Leo career february 2019 horoscope

  1. Monthly Horoscope by Moon Sign
  2. Leo 2019 Horoscope Month by Month
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Those born under the Leo sign are vigorous people, their physical constitution being concordant with the efforts they make, and this is why the natives need to have a diet that, first and foremost, offers the caloric intake necessary for performing the daily activities.

Anatomically, the organism of most Leo natives has a vulnerable part — the heart, more exactly the aorta artery, which distributes oxygenated blood from the heart to all parts of the body, thus ensuring the required vitality flow.

They also need an alimentation able to maintain the blood vitality and a good blood circulation, this is why they are advised to consume fried or boiled beef, chicken or liver, or light, non-fat sauces.

Monthly Horoscope by Moon Sign

However, since this is a Fire sign, the natives should avoid an excessive consumption of Fire, and we are referring here at aliments that contain this type of element — the condiments.

Even though they prefer tasty foods, they are not gourmands like the Taurus or the Cancer natives, having a preference for simple menus such as the light, but rich country foods. Also recommended for them are the vegetable rich in iron, such as spinach, sweet potato, broccoli as well as raisins, dates, plums, pears, and oranges, especially for the citric acid which, for them, constitutes the basic element in terms of their preferred taste — sour.

Other recommendation for them, containing magnesium phosphate, are rye products, peanuts, sunflower seeds, peaches, apples and lemons, beets, rice, and eggs, especially the yolk.

Leo 2019 Horoscope Month by Month

In general, them is full of energy, strong, resilient, with the tendency of wasting energy, exactly because he has plenty at his disposal. If the native systematically neglects his resting program or if food, alcohol or nicotine abuse is part of his excesses, his cardiovascular system — the vulnerable area of them — will have a lot to suffer.

Another sensitive area of those born under the Leo sign is the vertebral column — therefore, attention is required when lifting weights or making effort! January 21, Full Moon in Leo: Under the influence of this Full Moon there are chances that they find inside them the power to get rid of the past and all the negative perspectives from their lives and find the courage to move forward.

February 18, Sun enters Pisces: This is announced to be a quite active month in professional relationships. They will socialize and will work in the team. March 20, Sun enters Aries — Spring Equinox: It is announced to be a full of emotions March with intense experience in conjugal relationships.

They will enjoy spending time next to the one they love. It is going to be a month under the sign of harmony and family warmth.

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Mach , Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces: In March you are extremely active, so you are often overstrained, which brings a sort of pressure on them.

You must try to blend useful with pleasure if you want to avoid trouble, especially in the first half of the month when you are prone to infections and accidents.

Leo 2019 Extensive Astrology Horoscope

April 10 — August11, Jupiter retrograde: The days of of April find you in a good mood, so they are absolutely able to let oneself in for the difficult tasks from the office. April 30 — September 19, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn: April 24 — October 3, Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: On 28 they will have the opportunity to financial gain and on the 30 of April the chance to spend them will turn up.

May 18, Full Moon in Scorpio: June 21 — November 27, Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces: Now, more than ever, you feel the need for mental and spiritual balance. June 21, Sun enters Cancer — Summer Solstice: June means major success on the professional level, thanks to effort and intuition you have fulfilled, one by one, your targets.

July 23, Total Sun Eclipse: Your communication skills will be on the edge on July. You will handle many challenges involving negotiation, of solving by using words difficult issues both at work and at home.

July , Partial Moon Eclipse: It seems that in July the Stars smile to you, they are beeing in their favour in professional relationships.

July 8, in Leo — August 1, in Cancer Mercury retrograde in August 12, Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus: It is a limitless August. The energies are at their high. They are getting a lot of opportunities however they must not exaggerate with good living. Take care of your health.

September 23, Sun enters Libra: Positivity and sociability given on September 23 by the transit of the Sun through Libra help them to fit in among people without any problem.

They promote their interests with an increased strength of conviction and also have the opportunity to build reliable alliances thanks to this. Starting 20 of September, Saturns leaves the retrograde aspect in Capricorn, helping you to obtain major gains through the intercession of the professional partnership.

April 24 — October 3, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn: Stress is starting to work on your health, issues arise on expressing your creativity at your work-place.

November 27, Neptune returns to its direct trajectory in Pisces: This is the best time of the year when you can review your options and make plans in moving house, to arrange, redecorate. October 31 — November 20, Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio: November is announced to be quite animated in love life. It seems that you are counting on deep emotions, increased feeling, maximum heartbeat, and passion.

December 3 — December Jupiter comes out from Sagittarius and enters in Capricorn: Some reviews will be welcomed, especially at the workplace, on December 5, when Mercury and Jupiter will join forces. You could travel a long distance and if you do so you will be quite spontaneous on December This it will be a great day for original thoughts, for traveling or to find a bargain for Christmas presents.

December 22, Winter Solstice — Sun enters Capricorn: With or without the money they wanted, the winter holidays will be really magical for them. It is the first Christmas in many years, a time when Leos have been single, that they will spend in the arms of their soulmate. It will be a Christmas full of adventure. December 26, Sun Eclipse: The positive tone will reflect on the loved ones, so the family is going to be the perfect place for them to spend the Holidays.

This is a month for perfect plans and actions.

Star articles

All your efforts would bear fruit, and it would help you to progress. There will be merrymaking in the family which would give satisfaction. You will clear financial debts speedily which would give relief to you.

You will be honored socially for your tough work. Try to rectify the mistakes that you committed in the past for bettering your life.

You should increase your productivity in work. Your health will get streamlined, and you may get maximum relief.

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  • This is a good time for those who are in love. Your own decisions will prove to be perfect and effective. Domestic issues and issues related to your partner will get resolved. You will find a suitable alliance. You should have patience in everything. Divine Technique for Marital Harmony: Your financial necessities will get adequately fulfilled during this month.

    You should monitor expenditure which may go beyond limits.

    Leo horoscope - Exciting news! | jakubzidek.cz

    You will invest money in specific schemes for enhancing your savings. You will pay off most of the debts that were taken long back; this may give an idea about the available finance for investment.

    Divine Technique to Improve Financial Status: This is a good time for continuing your service to the maximum. You should avoid giving commitments to colleagues at work. You should also avoid giving or taking financial assistance which would probably put you at risk.