Aquarius born on january 20 horoscope

Love and Compatibility for January 20 Zodiac
  1. Hey there!
  2. January 20 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality
  3. Aquarius Personality: January 20 - February 18 | HowStuffWorks
  4. January 20 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

Charming and sociable, you seem to make friends easily but the more trust and respect you give someone, the more you ask from them. You also crave for a likeminded partner and prefer to be challenged rather than conquer straight away.

Prepare to read a special report below. The zodiac sign for January 20 is Aquarius. This is the symbol of the Aquarius zodiac for people born January 20 - February It suggests freshness, rejuvenation, progress and responsibility. The Aquarius Constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, with the brightest star being alpha Aquarii.

This sign as the opposite or complementary of Aquarius reveals friendliness and entertainment and shows how these two sun signs have similar goals in life but they reach to them differently. The modality exposes the faithful nature of those born on January 20 and their expansion and impatience in regard to most existential aspects.

This house symbolizes dreams, higher goals and friendship and reveals why these have always played an important part in the lives of Aquarians. This combination suggests evaluation and enlightenment. The Uranus name comes from the owner of the skies in Greek mythology. Uranus is also representative for the diligence of these natives' existences.

This element makes things heat up in association with fire, evaporates water and feels suffocated in combination with earth. Air signs born on January 20 are versatile and creative intellectuals.

This planning day for those born under Aquarius is ruled by Mars thus symbolizes impulse and fervor. People born on January 20 have a great interest in higher concepts and are both autonomous and very amicable. Just like a true Aquarius, they are eager social beings who turn into real investigators when they are inquisitive about something, be it a thing or a person.

They appreciate good conversations and ingenious challenges.

Hey there!

They dislike ordinary and having to deal with stupid people. Those born under this sign enjoy settings where they can experience new things. These Aquarius natives have pleasing personalities and are both conscientious and honorable.

Eager and broad minded they often surprise those close to them with their potent insight on life matters. They are appreciated and respected in their circle of mates and try to instill the same behavior in most of their life relations.

One of the things Aquarius needs to learn is to stop acting like they know it all because it not only drives people away but they tend to become very arrogant and self sufficient. Those born on this day are rebellious, sometimes for no particular reason.

They sometimes lack concentration. They are at times impractical and stubborn with their fixed ideas.

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They are aloof at heart but they try to hide their awkwardness by being overly sociable and friendly. Lovers born on January 20 are versatile and ingenious.

January 20 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality

They do know how to conquer someone one they get passionate, not only they know how to charm their way through words but also with gestures. They are attracted to active and unpredictable person who can keep them guessing but also keep up with their energy.

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For the sociable Aquarius, love comes fast and goes even faster. Emotional life of people born on the 20th of January is quite a rollercoaster, for they are born with an intense set of feelings and trying to shove them under the rug for the most of their lifetime.

Aquarius Personality: January 20 - February 18 | HowStuffWorks

It is typical for them to attract and choose partners who will hurt them in some way, just so they can rationalize and move on, closing their heart bit by bit, year after year.

If they stop nurturing the child within, they could become distant and closed, drawn apart from the rest of the world and lonely in their attempt to protect their sensitive insides. It is the system of beliefs and their pink goggles that define the direction in which their love life will move.

People born on this date need to know instead of guessing, and feel with every fiber of their being that they have found the right person to be with, to be able to create the sense of belonging they wish for.

Those born on January 20th often turn out to be excellent mediators, matchmakers, or peacemakers. Depending on their own state of the emotional world and their relationships within the family they were born into, they will have the potential needed to move in a meaningful direction.

Either their sense of childish security will remain with them for a long time, or leave them too early for their life to develop to an impressive future. A very good crystal to fit the needs of a January 20th personality is malachite.

Its protective properties give a person room to create a barrier towards the outer world, leaving enough time and energy to deal with everything that goes on within.

It will aid one to open their heart to others and bring harmonious energy to all types of relationships. To make a person born on January 20th happy, one needs to realize that they have something like a split personality within. To be on the safe side, it is always a good choice to turn to their need for learning or travel and get them a plane ticket to a destination they always wanted to visit, or a book on philosophy they wish to read.

Choose a powerful picture for their home or a session with a therapist if they are open enough, but be careful not to go against their self-image and ego. They are constantly learning, adapting and perfecting their skills, and these qualities helps them climb the ladder of success, sometimes to the very top.

Others may sometimes mistake people born on this day as dreamy, disorganized and scatter-brained. Although they give the appearance of confusion, every detail is stored in their methodical and analytical mind and they simply have an original way of approaching life.

They are capable of remarkable endurance, their flexible style ensuring that they overcome the toughest of setbacks with their sense of humor intact.

People born on this day have a genuine compassion and love for people, and will go to extraordinary lengths to help them.

January 20 Zodiac is Aquarius - Full Horoscope Personality

They are typically supportive of the underdog but when they are thrown into the role of leader they can come across as dictatorial. It is important for them to carefully consider their approach to leadership, given that their attitude toward the authority of others tends to be light-hearted rather than respectful.

Although they appear tough, the respect of others is extremely important, sometimes too important to them. They need to learn to trust their own judgments more as they are usually right. Fortunately, around the age of thirty there is often a turning point which heightens their sense of self-worth and emphasizes the need for working with their gut instinct.

The considerable personal charm and flexibility that characterizes people born on this day suggests that they have the potential to become wellrounded personalities.