Venus sign compatibility astrology

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  2. Here’s How To REALLY Find Out If You’re Compatible, Based On Your Astrology Birth Chart
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  • Venus Sign Compatibility in Relationships ⋆ Astromatcha.
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  • Love Sign Compatibility: Astrology/Zodiac!

The means by which you attempt to regain a sense of control will vary depending on the type of Venusian Scorpio you are. Your partner, however, has an entirely different view of partnership.

He or she wants it to be fun, while you will gladly sacrifice fun for intensity. Learning to blend these distinctly different styles and values can be challenging, but with success, very rewarding!

Venus in Gemini: Astrology of Love & Compatibility

This is considered an easier pairing than most because both of your Venus signs are in Water. Both of you take commitment rather seriously, and neither of you is frivolous with your feelings and expressions. In fact, you live for it! The attraction between the two of you is magnetic, deeply felt, and has the potential to withstand the test of time if other factors in synastry support it.

Communication should be as open as possible, as both of you tend towards holding silent grudges at times. However, the empathy that runs between you can soften any hard angles in your relationship. You and your partner can be possessive of each other, which may become a big issue between you. When Leo and Scorpio mix, we are faced with the mixing of Fire and Water.

Water Scorpio has the power to put out Fire Leo. Leo and Scorpio are both fixed signs, which means each of you is quite loyal and possibly very stubborn!

Love Sign Compatibility: Astrology/Zodiac

Both of you hold on to partnerships, so it is quite likely that your relationship will last long. However, neither of you is particularly flexible, and both of you are quite proud.

Jealousies and clashes of will are very possible with this combination. In partnerships where money is shared, how each of you spends money will likely be a big issue.

There can be a lot of passion between you, as both of you have strong appetites, but the bedroom can be yet another battleground for you and your partner.

When you withhold sex, generally because you are feeling unloved or unappreciated, your partner takes it very personally. Despite the fact that you both have strong sexual appetites, there can be periods of abstinence between you.

However, each of you will find much to appreciate in each other. Neither of you shies away from a relationship when it gets intense. This is an intense, often rocky, and passionate pairing. If you sense passion and commitment is missing or waning, you may go to any means often subtle to keep the relationship from becoming boring.

This is because you can be somewhat addicted to emotional excitement. Neither of you is frivolous about committed relationships, and if you and your partner are committed to each other, this pairing can be hard to break.

Here’s How To REALLY Find Out If You’re Compatible, Based On Your Astrology Birth Chart

This pairing combines Venusian Earth your partner and Water you. Problems generally arise between the differences in focus. Both of you are committed to making your relationship last, but your partner values practical expressions of commitment, while you value emotional ones.

Subtle control issues may be the source of problems over time. As long as game-playing is kept to a minimum, this relationship has many strengths and much potential. Your partner values commitment, and so do you. Both of you are focused on togetherness, albeit in different ways!

Your lover, on the other hand, is most interested in companionship and outward expressions of togetherness. There is unquestionably an attraction between you. Although you are notorious for your mysteriousness, you can actually consider your Venus in Libra partner to be somewhat of a puzzle! You may find your lover to be emotionally distant and overly focused on superficial togetherness at the expense of intimacy.

This fundamental difference can at once attract you to each other and be the source of some provocative difficulties in your relationship as time goes by. Finding a common ground may not be obviously easy, but commitment to your partnership may be the strongest mutual goal. Your similarities in approach to love can either strengthen your relationship or make you wary of each other!

Often, it is a combination of both. Both of you are intense lovers, wanting emotional involvement more than anything from a relationship.

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You will certainly get it from each other, but Scorpio, perhaps more than most signs, needs a partner to complement, with enough differences to keep things interesting.

Neither of you is comfortable with a partnership that is completely comfortable or predictable. Your relationship will never get to that point.

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The only red flag here is that each of you needs someone to soften your sharp edges, and your relationship may be even too much of an emotional rollercoaster for either of your liking! If both of you are at an emotionally healthy point in your lives, and with understanding, you can certainly forge out a strong commitment.

Passions will be strong, although stand-offs may be frequent and almost unbearable. If you make the time to appreciate each other, there will be considerable mutual respect and common goals in this relationship. This is a case of two side-by-side signs, with two very different ways of expressing love, trying to relate.

The result can be awkward and a little messy, but can certainly work with awareness and understanding.

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You approach love relationships with intensity. Your partner is intense in a different way. He or she is a fiery lover, focused on action and the passion of the moment, while your passion runs more deeply and is considerably more emotional.

Experience is important to your partner. He or she does not always come across as constant with affections, and this fact can be frustrating to you. You can be somewhat possessive in love, but your partner chokes when he or she feels caged in.

You may find your partner somewhat flighty and inconstant, and he or she may be bewildered by your greater than average need for intimacy.

Still, you will thoroughly enjoy the fresh air that your partner breathes into the relationship. Life is always exciting with a Venus in Sagittarius lover! Your partner will consider you astute and will appreciate your depth of perception.

This can be a rocky partnership, but highly stimulating at the same time. The passion your partner senses in you is, of course, real, and this thought excites your mate.

Although other lovers may find your partner a tad reserved and perhaps even undemonstrative in love, you have a way of making him or her feel extraordinary.

Because your partner both fears and craves intimacy, you are probably one of the most ideal people to get to him or her. You both have strong personalities, in different ways, and this may cause some tension at times. This is a stimulating combination, one with a lot of give and a lot of take.

If anything, you will certainly never be bored with each other. Perhaps what your partner appreciates most about you is your ability to see past his or her defenses. Fortunately for you, you will get to experience all that is inside your Venus in Capricorn lover, and it is unlikely you will be disappointed.

This is one of the more challenging combinations! Love with you is certainly dramatic, to say the least. You tend to be attracted to charisma and power, as well as people with more flamboyant and larger-than-life personalities.

Still, you tend to be reserved and slow to open up, which may come across as unwilling to some.

Love Sign Compatibility: Matches for Libra

Relationships are a huge part of your world. In fact, you can grow rather obsessive about love, and you want all of your partner, not just pieces of them. You work best with someone who can go along with your last-minute plans and who can be fun, spontaneous, and unrestrained. You prefer comfort and stability in your relationships, probably because you offer the same to your partners.

Infatuations are easy, but love? You are the literal definition of hopeless romantic. Everything about love is magical to you, and deep down, you believe strongly in miracles, soulmates, and true love.

If you had a choice, your whole life would be one giant rom com — and in some ways, I bet it already is. You care very deeply for others and may struggle to draw boundaries in a relationship. Callie is a professional Thought Catalog blogger by day and an amateur Tumblr blogger by night.

At the end of the day, you have two choices in love — one is to accept someone just as they are and the other is to walk away. To help you do that, we created a functional backpack with the everyday artist in mind. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday.

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A website by Thought. Leo, Sagittarius Worst Venus matches: Capricorn, Virgo Worst Venus matches: Libra, Aquarius Worst Venus matches: Virgo, Pisces Venus in Cancer For you, love and domesticity goes hand-in-hand.