February horoscopes for leo

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  3. Horoscope for February 2019 for Leo

You might also want to hide feelings or information from others and yourself if you are uncomfortable in certain situations. While Venus here takes on the mysterious face of Scorpio, she is still loving and passionate.

This alignment can be interesting in the bedroom, as the 8th house also rules sex and rebirth. You might channel your seductive, mysterious energy with your partner, embracing a completely different side of your sexy self.

Let yourself go and enjoy it, Leo!

My Horoscopes

Mercury also begins in your 7th house of love, wouldn't you know it! This is a very positive alignment for relationships and intimacy. Communication is highly important, and sometimes, you are so eager to "wow" your lover, that you might forego talking with them.

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Now, with Mercury on your side, you will be a partner of words and actions. Mercury encourages you here to speak openly, honestly, and compassionately in your one-on-one relationships. If there are any issues in your partnerships that need to be addressed, it is best to tackle these towards the first half of the month, before Mercury leaves this house.

When Mercury transits on the 17th, he enters into the 8th house. You might be more perceptive than usual, and notice unconscious exchanges between others.

Leo Monthly Horoscope

You will realize that what people say is often in their body language and expressions, rather than in their words. You will also be curious about what is unsaid or hidden. You might be attracted to mysterious individuals, especially as you are interested in what motivates people this month. Mars is in your 5th house of play and pleasure all month long.

You are the ruling sign of this house, and Mars is your partner in crime here! This alignment indicates that you live life to the fullest. You are likely to work hard and play hard during February.

You might put a lot of energy into work, but only if it provides you with a gratifying amount of pleasure. You need to enjoy what you do this month, otherwise, you might forsake work for just play.

You will be attracted to those who are exciting, energizing, and passionate.

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While the planets encourage you to find a balance between pleasure and hard work, Mars takes on a different side here.

Instead of being aggressive and controlling, he is fun-loving, playful, and joyous. Your enthusiasm and love for life are infectious right now, and those around you will love you for it! You might be so eager and restless to go out on adventures that you have trouble focusing, so make sure you do not over schedule yourself.

You are certainly a risk taker in general, but this trait is more pronounced in this alignment.

Leo Horoscopes February 2018

The best day for relationships is the 3rd, when Mercury in the 7th house trines Jupiter in the 4th house. This triangular connection between your love house and the family house will make an excellent day for getting together with family members and loved ones.

If you are unable to see certain people who are important to you, make the effort to call them today.

Horoscope for February 2019 for Leo

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