Taurus january 13 compatibility

More Horoscopes for Taurus
  1. Taurus and Capricorn - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life
  2. Taurus Traits
  3. Taurus - Taurus Love Horoscope & Compatibility
  4. Taurus Traits

When Venus and Neptune meet, a beautiful spiritual connection is made.

Taurus and Capricorn - Compatibility in Sex, Love and Life

Both of these celestial bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Together, they represent an idealistic relationship which borders on the divine. Jupiter adds its masculine energy to the combination; this Planet represents philosophy, expansion and excesses.

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These two Signs together can produce the kind of union both dream of; it may seem like heaven on Earth to both. This kind of heady, dreamy connection can be rooted in just that — dreams, illusions, fantasy.

These two Elements are generally quite compatible, as both Water and Earth are tangible, physical entities. They should take care, though — too much of a good thing can turn Earth to mud.

Taurus Traits

Where Taurus is steady, stubborn, practical and focused, Pisces likes the feeling of moving from one thought to the next according to fancy.

As a gift in return, Pisces will be a very supportive and loving partner. Pisces can show Taurus that mutability is sometimes better than a fixed determination to do things one way, and one way only.


This couple loves to indulge in material possessions. They want to possess and be surrounded by beautiful things — a lovely home, designer clothing, luxurious cars, works of art.

Taurus - Taurus Love Horoscope & Compatibility

They possess a quiet, steadfast determination. Instead of finding this dull or restrictive, Capricorn regards it as a good, comforting thing: Taurus is clearly dedicated to the relationship.

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The similarity of their values and their dedication to the same goals. Both partners enjoy luxury and nice things, and they share resources well.

Daily Planetary Overview

Their mutual interests make theirs a highly compatible relationship. Click here to enter Free Psychic Chat.

Taurus Traits

Check the love potential between you and your partner or potential partner , and how you can improve your relationship. Games Taurus and Capricorn Love Compatibility.
