February 17 birthday love horoscope

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  1. February 17 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality
  2. Love and Compatibility for February 17 Zodiac
  3. February 17 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality
  4. February 17 horoscope

No matter if they enjoy the attention of everyone around them, they will attract views and gossip their way, always looking for a place to fit into, estranged from their close relationships only to find new, more fulfilling ones. Such a close encounter of the Sun with Uranus always brings archetypal trouble with one's father and all sorts of authority issues.

On the other hand, it is a connection of incredible forces rolled into one, and it is within a person's power to find the golden middle and transform any idea into reality, bringing dreams down to Earth. This combination gives lightning and incredible warmth, leading one to work over their limits only to "explode" and give up on an entire segment of life, too fast to be understood and too prone to create stress.

If this person finds a way to enjoy some freelance work, we will see them cutting extremely close to deadlines because the rush of the last moment helps them excel. The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 17th of a leap year and a year preceding it:.

The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 17th of two years following a leap year:. These Sabian symbols obviously speak of transformation and a deep change one needs to go through to serve a certain purpose. A painful process must exist in order for a person to get out of their cocoon or find a meaning in their hurtful circumstances.

There is no mention of any human here, although the first symbol implies the existence, and all things that happen in lives of those born on this day seem to be guided by forces of nature and the circumstantial, rarely provoked by any person.

Love Compatibility

People born on the 17th of February have a task to discover their own power of will and personality, shining a light on their shadows and dark places to evolve.

It is a stressful incarnation that keeps bouncing them back to their ego, decisions, and solitude if they don't manage to find middle ground with other people, especially those in charge.

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  • February 17 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile.
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As they build a healthy image of Self and their self-esteem grows, it becomes obvious that all they have taken personally wasn't personal at all, and their childish role ends so that the creative one may show. When a person is born on the 17th of February, their warmth and need for excitement will probably push them into very different relationships throughout their lifetime.

February 17 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

They are spontaneous and willing to experiment and try out many approaches, and will bump into people who fit their current state of mind perfectly. Looking for someone to talk to and have an adventure with, they will usually become distant when things get serious, for as long as they aren't ready to find actual admiration for another human being.

As they get older, their need to settle down kicks in, but stability will be hard to reach if they don't find the right amount of self-respect along the way. Once they start following their creative side and truly engage in strange activities that attract them, many new emotional relationships could come their way, as if the door to those who think alike open.

Love and Compatibility for February 17 Zodiac

Brave steps into weirdness lead them towards emotional recognition of others and heal their hearts. A person born on the 17th of February feels best when occupied with extremely creative work that no one else has done before. They work fast and well under pressure, connecting to the realm of ideas as soon as something pushes them over their own limits.

In time, they can become excellent managers and leaders, but only if their career has had enough innovative and bold moves to make them proud. The incredible endurance, intelligence and stamina of people born on this day mean they are able to achieve a level of self-mastery and resulting satisfaction to which others can only aspire.

Once they figure out what they are best at, there is nothing that can stop them achieving remarkable things with their life. People born on February 17 Zodiac can be distant and inflexible in close personal relationships. If they are to have a chance of success and happiness in relationships they need to address this.

Although they have no problem attracting admirers, they do find it hard to open up to others.

February 17 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

But once they find a partner who can encourage them to give as well as take, they are loyal, caring and endlessly fascinating partners. People born on this day push themselves hard in all areas of their life and the physical is no exception.

Whether or not they are sportsmen or women, they tend to regard themselves as athletes in training and will often take great care of their physical health through attention to diet and exercise.

  1. Mars enters Aries.
  2. February 17 Birthday Horoscope .
  3. February 17th Zodiac - Astrology Zodiac Signs.
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  5. Others may be neglectful of their health when there are deadlines to consider, so moderation is just as important as self-discipline. They would benefit from a healthy diet low in saturated fats and sugar to reduce the risk of circulatory problems, and an exercise routine in which they can clearly monitor their improvement, such as weight-training.

    Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with shades of green will help remind them of the importance of balance in their personal and professional lives. These people love to unravel a mystery and can be drawn to careers in law or the police. They also have a talent for writing and self-expression and may be drawn to careers in journalism, writing or education.

    They also make great athletes, artists and scientists and, because they generally thrive in careers which demand great self-discipline and self-motivation, they may also be attracted to management, charity work, social reform, or self-employment.

    February 17 horoscope

    The life path of people born on this day is to learn to place as much importance on their personal happiness as the pursuit of their goals. Once they have learned a sense of balance, their destiny is to influence and inspire others with their considerable vitality and self-discipline.

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    Born On The 17th? (Numerology Of 17)