Horoscope for friday january 15 2019

Other Date Formats:
  1. January 15th, , Friday | 13 Must Know Facts
  2. Jan. 15: Your daily horoscope
  3. Sabian Symbol
  4. Chinese Calendar of January 2019

Something in your life will change for the better over the next two or three days.

The Globe and Mail

It may or may not be a material change but it will certainly move you in a new direction, one more in keeping with the talents you were born with. It may seem as if an emotional upheaval has come out of nowhere, but in truth it has been bubbling under for some time. Now the pressure has built up to such an extent that you can no longer contain it.

You'll feel better for it. If you have fallen out with a friend or family member then it should not be too hard to get back on good terms again this week.

No matter what harsh words may have been said it's not too late to make amends. It's never too late. You will go out of your way over the next 48 hours to do something that shocks those who prefer to play by the rules.

Don't do anything illegal or unethical though — cosmic law will catch and punish you even if human law does not.


The upcoming new moon in the most dynamic area of your chart will make this an exciting week by anyone's standards. It's going to be a thrill-a-minute ride over the next few days, so buckle up and put on your crash helmet! Don't give in to the urge to interfere in other people's private affairs, not even if they ask you to.

The planets insist they must work out their difficulties on their own now or face even greater difficulties later on.

  • january 22 horoscope astrology.
  • february 13 tamil new year horoscope.
  • house charts astrology.

Words of encouragement are okay though. The path you are following may be difficult, and at times even dangerous, but that's good. The last thing you need is a safe and easy journey that does not challenge you to give of your best.

Keep moving forward and keep moving up. You will find yourself at odds with the accepted way of doing things today and throughout most of the week but that's okay. You can sense that something out of the ordinary is needed to get ahead of your rivals.

Use your imagination, and act! The approaching new moon in your sign will encourage you to take risks but they don't have to be stupid ones.

January 15th, , Friday | 13 Must Know Facts

Keep your mind's eye on the main prize today and only take chances if your instincts tell you they are genuinely worth it. Are you brave enough to take on the kind of responsibilities that sensible people usually try to avoid?

If you believe in yourself and also believe that the universe is a positive and encouraging place you'll take them on with delight today.

There are so many possibilities and opportunities to choose from at the moment that you may have trouble making up your mind what to do next.

Jan. 15: Your daily horoscope

Auspicious Days Western Date. Chinese Horoscope Weekly Monthly Click to show more. Daily Chinese Horoscope of January November 26, Solar Date: Zodiac [Dragon] , Direction [North].

November 27, Solar Date: Zodiac [Snake] , Direction [West]. November 28, Solar Date: Zodiac [Horse] , Direction [South].

Sabian Symbol

November 29, Solar Date: Zodiac [Sheep] , Direction [East]. November 30, Solar Date: Zodiac [Monkey] , Direction [North]. December 1, Solar Date: Zodiac [Rooster] , Direction [West]. December 2, Solar Date: Zodiac [Dog] , Direction [South]. December 3, Solar Date: Zodiac [Pig] , Direction [East].

December 4, Solar Date: Zodiac [Rat] , Direction [North].

Chinese Calendar of January 2019

December 5, Solar Date: Zodiac [Ox] , Direction [West]. December 6, Solar Date: Zodiac [Tiger] , Direction [South]. December 7, Solar Date: Zodiac [Rabbit] , Direction [East].

December 8, Solar Date: December 9, Solar Date: December 10, Solar Date: December 11, Solar Date: