Gemini weekly horoscope 30 january 2019

  1. Gemini Daily Horoscope
  2. Gemini Daily Horoscope
  3. Thursday 27th December

Horoscopes of Nadia About Nadia Contacts. Gemini Weekly Horoscope 24 - 30 December If you were born under the sign of Gemini, in the last week of you will be subjected to greater pressure and tension, because of the burden of various urgent tasks and duties.

Soon you can find out about your forgotten promises or commitments that you have to complete by the end of the year. This week, it will be difficult for you to meet your expectations, mostly those related to a man, as you may experience resentment or misunderstanding of your good intentions.

Gemini Daily Horoscope

During these seven days, your relationship with people born under the sign of Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio zodiac signs will be complicated. During the week you will have more meetings, attend various gatherings, or welcome guests to your home, but unfortunately not all people will be sincere or good-natured toward you.

This week will be important and interesting for the development of your work or business as it is possible to receive useful information, suggestions or new orders if you are a manufacturer.

Generally, Gemini women will have a favorable week to settle monetary affairs related to a state institution or bank. During the week, expect an important conversation or proposal of a financial nature. Men will need to follow and remember their dreams carefully during the week.

So, during this transit, Geminis must think about how to make some important steps towards financial freedom. As said above, this house symbolizes transformations through growth and change and is also considered the house of shared financial resources.

Now, you already understood some lessons offered by Saturn and you already know some tips to make your money grow. I offer you three inspirational quotes about investment:. I already explained above what it means, at its first transit, between February 3 rd and March 1 st.

Gemini Daily Horoscope

As we have seen, with Saturn transiting all year long one of the houses of money, things are complicated, for Geminis, in But there are also reasons for hope. And right now, in the last month of the year, Jupiter enters the eight house and help Geminis to solve all their financial problems.

Not immediately, because this beneficial planet will stay here more than almost 13 months. But, starting right now, advertising and promotional activities are highly favoured.

Thursday 27th December

So promote your business or yourself! You also should know that expansion and connection with foreigners become the keys to business success.

Share the post " Gemini Horoscope: Money, Career and Business". This privacy policy sets out details about what data we collect and how we use it. If you want to continue on this site, click YES. Money, Career and Business T February 3 rd -March 1 st: Saturn Retrograde in the Eighth House —Financially Depend on Someone Geminis have already been here, for another four months, last year.

Saturn again direct in the eighth house — Some Quotes to Inspire You As said above, this house symbolizes transformations through growth and change and is also considered the house of shared financial resources. I offer you three inspirational quotes about investment: Jupiter in 8th house — Good News for Business Expansion As we have seen, with Saturn transiting all year long one of the houses of money, things are complicated, for Geminis, in This is the Gemini horoscope, based on the most important planetary transits and aspects.