Weekly horoscope from 2 february 2019 in hindi prakash astrologer

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  1. 2019 वार्षिक राशिफल सभी बारह राशियों के लिए
  2. Horoscope 2019 for Taurus:
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Someone you might have really adored on a personal level at the office may have been let go or decided to quit his or her position. In fact, the dynamic at work is now one of true collaborative effort.

Everyone does their job, is courteous to one another, and appreciates the value you each bring individually to the team.

You might be so happy at work this month that you need to pinch yourself. The theme of cooperation extends to your love life as well. Last month lucky Jupiter moved into your 7th House of Commitment, making it very likely that the alliances you have or are beginning to forge will benefit you in an extraordinary way over the next year.

This will get kick-started on December 7 by a gorgeous New Moon in the same area of your chart.

Virgo Yearly Horoscopes 2019 In Hindi - Preview - Prakash Astrologer

There might also be an experience you have together that makes the two of you grow intellectually or spiritually. One way or another, it does seem that the two of you will engage in some type of student-teacher relationship this month.

On Friday, trend may be negative. This downtrend may continue on 17 th December as well.

2019 वार्षिक राशिफल सभी बारह राशियों के लिए

On 19 th , it is the FOMC and so, anytime from 18 th , bullion may enter into a considerable uptrend. Crude shall be trading sideways for the day.

Around 51, buy the remaining position. On Tuesday-Thursday, the uptrend is indicated. Profit booking is possible on Friday. Next Monday, trend may be negative. In this week, it may cross Hold remaining position for target above Hold short position in yield.

US 30 Y Yield can drop down to 3. Hence, avoid buying at CMP. It will again move to higher levels. Indian market is going to observe the effect of elections.

Horoscope 2019 for Taurus:

The result of counting will be made public tomorrow. The reaction of market will be observed on Wednesday. A considerable dip is possible. Hence, avoid long positions until 12 th December We published our astrological analysis on the on-going state elections across three of the five states.

These three states are currently ruled by BJP. The exit polls are more in favor of Congress which supports our prediction on the election. As per our view, there are two possibilities. If this happens then money will be the qualifying factor for coalition.

Yet, as per astrology, the horoscope of INC is stronger at the moment.

Leo Yearly Horoscopes In Hindi | Preview | Prakash Astrologer - Nayi TV India

Risk-averse traders should wait for 12 th to enter into long position. From 12 th , market will enter bullish trend for medium term. Last Friday, we asked our clients to buy put options. Gap down opening is indicated. E-mail the proof of payment to astrodunia gmail.

In the recent post s , we mentioned that stock indices would decline. We had also indicated an uptrend in bullion. Gold Feb contract crossed while Silver March contract crossed Crude oil has almost hit our target. It made a high of We hope you enjoyed these predictions.

Due to the communication between USA and China on trade war, import duty change has been postponed for 90 days. This has driven a rally in equity indices.

With this news, it made a high of in early Asian hour. Today, the market may behave positive. At higher level, it is advised to make short position.

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In next 2 days, market shall be trading downward. On Thursday, recovery is expected which may last till Friday. In next week, Monday shall be downward. After 12 th December, market will turn bullish for medium term. With volatility, it will remain upward till mid-January Short indices at higher level today. On Friday, cover long position and enter into short at closing hour.

Bullion is overall bullish for this week. Gold has support at and resistance at In this week, Gold can move up to while Silver can move up to Silver has support at On 7 th , it is the non-farm payroll announcement which may drive a rally in Gold and Silver.

The medium term trend for crude is bullish. It will cross Today, it has crossed the resistance of It has support at Today, trend shall be bullish. On 4 th and 5 th December, profit booking is possible. On 6 th and 7 th , it will again turn bullish post OPEC meeting on 6 th.

Indian market shall open bullish today. Mixed to positive trend will be visible. On Tuesday and Wednesday, downward trend may be visible. On Thursday, first half shall be negative while second half shall be positive.

This positivity may continue till Friday. On 10 th — 12 th December, trend is bearish. On 12 th , you can long at lower level. Here onwards, market will be bullish for medium term. Nifty can move up to Much of the emotional volatility of the past seven years is calming down.

You will be focusing more on your personal creativity and getting on with the real business of life, joy. You are entering an extremely creative period in your life. This will be so even for those who are not professional artists. Not a bad idea to take up some creative hobby these days. Since last year, Saturn has been supporting you.

This shows that your personal creativity and your sense of self are accepted and approved of by those in authority over you, that your life urges are being supported by the powers that be, that you can be who you are and still achieve career success. Last year was a strong career and social year. This trend will continue. The social expansion is in the area of friendships and seems very happy.

Later in the year, after September 25th , spirituality will become much more important and happy. This will have important and subtle financial benefits as well. More on this later on. Your most important areas of interest are finance, home and family, children, creativity, personal pleasure and love affairs, religion, philosophy, higher education, friendships, organisations and group activities until September 25th and spirituality after September 25th Your paths of greatest fulfilment in the year ahead are friendships, organisations and group activities until September 25th and spirituality after September 25th with love, romance and social activities.

Want to know more? You have great freedom to shape this area, as you will. Usually this shows a status-quo type of year. Singles will tend to remain single and marrieds will tend to remain married.

If you are married, work to bring more romance into the marriage. Singles should still seek serious relationships and improve their social skills. The main social activity this year is in the realm of friendships. This looks happy and exciting. Your social circle will expand. New and significant friends are coming into your life.

You benefit both socially and materially from joining organizations and clubs. Your new friends bring both joy and financial opportunity. You are learning that wealth is not just money in the bank and a fat stock portfolio, wealth of friendships is also wealth.

Those working towards a first marriage have a status-quo year. Those working towards a second marriage are facing a crisis.

If you are in your second marriage, the marriage is being tested, reordered, restructured, reorganised. It may or may not survive the tests. Only true love and a shared purpose will survive.

Those looking to marry for the second time need patience this year. Overcoming fear is the main problem but those working towards a third marriage have wonderful aspects. Wedding bells can definitely ring. The person seems wealthy and educated and interested in supporting your financial goals.

This is a person who could be involved already in your financial life in some way. Singles will have opportunity to meet a special someone from March 5th to May 20th Your social life is very active then but Venus, your Love Planet, will go retrograde from May 17th to June 29th.

Can this budding affair survive? Scorpios who have children of marriageable age may hear wedding bells this year, too.

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It might not be a marriage in the legal sense but like a marriage for practical purposes. These children have excellent social aspects in general. The major problem in love for them is their intense need for personal freedom. They need to understand that a relationship, by definition, means a limitation of personal freedom.

This will be a tough pill for them to swallow. Grandchildren of marriageable age have a status-quo year. Money and finance have been strong interests for many years and this trend continues in the year ahead. With Pluto, your Ruling Planet, firmly in your 2nd House, you are taking a personal interest in finance, taking personal charge, not delegating these things to others.

Also, you correctly see that you yourself are the best investment. You invest in yourself, in making yourself a better, more useful, more productive person and you command more in the marketplace.

Personal appearance and overall demeanour play an unusually important role in earnings. Now, this is true for most people but for you it is especially so.

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When self-esteem is high, earnings are high.