What is my horoscope sign for january 28

Planetary Row
  1. January 28
  2. January 28 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile
  3. January 28 Zodiac: Aquarius
  4. Birthday January 28 horoscope

However, going one step further we will see the story of two Suns, two different but complete personalities, meant to discover shared understanding and love for one another. The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on January 28th on a leap year or one of the two years preceding it:.

January 28 Aquarius Personality

A flag is just as much of a pose as any wax figure in this case, but transformation only comes when our animalistic nature is embraced and our plastic, invented one stays in the museum. There is a strong connection to nature behind these two symbols and it is imperative for those born on this date to stay true to themselves, their inner instincts, visions, and their real drive, instead of just posing for the world.

January 28th has a strange emphasis on emotional matters, things concerning one's family, relationships, and a strong bond created with their mother.

We will see that a family has an important role in a person's life, and while liberation comes as a given for anyone born an Aquarius, these individuals tend to return to their roots to set free from their core. Understanding and compassion define the only direction they should take, and it is togetherness that defines their level of success.

People born on the 28th of January have a big heart followed by strong passion and a tendency to fill it up with as many new experiences as possible, as soon as possible. It is of outmost importance for every single one of their relationships to have boundaries clearly set, both partners equally respecting their separate personal needs, supportive and there for each other.

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Their partner needs to be their equal, or the relationship will burst into flames in a matter of days. While they might get tied by emotions in a long-term bond that took their breath away, they will cut themselves loose without ever looking back if they are hurt and bruised, or they feel like their freedom is compromised.

January 28

It is not easy to hold all these emotions under control, and only when they realize how fragile they are and what kind of treatment they need, will they be able to find a partner to fulfill those needs.

While they might excel in sports, hunting and all sorts of aggressive activities, those born on the 28th of January have enough compassion and love to help those in need and truly make a difference in the world.

Their greatest impact will be felt through humanitarian work, or on a smaller scale — through their own family. Changes they will make in their private little world and on their own might define the future of the entire planet.

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These individuals affect the masses, other people, and if they use their energy for constructive work, they can become truly popular in whichever area of expertise they are passionate about.

To release emotional blockages, heal the heart and let go of fear, those born on January 28th should use rhodonite. This is a stone of forgiveness, acceptance and unconditional love for others, and it will support relationships in one's life. It will also stop them from making an action when angry, fearful or panicky.

Giving stability through meaningful relationships, this crystal will allow these individuals to set those boundaries and act through emotions of love just the same.

January 28 Zodiac - Complete Birthday Horoscope & Personality Profile

For a person born on the 28th of January, every little thing that has sentimental value is important, although they will resist their own emotions most of the time.

And above all, you can calculate your entire horoscope with many programmes that can be found online. Science has explained many things, answered many questions, showed that many beliefs of ancient nations are unfounded and erroneous, but astrology has remained almost the same as it was about years ago.

Astrology existed in the time before Copernicus, at a time when Earth was the centre of the world, at a time when the Sun circled the Earth.

In this and similar articles you can find so much information about your horoscope sign, and primarily about your date of birth, that also has specific information.

You can not disrupt people who are born on the January 28 or limit their freedom.

January 28 Zodiac: Aquarius

They are Aquariuses after all, and they appreciate their freedom above everything. They are the people who adore travelling, and they prefer adventures that are unusual, exotic and distant destinations, and not boring tours or cruises on the big ships that most people love, for example — they are different and are not afraid to show it.

These people are pioneers in every sense of the word and not one who only blindly follow others -they have their own rules and principles, and stubbornly stick to them. Almost all representatives of the January 28 have a very unusual and creative sense of communication — they talk so that, when you talk to these people you have the feeling that every corner of the world is theirs.

After all, they are true, honest and do not flee from their nature. Some theories say that even on their faces you can see the tenderness, and it is said that they will rarely have a rough appearance or a strict view. When we are talking about their ambition, we could say that these people are ambitious, but also very fair towards other people.

  1. January 28 Zodiac Birthday Horoscope Personality.
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  5. Daily horoscope.
  6. Love and Compatibility for January 28 Zodiac.
  7. They like to work in the team and to contribute constructively to the team. They will achieve the best results in any job when they have clear and defined tasks — it can be said that there are not top leaders as many Aquarius are , which in no way mean that they are unsuccessful.

    When it comes to love, they are very emotional, devoted, faithful partners and lovers, and they tend to be long-term relationships. Unlike many other representatives of the Aquarius sign in the Zodiac system of symbols, they hate experimenting in love and are prone to stability and strong connection with their partners.

    They are calling people, and maybe sometimes, they are partners who show a lot of compassionate nature.

    Birthday January 28 horoscope

    If you plan to win people who celebrate their birthdays on the January 28, try to be very moderate in everything you do. You must not put it to the thought that you are strenuous, persistent, lonely, unscrupulous. Emit gentle energy, be seductive and above all romantic. Regarding their life purpose, talents and their careers, we could say that the people of the January 28 are extremely talented in many ways than one.

    Art is the area where they shine the most, and even when their art is not a real-life call, they tend to show themselves in that sphere or through some hobby, or they will choose a creative work that will satisfy their artistic needs. They intend to make this world a better place, for all humanity, and this is something that is same for all people who are under the government of the Aquarius.

    Such a grandiose approach can act irresistibly when you first meet people of the January 28, and they are real geniuses when it comes to thoughts and new ideas.