Astrology background libra

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  1. Libra - Astrology, Astronomy, Mythology - Crystalinks
  2. Libra (astrology)
  3. Cosmic Balance: Origin of the Constellation Libra, the Scales
  4. The connection between the Libra myth and the Libra zodiac sign

Libra - Astrology, Astronomy, Mythology - Crystalinks

Even though she is often in correlation to Astraea, she still seems to be an individual independent of other signs of the zodiac. In service of her father Zeus, Dike was in charge of measuring the weight of human souls after they passed away.

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Her job was to punish souls mired in vice and reward souls that were honest and just. The link of Libra with Astraea is related to the role of Astraea after she gave up on the human race and decided to leave the humans to their corrupted nature.

The sign of Libra represents justice in our typical, everyday sense, and the balance that needs to be found in order for all sides of any equation to be satisfied.

It speaks of a relationship between two things that need to find middle ground, and this is exactly why the sign of Libra represents all interpersonal relationships, as two scales of the balance. People connected to the sign of Libra have a tendency to look up to others and be quite uncertain of their own personality, just like the constellation and the sign are mostly connected to a goddess and an animal that belong to the signs on both sides of Libra.

The interesting thing here lies in the fact that the most important balance needs to be found between the goddess of purity and innocence and the deadly animal that is linked to our deepest animalistic side. Because of the nature of Scorpio, stars from this constellation are usually in connection to some sort of karmic punishment.

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Libra sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information. Libra man - information and insights on the Libra man. Libra woman - information and insights on the Libra woman.

Libra horoscope - daily, weekly and monthly Libra horoscopes.

LIBRA'S Battle of Dark And Light! Ancient Kabbalah ASTROLOGY

Libra compatibility - the compatibility of libra with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

While they are true team players at work, their favorite partnership is at home: Libras feel most complete when they are coupled up with their lover, forever.

Did you know that Libra sign dates can change year to year?

Libra (astrology)

Because the Libra symbol is of the Scales, just like that balancing mechanism wants to stay even, Libras want to be on an even keel.

Think of the Scales of Justice and how they work at striking the right balance. Those born under the Libra sun sign study every possible angle in the hopes of achieving peace and harmony, so much so that others may see them as fickle and indecisive. Those with a Libra horoscope sign are keen strategists, organizing groups with poise and getting the job done in keeping with the cardinal quality assigned to this sign.

Further, you can expect the Scales to be companionable, sociable folks. Libra is ruled by Venus.

Cosmic Balance: Origin of the Constellation Libra, the Scales

In ancient Roman mythology, Venus was a smooth seductress who was at her best amid pleasurable excess. Well, Libras are certainly carrying the torch for her today. The Libra astrology sign is cultured, refined and loves beautiful things. Most of all, they love beautiful people, which is why Libras do so well at cocktail parties or at the theater, opera or ballet.

The element associated with Libra is air , and that means reaching higher, specifically to the higher mind.

Libras like to put their mind to good use, and enjoy communicating their thoughts to others.

The connection between the Libra myth and the Libra zodiac sign

Those born under this sign always have the right thing to say and know how to make others feel comfortable. Libras are so adept at charming conversation that they need to be mindful of overstepping their boundaries and appearing vain or gossipy the Scales do love intrigue.

When these folks are on their game, however, they are a pleasure to be with.