Star sign compatibility cancer

Cancer Love Compatibility
  1. Summary of Cancer compatibility
  3. Cancer compatibility
  4. Which Star Signs is Cancer Most Compatible With? |
  5. Cancer traits

It's doubtful that both signs will swim out of their dream world to take care of the mundane, but one of them must eventually dip into the real world long enough to pay a few bills and figure out the budget. At first, this will seem like the perfect relationship, but unless it's tempered with a few doses of reality-checks, a Pisces and Cancer couple could end up being carried too far off course and caught in a rip tide or worse, tossed onto the beach.

Metaphors aside, one partner will need to be better grounded in reality in order for this relationship to flourish into the once-in-a-lifetime love it could be. Earth signs work well with water signs to co-create a life together. Earth gives water form and contains the many energies and ideas flowing from water signs.

Water signs nourish earth and help grow ideas into profitable business ventures as well as a home and family. Cancer longs for security and stability. People of this sign want a solid financial foundation and a home they can enjoy. Capricorn's ambition excites Cancer who understands the importance of goal setting.

Home and business will be closely interconnected. Cap would make a great business partner with Cancer. This pair could build a dynasty and love every moment working together to create it. Cancer will expect Taurus to come charging in, but will be pleasantly surprised by the bull's sense of style and taking things slowly - at first. Taurus' sensual nature and deep appreciation for beauty will quickly win over the sensitive Cancer.

The Bull's love of the finer things in life fits in with Cancer's appreciation for creating a home. Together, this pair knows what they want, and they can have it all. This match moves along at a snail's pace. Virgo doesn't take risks, especially when it comes to love.

Virgos want to be sure their Cancer partners are really as good as they seem. Time is the biggest tester of authenticity, and Virgo isn't in any hurry to rush into this relationship and create a situation where there is no way out.

First things must come first, and understanding mysterious Cancer is the first priority. The first thing Virgos notice is how much Cancer needs their help in getting life organized and prioritized. Once trust is established, the relationship will move steadily forward and can grow into a profound love of deep appreciation for each other.

Cancer's emotions are always close to the surface. It only takes a very light scratching to find the wellspring of emotions that can scare off most air signs and extinguish passionate fire signs. On the flip-side, just the thought of being blasted with hot air makes Cancer cringe.

If Cancers won't let a fire sign in, they can't expect those signs to interpret their actions or read their minds. Finally, a Cancer and a fire sign have over-the-top magnetism with each other, and they'll bring each other to the outer reaches of pleasure.

Super in tune with their bodies and sensuality, their passionate flings belong in record books, even if the relationship doesn't stand the test of time. Falling in love with a Cancer?

Summary of Cancer compatibility

Compassionate, intuitive, and blessed with the ability to make you feel like you're the only other person in the solar system, a Cancer is a clear choice for a partner. However, this sign is incredibly choosy and wants to make sure that you're worthy of him or her. Cancers aren't looking for a fling, and they will hold a grudge if you cross them.

Here are a few other things to note as you're trying to capture a Cancer's heart:.

Cancer Compatibility and Water Signs

Cancer hates pick-up lines, and can smell insincerity a mile away. Do some research on your Cancer by checking his or her Instagram profile or Twitter feed—the Crab won't think you're a stalker and will appreciate that you took the time for a virtual background check.

Even on a first date, don't be afraid to share favorite childhood memories, most painful moments, and "Why are we really here? Cancer loves diving deep into the mysteries of life and will spend hours talking about feelings.


Cancer thrives when there's plenty of time to hang out as a couple. Although Cancers treasure their friends and family, they need "just the two of us" time to recharge and reconnect, and a busy schedule filled with other friends can knock Cancer off kilter—and your seduction off track. A relationship with Cancer is a time investment, but you just know that it'll be worth your while.

Passionate, intense, and eager for a complete meld of mind and body, Cancer loves head-to-toe pampering and pleasuring, and considers slow, leisurely foreplay just as essential as the main act. Cancer deeply feels every inch of his or her body, and needs a lover who can sensuously touch every inch of skin. As a water sign, the Crab gladly starts lovemaking in the shower or bath, or trading long, luxurious massages.

Cancer may be happy to talk for ages in other situations, but once clothes come off, this sign is more than satisfied communicating in sighs and moans.

To make love to a Cancer, give generously. Endless oral sex, touching everywhere, and uninhibited body worship will pay off—and this generous sign will happily return every favor.

Cancer loves trading off roles in the bedroom, and may be dominant or submissive as the mood dictates. Subtly playing with power balances through BDSM exploration can be fun for Crabs, as it engages both their body and mind in the bedroom. When it comes to positions, Cancer isn't interested in bells and whistles, and far prefers a position that allows plenty of eye contact, such as the coital alignment technique CAT , a twist on missionary where the partners are both at eye level.

Finally, Cancer can't get enough of lazy, naked days and mornings in bed, so making sure to allow plenty of skin-on-skin contact and naked cuddling is essential to keep your favorite Cancer as happy as possible.

  1. What Signs Are Compatible With Cancer? | LoveToKnow.
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  7. Cancer Horoscope: Cancer Zodiac Sign Dates Compatibility, Traits and Characteristics.

Cancer women have deep emotional reserves and use them to lavish love on their partner, but in order to feel safe, Cancer needs permission to feel without sensing that her partner is trying to "fix" them.

Crying doesn't mean that a Cancer is "broken" or weak. Cancer women need their partners to recognize their emotional strength and resilience, and to understand that sharing emotions is their way of sharing love.

Cancer compatibility

It can't be emphasized enough that Cancer women don't want a partner to "fix" their problems—they want their partner to listen and provide nonjudgmental support.

Be honest with yourself. Before you can effectively communicate with a Cancer woman, check in with yourself to know how you feel, where you stand, and who you are. A Cancer woman cannot abide dishonesty, especially when people are dishonest with themselves.

Honesty goes far in this bond. A Cancer man may seem cool and aloof, but trust that he's incredibly emotional under the surface. There's a reason why Cancer's spirit animal is the Crab.

He needs that tough shell to survive and endure the world around him. If you love a Cancer man, let him come out of that shell on his own, because asking what's wrong or otherwise prodding him will only make him turn inward. A Cancer man needs his space, and giving it to him—and trusting that he'll be faithful—will go far in this relationship.

Talk is just one way that Cancers communicate. There's also touch, listening, and simply being present in the same room. A Cancer man communicates just as much with caresses and hugs as he does with his words.

Which Star Signs is Cancer Most Compatible With? |

To effectively communicate with a Cancer man, get to know all of his emotional vibrational frequencies. This includes understanding when he's ready for conversation or when he needs a little more time to digest information on his own.

Cancer & Capricorn: Love Compatibility

Smart, soulful, and achingly romantic, a Cancer ensures that passion, love, and romance will be hot, hot, hot even when you're both old and gray. Of course, Cancers have their infamous moods, but learning how to navigate those emotional waters and giving your Crab space when he or she needs it will only make your connection stronger.

Cancer will always have your back, even when it feels the whole world is turned against you, and this sign couldn't care less about material things.

Cancer traits

Reversals of fortune won't bother your Cancer mate, and he or she will always buoy you up while helping you stay in tune to the emotional side of life.

Intense and soulful, Cancer can easily make you feel like the only person in the room. They can apply that same charm to everyone , from their boss to their neighbor to their barista.

  • Which Star Signs Should Cancer Date?;
  • born 13 february gemini horoscope.
  • What Signs Are Compatible With Cancer?.
  • Here's how to tell that you're truly the only one in their orbit. Emotional Crabs aren't shy about sharing all of their feelings with people they trust—but when they put up walls, it means trouble. Pay attention to when the Cancer you love says "nothing" is wrong—especially if he or she doesn't explain the full situation later.

    Passionate Cancers also communicate with their body, so if they begin resisting physical advances or stop initiating sex, it can indicate a larger problem in the relationship. To everyone except the people in their innermost circle, Cancer seems like he or she has everything together: