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  2. Cancer Horoscope for November - Susan Miller Astrology Zone
  3. Compatibility Guide

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Your recipient can use any digital device to view their emailed daily horoscopes, or to pull them off a browser, as long as the device has Internet connection capabilities. Register Now Step 1: Monthly, 3-Months, and Yearly.

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Once you complete your checkout you will begin receiving your daily forecasts via email the next day. You can also login above after your purchase is complete to view your daily horoscope right away. The three-month and full year options reflect a built-in percent discount. Related The New Royals. He is a Virgo with Capricorn rising and she is a Leo with Cancer rising.

I think we have to define what rising means and in astrology it's very important. It's equally important to your sun sign. Let's look at the royal family because when you're getting married you marry the whole family.

Cancer Horoscope for November - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

What's remarkable about this family is that they are all water and earth signs , all of them. The Queen is Taurus earth , I don't know her rising. Charles is Scorpio water and his wife Camilla is Cancer water.

If you look at this, it's remarkable. What do you use to put out fire? Meghan's Cancer rising is very good and it saves the day.

What's interesting is both William and Harry looked for Cancer in their mates, and these are echoes of Diana who was Cancer. So they were looking for that nurturing, loving, sweetness, that their mother had and they found it in their wives.

The water rising is going to help her a lot, if she didn't have Cancer rising it would have been hard. But being a Leo and an American, you're a little bit more relaxed and a little more forward, a little less reserved and she'll have to download that part and just being an American.

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She can be herself with him because he loves her but with the family It doesn't really hit home until you have children. It's not just your baby, it's the families baby. And that's the way it is because its a good thing since the family is interested in the child, buys it presents, and reads to it, everyone comes around and supports it.

She's going to have the baby pretty fast by the way I think by November because she's a Leo and Jupiter is going into the fifth house of love and baby in November. Talking about changing your life you have to quickly eyeball what I wrote for Leo for this month because?

And I wrote, wow you could become famous this month, and you may fall in love with someone foreign, and she did all these things happened.

And she is 12 degrees Leo, so that eclipse was right on her sun, which would changer her life and even the way she saw herself. And because it's in the first house, it changes your name.

Not only your looks but your name, and she's going to be the Duchess of something. So let's look at her chart. She's got four planets in Libra. The only other person I know with that is Kim Kardashian.

Compatibility Guide

If you plan to be on the road at this time for a vacation, you will find great joy on this particular journey. If you are in college, the same is true, for the ninth house rules the campus setting, too.

Even with travel or study aside, having Neptune contacting the Sun and your ruler, the moon, is an inspirational, heavenly vibration. If you are looking for authentic love, circulate, for you might find it this month. Some readers may not want to have a baby or new love, so this new moon will also offer you something else—magical ideas for new artistic expressions.

After November 7, be determined to focus on your craft, for your output is likely to impress influential people who will go out of their way to help you. The strange thing is, the universe is speaking in riddles, for Venus will be retrograde, a holdover from last month, October 5 to November With the planet of love and beauty sleeping, it is not considered an ideal time to start a new relationship.

It is also not the time to make dramatic changes in your appearance, so no Botox, and delay a facelift. Avoid untried dermatological treatments new to you , and avoid cosmetic dental work. With our new subscription service you get forecasts for your sign each day of the year from the top astrologer in the world.