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Most chart output will not display fractional seconds but the fractions are used internally for computation. When you click on the time zone map image, an extensive help page will appear which explains more details of the time zone map, and reveals some secrets for special data entry requirements. Please try it out.

In some very rare cases a user may have better information about time zones and daylight saving time than the database used here. For example, there are areas of doubt for some years in Vietnam, and for many parts of the former Soviet Union. In such cases it may be necessary to select a manual time zone in the pull-down list. To return to automatic time zone, please select the top item in the list.

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Years before A. If the year 79 A. For the year 5 A. The program usually assumes Gregorian calendar dates. If a Julian calendar date is required, please, enter "jul" after the year number, e. For most historical data before the year you will want to enter "jul".

We have decided not to take care of the calendar switch by an automatic feature. Many history books have converted historical dates to the Gregorian system, while other sources have kept the dates in the original Julian system. There is no way for our computer to know what your source of the birth data did in regard to this calendar conversion.

Attention, the astronomical year counting is to be used. The historical year 3 B. The difference arises from the fact that the historical counting style has no year zero, while the astronomical style allows for the year zero.

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2019 Days and Dates

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