especially motivated to pursue your personal interests and to connect with a partner, particularly in December.

This is a good time for sharing your ideas, writing, pursuing a cause, and joining a cause. You might find that you travel less and that you are busier locally. Your thinking is more upbeat, positive, and forward-looking, and so is the way you express yourself.

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  8. In fact, this is an excellent time for improving your communication skills and your general attitude or mindset. There can be important opportunities through meetings, courses, teaching, and connections made in the neighborhood or through siblings.

    Some problems with siblings or neighbors could be put to rest now, although they might be magnified initially in order for problem areas to come out into the open and finally be resolved. Some of you might return to school or take some courses.

    There can be increased communications with siblings, classmates, and peers in general during this period. You could be finding that transportation options now available make life a little more enjoyable.

    Instead, these transits coexist. You may be able to blend them successfully. In fact, this can be a powerfully ambitious and positive time when you enjoy working hard at your studies or personal interests.

    There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself.

    There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence will stick with you until the end of the year It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Scorpio.

    Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:

    Challenges can come to your communications during this cycle. You may be more guarded and particular with your communications, taking things quite seriously and somewhat fearful of making mistakes.

    A certain somberness in your outlook may be characteristic of this phase, as it could be a time of worry. It may seem like acquaintances and sometimes siblings are blocking your growth in some manner, and these relationships may be strained as a result.

    Although you have a desire to make contacts, you are now rather preoccupied with learning or other mental projects, and you may view idle chit-chat as a waste of time.

    You may feel an unusual pressure to structure your time and effort and to cut out communications that seem unnecessary. Next year, you will advance further than ever in your career. It is the perfect moment to start your own business or a new business.

    Scorpio February 2019

    Starting in the summer of , until the summer of , you are going to have a period of professional flourishment, of ascension and success. New opportunities occur, as well as changes for the better that have been long awaited for.

    In the first part of , the goddess of love resides in your house, which will awaken your romantic side. If you are already involved in a relationship, you will enjoy love, tranquillity and a lot of affection in the company of your life partner. After a few escapades during February, in the spring, you will need a landscape change: In the first half of June, a platonic friend wins your heart.

    If you want something else, in July you can play with your admirers just as you would play with some chess pieces: Starting from November, your relationship is shaking up. If you manage to maintain your character strength, your relationship will reach another level, much more intense.

    The energy and movement of planets in the house of each zodiac signs can induce us a certain state of mind, influencing our achievements or failures. During the holidays, you go through a certain mood.

    At the beginning of , you are going to be exuberant and cheerful without a particular reason, but towards the end of , you tend to exaggerate some negative aspects of their life. Everything will be as beautiful as at the beginning, so you will have all the reasons to enjoy your time with your loved one.

    Therefore, there are few who can understand your passion, the Cancer and Pisces natives, water signs as Scorpio, can let themselves seduced by passion and they can deal with a relationship full of romance. If you are not satisfied with your employment status and you want to develop their own business, the astral context of can bring unexpected opportunities.

    Daily horoscope

    Also, those who want to obtain recognition at work and to be promoted and financially rewarded are favored this year. The most important thing is to decide what you really want, which means you need to analyze your goals in the long run and to decide if the current job offers you any perspectives of progressing or it is just a temporary source of income.

    The financial and professional sector is one of the life domains that represents a priority in Although they will deal with quite a lot of challenges, they will certainly feel that their efforts were not in vain.

    You need to show your professionalism and their sense of responsibility in any activity during the following period. If they stay connected with everything that happens around them, in the first months of the year, they can earn some significant amounts of money from small commissions or other activities outside their work. Also during this time, the stars are in favor of negotiation contracts, which is a sign that they should bring into discussion the possibility of renewing a collaboration.

    Scorpio Horoscope | Scorpio Horoscope - Find Your Fate

    In the first part of , it is very possible to register some holdups or delays on a professional level, which risks offsetting some of their plans.

    Financially, is likely to be a good year, especially starting from November. One way or another, you will manage to earn increasingly more money on your own, with no need of collaborating with others. On the other hand, it seems that in June of , you will invest more time and energy in business trips or remote collaborations, or in scientific, cultural or academic pursuits.

    You might feel the impulse to complete your education or to deepen the knowledge in a specific domain, to specialize in something, to publish an article or a book etc. Usually, you have the tendency of obtaining business alliances with richer people, and these relationships are quite intense, so when the time comes to choose a life partner, you will always look for someone with a pleasant personality, active, kind, stable and next to whom they feel they can have an easy path.

    The retrogradation of Mercury in activate the vocational houses , and also the house of earned money and the house of personality. You could take advantage of this retrograde transit to reorganize a work team or group or to highlight themselves as worthy members of the team. After March 28 of , things start to clear up, the information and the intentions are no longer shadowed by doubts and they have the possibility of taking the first steps towards a better future.

    However, communication issues may occur with the superiors or with the state institutions. You can take advantage of this period to try out new career directions or to renew contracts with older collaborators.

    It is time to restructure your activity, to reconsider their market position if you are an entrepreneur, to analyze older data and information in order to understand what changes they need to do to obtain better results on long-term.

    Scorpio Horoscope 2019

    To successfully overcome the difficult period from the summer of , you need to prove that they have organizational skills and know how to set your priorities and also that they can quickly adapt to different situations. Saturn here merely wants to slow down your thinking process in order to rewire your brain.

    Negative childhood thinking patterns are scrambled so that they can be re-set. Memories from your infancy can flare up during this period. Saturn conjunct the South Node on Mar 23 could bring up an incident with siblings that give you a good chance to heal the past.

    Traditionally, the transit of Jupiter through your cash zone is supposed to bring wealth. But this really all depends on what you truly value and healthy your self-worth is. So if you value material security and tend to be someone who works…. Your Scorpio Horoscope continues in eBook. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Search for: Share on Facebook Share.

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