January 22 birthdays horoscope

Sabian Symbol
  1. Mercury enters Capricorn
  2. Day Of Week
  3. January 22 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile
  4. January 22 Birthday Astrology

Mercury enters Capricorn

Aquarians born on January 22 can do amazing things. They are talented and usually enjoy calling attention to themselves.

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Able to find the uniqueness in each experience, they enjoy the resonance of negative as well as positive emotions. Although it may seem as if January 22 individuals cultivate friends who will adore and praise them, they are more interested in being a friend than having friends.

Their love life is often tumultuous. They are attracted to glamorous types who mirror their own dark side. People born on January 22 may distance themselves from childhood if it represents values they no longer espouse, yet they look back on that time with gratitude and affection.

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Whether or not they become parents, they tend to be involved with children. January 22 people have unique ideas about keeping healthy.

Day Of Week

They need to be more selective about their health maintenance. Where exercise is concerned, they have a tendency to overdo or ignore it. Not surprisingly their uncompromising approach to life will earn them a number of critics along the way, but opposition neither surprises nor disturbs them.

Honor and being true to themselves are important, and they will always do what they know to be right, regardless of what others think. This is a high-risk approach to life that has its dangers, but they should never be scared to be themselves—others will respect, admire and ultimately benefit from them for it.

People born on January 22 Zodiac are never short of admirers but they may find relationships challenging as their head is always off in a new direction. They are prone to mood swings and are drawn toward intelligent and progressive thinkers who share their love of adventure and constant change.

However, once they find a partner who is able to keep up and cope, they really do enjoy and benefit from the peace and stability a close relationship can bring.

January 22 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile

People born on this day tend to live life in the fast lane so they need to watch their blood pressure and susceptibility to stress-related illnesses.

As far as diet is concerned regular meals and snacks are essential to keep their energy levels high, and they should never go on fasts or extreme diets. Vigorous exercise is recommended to help them work off some of that energy, as are mind-body therapies, such as meditation, that can help them get in touch with their inner self.

Hey there!

Wearing, meditating and surrounding themselves with light green and blue will encourage them to take action and to enjoy moderation. They make great travel guides, pilots, astronauts, airline personnel and navigators, as well as accomplished journalists, actors, musicians, artists, poets and even chefs.

Whatever career they choose, these multi-talented individuals need action and constant challenge, otherwise they quickly lose interest.

January 22 Birthday Astrology

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to control their tendency to flit from one project to another, one relationship to the next, without exploring fully or really getting to know another person.

Once they have learned the importance of patience and introspection, they have the potential to amaze those around them, whatever they choose to do. Your email address will not be published.